Author Topic: Senior al Qaeda military commander Canadian citizen killed in Predator strike!  (Read 2125 times)

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Senior al Qaeda military commander killed in Predator strike

February 20, 2010 12:13 PM ET

By Bill Roggio

The US killed a key al Qaeda military leader based in Pakistan's Taliban-controlled tribal agency
of North Waziristan during an airstrike on Feb. 17.

Sheikh Mansoor, an al Qaeda military commander in North Waziristan, is thought to have
been killed in the Feb. 17 airstrike. Mansoor was a Canadian citizen and directed attacks
in Afghanistan.

Sheikh Mansoor was killed in a Predator attack that targeted a Taliban compound in the village
of Tapi near Miramshah, the main town in North Waziristan. Two other "militants" were initially
reported killed in the airstrike; it is not currently known if there were any other senior al Qaeda
or Taliban operatives killed. Dawn News reported that the airstrike "left number of other important
militants killed."

Both Geo News and Dawn reported that a funeral was held for Mansoor, and that Mohammed Haqqani,
a mid-level Haqqani Network military commander and brother of the group's top military commander
Siraj Haqqani, was killed by another drone strike while preparing to attend Mansoor's burial on Feb. 18.

US intelligence officials contacted by The Long War Journal said they believe Sheikh Mansoor was killed
in the attack on Feb. 17.

"We're pretty sure that Mohammed Haqqani was killed while going to Sheikh Mansoor's burial," an intelligence
official said. "We were gunning for Siraj but got his little brother instead. It is still a good kill; the Haqqanis
are dangerous and Mohammed was involved in the family business."

Sheikh Mansoor was a commander in al Qaeda's Lashkar al Zil, or the Shadow Army, US officials said.
He was based in North Waziristan but carried out attacks against US and Afghan forces across the border
in Afghanistan.

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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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have we heard from Mikey Tee lately?

Stray Pooch

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I believe the appropriate term here is "bullseye."
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WHAT??   No Miranda Rights??  What is this country coming to??
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WHAT??   No Miranda Rights??  What is this country coming to??

You have the right to remain silent .

Michael Tee

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Damn!  Hate it when we lose a good citizen like that!


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"Damn!  Hate it when we lose a good citizen like that!"
Here's another guy...suggesting killing 300K Americans with a biological
attack that Michael Tee probably would probably describe as "good".

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Your source for that last quote, MEMRI, is an organization founded by ex-members of the Israeli Military Intelligence office and is a Zio-Nazi propaganda organization that specializes in "cherry-picking" the Arab press for only the craziest and farthest-out expressions of pure hatred that it can find, while consistently ignoring or downplaying any moderate Arab opinion.

Thus, the quotes may be more or less accurate, but it's as if an Arabic "Institute" for the study of "the West" were to consistently reprint articles by neo-Nazi leaders, Grand Kleagles and convicted child molesters and tell its readers, "This is the world of Western civilization."


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so you attack the messenger? if your sources are not biased?....LOL

do you also deny the bio labs that were found in Afghanistan
and also deny that gvts all over the world are spending
hundreds of millions to prevent and also how to react to
a bio-terror attack on western cities when not if it happens?

please let me know when "Grand Kleagles and convicted child molesters"
carry out terror attacks on anywhere near the same scale as your American Hater
comrades in radical me where "child molestors" are suggesting killing
300 thousand Americans with bio-weapons!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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i guess this South African news organization is "cherry picking" too!

Militants blow up 2 schools
2010-02-21 09:06

Islamabad - Militants blew up two boys' schools in northwest Pakistan on Sunday, the latest in a wave of attacks by Islamist extremists targeting educational institutions, local officials said.

No one was hurt in the pre-dawn attacks on the two schools located in the Mohmand tribal region near the Afghan border.

Local administration official Maqsood Khan blamed the attack on Taliban militants avenging ongoing military offensives against Islamist insurgents across the northwest.

Another tribal administration official, Roshan Khan, said the bomb attacks completely destroyed the two schools.

Islamist militants opposed to co-education have destroyed hundreds of schools, mostly for girls, in northwest Pakistan in recent years.


"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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<<so you attack the messenger?>>

Yes, I attacked this messenger.  It was founded by ex-Israeli intelligence officers and its present membership is heavily saturated with ZioNazis and a few token Arabs and Christians.  They admit themselves that their facts favour only one side in the conflict, they just deny cherry-picking those facts.

<< if your sources are not biased?....LOL>>

When I accuse your source of being biased, I tell you what source and I tell you why.  You suddenly out of nowhere raise an accusation that MY sources are biased and  LOL.  You don't name a single one of my sources which you claim to be biased and you don't tell me why and you don't even let me in on the secret of where I referred to them.  Your accusations of bias are therefore just so much horseshit and my accusations of bias are serious and solidly based.  So LOL on you, my friend.

<<do you also deny the bio labs that were found in Afghanistan>>

I've never heard about them, so I can't say anything about them.  In what reputable news source were these labs reported?

<<and also deny that gvts all over the world are spending hundreds of millions to prevent and also how to react to
a bio-terror attack on western cities when not if it happens?>>

I've never seen any evidence of any government spending hundreds of millions of dollars to prevent a bio-terror attack or on planning how to react to one.  As a matter of fact, the only bio-attacks I know of in North America were the anthrax attacks of 2001, and the whole thing was hushed up overnight when it turned out that the primary suspect turned out to be a nutty scientist working for the AMERICAN germ-warfare lab in Ft. Dettrick, Md.  Looks like at that point, the "investigation" dropped off the face of the earth.  Maybe the "hundreds of millions" were spent in hushing up the whole unseemly mess.  Maybe instead of spending those non-existent hundreds of millions on prevention of attacks, the U.S. gov't should just shut down Ft. Dettrick.

