For liberals, the ends justify the means.
Does this mean that the means chosen by the conservatives don't even have the justification of a beneficial end?
Did hundreds of thousands of Iraqis die for absolutely nothing?
One of the most devastatingly hilarious features of U.S. politics is the non-stop posturing of conservatives, the most murderous, racist, inhuman, dishonest and greed-driven of all of the human race, as they try to claim the moral high ground. These folks, whose thugs as we speak are torturing, raping and murdering around the globe in wars started by George W. Bush, are the "good guys" in their own estimation, to the point where in their insanity, they go so far as to claim that the liberals (the only people on earth to try to stop the conservatives' serial atrocities) as lacking in morals.
Irony doesn't even begin to describe it, but at least we can refute here and now one of the most asinine comments ever made, and say, Yes, Kramer, for liberals, some ends do justify some means, depending in most cases on what particular ends and what particular means we are dealing with. Get over it, man, that is just life. REAL life.