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'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« on: February 05, 2010, 10:24:32 AM »
'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
By Patrik Jonsson  Thu Feb 4, 3:20 pm ET

Of all the protest signs at all the rallies and town-hall meetings where people gathered last year to object to Washington's plans to save the US economy and reform healthcare, this hand-lettered one is memorable: "You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out."

That's the "tea party" movement in a nutshell.

The left paints the movement as a largely white and middle-class mob ? and as including kooks who equate President Obama with Joseph Stalin.

There's some truth to that view. But where some see a bunch of white people standing in the way of progress, others see a growing expression of dissatisfaction with what former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) calls the "neomonarchists."

Ahead of the Tea Party Nation convention in Nashville, Tenn., slated for Feb. 4-6, here's a look at the tea party movement ? its birth, its leadership, and its aspirations.

When ? and why ? was the tea party movement born?

CNBC editor Rick Santelli's on-air "rant" last February about a proposed mortgage bailout is widely considered to be the "big bang" moment for the birth of the movement.

A few days later, a couple of conservative foot soldiers ? John O'Hara of the Heartland Institute and J.P. Freire, then of The American Spectator ? wondered if there were a way to harness Mr. Santelli's frustration.

"You know what would be funny?" Mr. Freire mused to Mr. O'Hara, leading into a discussion that would become so much more than talk.

The pair organized "A New American Tea Party" rally outside the White House on Feb. 27, according to O'Hara's book about the movement. Six weeks later (around tax day), about 500,000 people took to the streets in small, medium, and large protests from San Francisco to Atlanta. Today, says O'Hara in a phone interview, "there are absolutely hundreds" of local and state tea party organizations.

Is the tea party a real populist movement or a front for big business?

No single person leads the tea party movement. Sympathizers and role players include conservative politicians Sarah Palin and Dick Armey, antitax crusader Grover Norquist, online organizer Eric Odom of the American Liberty Alliance, and media personalities such as talk radio's Mark Williams and Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.

But unheralded operatives, such as Brendan Steinhauser, campaign director for FreedomWorks and author of "The Conservative Revolution," created the backbone of the movement, establishing websites and Facebook pages that would become populated with fed-up voters.

Critics say it is being funded or co-opted by entrenched conservative powers like FreedomWorks, which recruits volunteers to lobby for smaller government and lower taxes. The Washington Post has reported that the tea party movement is, through FreedomWorks, tied to corporations like MetLife, Philip Morris, and "foundations controlled by the archconservative Scaife family."

"Nobody is saying that the passion is manufactured," says Chris Harris at MediaMatters, a media watchdog group on the left. "But partisan and pro-?business interests ? [are] using people's real passion in a way that protesters aren't meaning."

Tea partyers, however, say the amateur-hour feel of their movement proves it's a true grass-roots uprising. "You can't simultaneously call the movement fractured and incompetent and a vast right-wing conspiracy," says O'Hara.

What do tea partyers want?

The movement, in its essence, is about safeguarding individual liberty, cutting taxes, and ending bailouts for business while the American taxpayer gets burdened with more public debt. It is fueled by concern that the United States under Mr. Obama is becoming a European-style social democracy where individual initiative is sapped by the needs of the collective.

"The issue is no longer tea tariffs and imperial rule, but bailouts and handouts, stimulus in the face of deficits, cap and trade [on carbon emissions], universal healthcare ? dictated against the will and interest of the people, and at the peril of ? the nation as a whole" leading to "an inevitable blow-back in a battle over America's constitutional principles," writes O'Hara in "A New American Tea Party," which hit bookstores this month.

Is the tea party affiliated with the Republican Party?

Certainly more Republicans than Democrats show up at tea party events. But the movement's aim is to fight profligate spending by both parties in Washington. (GOP chairman Michael Steele was notably refused a spot on the speaking roster at a Chicago tea party event last year.)

In some ways, the tea party movement poses less of a challenge to Democrats than to Republicans, who must weigh the potential gains and pitfalls of courting far-right tea partyers against those of courting middle America. To what extent the tea party movement is middle America is the big question ? one that coming elections will help answer.