<<please let me know when "Grand Kleagles and convicted child molesters"
carry out terror attacks on anywhere near the same scale as your American Hater
comrades in radical me where "child molestors" are suggesting killing
300 thousand Americans with bio-weapons!>>

You are obviously not following my argument.  I never suggested that Grand Kleagles or child molesters were planning any kind of attacks.  That was not why I mentioned them in my argument and that was not even close to the point of the argument.


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When I accuse your source of being biased, I tell you what source and I tell you why.  
You suddenly out of nowhere raise an accusation that MY sources are biased and  LOL.  
You don't name a single one

Because thats my point Michael....pretty much all sources are biased....but you pretend otherwise.

You pretend like you have a "real story" that Memri is biased....well is NBC,ABC,CBS, FOX...all of them!

No one says a fricking thing about NBC's "near saintly statused" Tim Russert who was an ex-aide of
Liberal Senator Daniel Patrick Moynahan & Mario Cuomo .....yeah I am sure Tim Russert held no bias!

Then you have ABC's ex-Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos, anchor of "Good Morning America,
and former Sunday host of "This Week"....yeah sure Stephanopoulos is not biased.

Chris Matthews of NBC's cable channels worked for Tip O' bias there uh?

But all we hear is "FOX News" is biased!  ::)

« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 11:05:34 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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"I've never seen any evidence of any government spending hundreds
of millions of dollars to prevent a bio-terror attack or on planning how to react to one"

"The review was also spurred by the fact the government has failed to successfully develop a second-generation anthrax vaccine nearly nine years after the 2001 anthrax mailings despite spending tens of millions of dollars on the effort, according to Eric Toner, a senior associate with the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Biosecurity"

"In 2006, the government canceled an $877.5 million program for production of an anthrax vaccine that was being run through Project Bioshield(see GSN, Dec. 20, 2006)"

"Other experts in the biodefense field disagree with that assessment.
The administration is "so upset they're not upset. They don't even take [the report card] seriously," said Barry Kellman, president of the International Security and Biopolicy Institute. "Frankly, a lot of people are reacting that way." "The government has 60 programs, is spending billion of dollars and has hundreds of people working on this issue," he said in an interview last week. "To say this effort is an F is ridiculous."

"The authority then provides financial and managerial support for companies to develop the treatments. The licensed end product would be purchased through Project Bioshield, which was intended to receive about $5.6 billion over 10 years to purchase medicines designed to protect U.S. citizens from the effects of a WMD attack".

"In letter to President Obama, the Center for Biosecurity recommends
$1.7 billion in FY 2010 budget
for BARDA?s advanced research and development mission"

"She also noted that the budget includes $500 million to upgrade the nation's countermeasures against bioterror threats.

Fund Biodefense R&D&P Commensurate With the National Security Threat Posed By Biological Weapons
In spite of recent investments, the U.S. government is not yet funding biodefense R&D at a level anywhere approaching R&D for other high-priority national security threats. Funding for biodefense R&D has substantially increased in the past three years. NIH received $50 million for biodefense R&D in fiscal year (FY) 2001, $275 million in FY 2002, and $1.7 billion in FY 2003.[31] In FY 2003, approximately $3 billion was appropriated for biodefense R&D across all the federal agencies.[31]

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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<<Because thats my point Michael....pretty much all sources are biased....but you pretend otherwise.>>

It's a good point, CU4, but I certainly don't "pretend otherwise."  I've blasted the MSM many times for their pro-military, pro-American bias.  However it's a long leap from "all biased" to "all equally unreliable" or even "all equally biased."   The MSM, for all their bias, for all the spin they put on stories, usually follow well-established protocols or rules, such as declaration of interest [declaration of interest:  my elder daughter happens to be a journalist working for the MSM in New York City,] verification of facts by at least two independent sources, screening out of obviously biased or otherwise interested sources if they can't be independently corroborated.  Does the MSM ever fuck up?  Of course they do, and the lead-up to the war in Iraq where they swallowed without any serious examination every fucking one of Bush's lies is an outrageous, shameful example.

<<You pretend like you have a "real story" that Memri is biased....well is NBC,ABC,CBS, FOX...all of them!>>

Sure but less biased than MEMRI.

<<No one says a fricking thing about NBC's "near saintly statused" Tim Russert who was an ex-aide of
Liberal Senator Daniel Patrick Moynahan & Mario Cuomo .....yeah I am sure Tim Russert held no bias!>>

You'd make more sense if you could show a story where Russert let his bias influence the story.  Newsmen don't deny their bias, but they pride themselves on not letting it influence what they write or what they portray.  If they are hired to provide opinion of course that's another matter.

<<Then you have ABC's ex-Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos, anchor of "Good Morning America,
and former Sunday host of "This Week"....yeah sure Stephanopoulos is not biased.>>

Again, how did his bias influence the content of his show?  It's easy to see how MEMRI lets its bias influence its content because they have always overemphasized the speeches of the craziest Muslims they could find and de-emphasized or simply ignored what more moderate Arab voices were saying.

<<Chris Matthews of NBC's cable channels worked for Tip O' bias there us?>>

Once again:  show me how and where his bias influenced the story.

Bias is not the issue.  If you are a human being you are going to come with a bias.  plane [or maybe it was BT] said this once in a very clever way which I forget and would like to see again - - maybe it has something to do with lenses or eye-glasses but he hit the nail on the head.  

So to hope for a world of unbiased reporters is foolish - - all you can hope for is reporters who are so professional that their bias does not influence their story.