What has the tea party movement achieved so far?

It appears to be winning the image war, for one. Forty-one percent of American adults have a positive view of the tea party, compared with 35 percent for the Democrats and 28 percent for the GOP, according to a recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Tea partyers did transform the healthcare reform debate, some analysts say, after activists stormed town-hall meetings last summer.

Moreover, decisions by Democratic Sens. Christopher Dodd and Byron Dorgan not to run for reelection this year is an acknowledgment that they probably would have faced a tea-party-inspired populist backlash at the polls, say tea party watchers.

In Massachusetts, tea party organizers helped to funnel money and manpower to state Sen. Scott Brown's successful bid for the late Ted Kennedy's seat in the US Senate. The upset victory, wrote conservative columnist Mary Katharine Ham, shows that "Democrats fooled themselves into believing the town-hall/tea party caricature and ignored the feelings of real Americans."

What role do tea party activists envision playing in the 2010 elections?

For a template, look to an emerging showdown in Florida between Gov. Charlie Crist and former state House Speaker Marco Rubio over a US Senate seat. Tea partyers are backing Mr. Rubio and making a horse race out of a GOP primary that the popular Mr. Crist should have strolled through.

"The genie has been let out of the bottle," says Robert Watson, a political scientist at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla

How will the tea party convention advance or hurt the movement?

Recent convention developments have some tea party activists worried the event could tarnish the movement. The decision by two of the convention's key speakers, Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R) of Minn. and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) of Tenn., to pull out is giving Americans a glimpse of the internecine fighting in the tea party movement.

Some are also raising questions about convention expenses and its upscale lobster dinner, saying they contradict the movement's thrifty image and bolster arguments that the convention is a GOP ruse to raise millions.

Those who oppose the convention also question the cult of personality around Sarah Palin, the convention's headline speaker, and say it's the people who should be speaking to politicians, not the other way around.

Still, for many the controversy only proves the tea partyers are a grass roots movement with no central authority, and it's creating a forum for just the kind of healthy debate necessary to shape a stronger and more influential movement.

Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 12:38:55 PM »
<<Is the tea party affiliated with the Republican Party?

<<Certainly more Republicans than Democrats show up at tea party events. >

WHOAAAH, there's real hard-hitting investigative journalism for ya!   

Uhh, dare one ask the ratio of R to D in these little crypto-fascist gatherings?  Would a million to one be in the right ballpark?

Sometimes you gotta read between the lines of these little puff-pieces, where what's NOT said is the key to the whole shebang.

Let's rewind:  Q:  Is the tea party affiliated with the Republican Party?    A:  Does a bear shit in the woods?  Is the Pope Catholic?


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2010, 03:42:40 PM »
The question should be are the dems losing voters to the tea parties. Is the shift from d to i happening because of the fiscal responsibility movement?

Polling indicates that is in fact the case.

Universe Prince

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 05:30:39 PM »

Uhh, dare one ask the ratio of R to D in these little crypto-fascist gatherings?

That right there calls into question your intellectual standing on this issue. Taking you seriously is difficult when you throw the term 'crypto-fascist' at a bunch of people who are arguing for government fiscal responsibility and at least partially restrained government. They are not arguing for national purity, a corporate state, single-party rule, or anything actually fascist in nature. Your simple-minded, knee-jerk notion that they're secretly fascist is nothing short of asinine.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2010, 05:56:49 PM »
Uhh, dare one ask the ratio of R to D in these little crypto-fascist gatherings?

That right there calls into question your intellectual standing on this issue. Taking you seriously is difficult when you throw the term 'crypto-fascist' at a bunch of people who are arguing for government fiscal responsibility and at least partially restrained government. They are not arguing for national purity, a corporate state, single-party rule, or anything actually fascist in nature. Your simple-minded, knee-jerk notion that they're secretly fascist is nothing short of asinine.

hear hear.  Ranks right up there in if opposing Obama, you're a racist.  Or supporting Israel's right to defend itself, your some zionazi
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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2010, 06:32:16 PM »
The decision by two of the convention's key speakers, Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R) of Minn. and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R) of Tenn., to pull out is giving Americans a glimpse of the internecine fighting in the tea party movement.

Why would these two women pull out?

Were they not paying them enough, or is this ideological?

Did the GOP tell them there would be less or no campaign funds from the national party if they spoke there?
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 06:45:35 PM »
<< . . .  you throw the term 'crypto-fascist' at a bunch of people who are arguing for government fiscal responsibility and at least partially restrained government. >>

Close your eyes to the signs all you like, Prince, they're fascists and they can't hide it.

<<They are not arguing for national purity . . . >>

No, of course not.  Those signs comparing Obama to a chimp just mean that they're animal lovers, not racists.

<<a corporate state . . . >>

Bullshit.  What is opposition to universal single-payer health care but a voluntary assignation of the responsibilities (and the obscene profits) of health-care to the insurance industry, Big Pharma and the for-profit provision of medical care by hospital corporations?  What is their foreign-policy and "defence spending" attitude but a complete surrender of responsibility to the military-industrial complex?  What are their anti-immigrant ravings but white Anglo racism, pure and simple?

<<Your simple-minded, knee-jerk notion that they're secretly fascist is nothing short of asinine.>>

What's really asinine is the way you stick your head up your own ass to avoid seeing the fascism that is building up right in front of you.

Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2010, 07:00:20 PM »
<<The question should be are the dems losing voters to the tea parties. Is the shift from d to i happening because of the fiscal responsibility movement?>>

Fiscal responsibility is only a part of it.  Bush's unprecedented fiscal irresponsibility had brought the nation to the brink - - waging two wars without raising taxes and combining that, bad as it was, with enormous tax cuts for the rich, combined into a deadly witches' brew that could and did bring the country to its knees.

Obama did not have the guts (a) to present Canadian-style health care to Congress when he had the 60 Senate votes needed (and knew that Teddy was dying) and (b) declare an immediate halt to all on-going foreign wars and slash "defence" spending including the cancellation of on-going projects.  These things COULD have been accomplished with bold and decisive leadership, arm-twisting and promises to recalcitrant Democratic legislators that he would tell the people how and why they had failed to get behind the program AND that he would ensure that he would give full personal backing and support to progressive Democratic replacement candidates against them2010  both in the primaries and in the elections.  At one point, he had the credibility to make such threats - - his name carried a lot of respect in the early days of his Presidency.

Fear is the other part of it.  Like fascists everywhere, since their program is inherently irrational, persuading large numbers of voters to vote against their own economic self-interest, the GOP must rely on fear - - fear of a black President, fear of Hispanic "illegals," fear of "terrorists," etc.  A campaign stoking irrational fears, an electorate composed of gutless cowards, a populace weaned on flag-waving, militaristic violence against defenceless Third World "untermenschen," all of this is tailor-made for the tea-party organizers and the GOP strategists who are pulling their strings and jockeying behind the scenes to inherit their votes.


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2010, 07:06:24 PM »
Long live the 1st amendment.  Haven't seen that much garbage since our bathroom sewage line backed up
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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2010, 09:17:06 PM »
Why would these two women pull out?

Were they not paying them enough, or is this ideological?

They pulled out of the convention because they had some questions as to whether the convention was a political gathering or some kind of marketing expo. I ran a story on it last week or so.

Universe Prince

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2010, 12:39:00 AM »

Close your eyes to the signs all you like, Prince, they're fascists and they can't hide it.

Or you're just trying to brand them as fascists because you have abandoned rational thought.

<<They are not arguing for national purity . . . >>

No, of course not.  Those signs comparing Obama to a chimp just mean that they're animal lovers, not racists.

Oh, yes, I forgot, even one person with an objectionable sign means they're all racists. You're not making the case that your position is rational. And don't tell me it's not just one person. You have at best images of a handful or so of signs that you're using to judge thousands of people. And again, they are not arguing for national purity. A sign at a rally does not a platform make.

<<a corporate state . . . >>

Bullshit.  What is opposition to universal single-payer health care but a voluntary assignation of the responsibilities (and the obscene profits) of health-care to the insurance industry, Big Pharma and the for-profit provision of medical care by hospital corporations?  What is their foreign-policy and "defence spending" attitude but a complete surrender of responsibility to the military-industrial complex?  What are their anti-immigrant ravings but white Anglo racism, pure and simple?

And now you illustrate another problem with your position. You insist the situation is always either/or. Opposition to government-run health care, by your accounting, must be a desire for fascism. Apparently you think the world is a Saturday morning adventure cartoon made for 7-year-olds. Good, bad; black, white; us, them; no other options allowed. Your judgment skills seem to amount to 'not like you=fascism'.

What's really asinine is the way you stick your head up your own ass to avoid seeing the fascism that is building up right in front of you.

But I don't... oh wait... I get it. You mean the way I use critical thinking skills and reason to assess the situation as it is, rather than jumping to a fearful reaction that has nothing to do with reality, is really smart. Thank you, Michael. I wish I could say the same of you.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2010, 01:30:47 AM »
OK, Prince, I get it.  Really.  First there's no evidence of fascism.  I give you one sign after another.  Each one means nothing.  Signs of Obama-the-Chimp.  "Well, it's only one sign at a meeting.  OK maybe more than one. "

LOL.  It's true, Prince, you can't say the whole place was festooned with chimp signs.  I guess to your way of thinking, unless there's a virtual forest of chimp signs, these bozos aren't racist.  Well,  IMHO, (a) there aren't ANY Chimp signs at any of Obama's meetings and (b) it's kind of funny how these aren't just one or two aberrant signs at ONE tea party, they occur, albeit in relatively small numbers, at many tea party locations.

I'm not gonna repeat the whole litany of how I know they are fascists.  The point is that first you claim there is no evidence that they are fascist, you take the evidence I produce and each piece of evidence is minimised.  That's OK.  Think:  How come there is so much to minimize?  (Another way of saying this:  where there's smoke, there's fire.)

What's the point of continued argument here?  I can see the signs of fascism clear as day, you can't.  You think I'm paranoid, I think you're willfully blind.  We're even.


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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2010, 01:47:38 AM »
Why are signs of Obama the chimp fascist (racist) but Bush as the smirking chimp is not?

Universe Prince

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2010, 05:22:01 PM »

I'm not gonna repeat the whole litany of how I know they are fascists.  The point is that first you claim there is no evidence that they are fascist, you take the evidence I produce and each piece of evidence is minimised.  That's OK.  Think:  How come there is so much to minimize?  (Another way of saying this:  where there's smoke, there's fire.)

No, I took the accusations (that you claim to be signs) you made, and assessed them with rational thought and critical thinking. Why is there so much to assess? Because you made a lot of accusations. Just because you can throw out a lot of accusations doesn't mean you're pointing to a fire, to mix the metaphor. But it might mean the smoke you're complaining about comes from you trying to blow smoke up everyone else's asses.
Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever.
--Hieronymus Karl Frederick Baron von Munchausen ("The Adventures of Baron Munchausen" [1988])--

Michael Tee

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Re: 'Tea party' movement: Who are they and what do they want?
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2010, 08:07:36 PM »
<<Why are signs of Obama the chimp fascist (racist) but Bush as the smirking chimp is not?>>

Because racists have often referred to blacks as monkeys, apes, chimps, etc.  Don't you remember Sen. George Allen's smear of a non-white at a rally as "Macaca?"   According to Southern racists, blacks aren't humans, they're further down the evolutionary tree, somewhere between the great apes and man.  A chimp + Obama is coded racism; indicates the sign-bearer also believes Obama is inferior (ape-like) because of his race.

With Bush, he did smirk, and his smirking face did have a vaguely chimp-like quality to it.  I didn't agree with ridiculing the man because of his physical appearance, it was cheap, childish and mean, but there was nothing racist about it.