Author Topic: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?  (Read 101299 times)

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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2006, 07:11:31 PM »
Parapolitics can't work every time because that would be open fascism and somebody'd wind up hanged on the White House lawn that's why it is done under cover.

It doesn't have to. It just has to work often enough so that those who don't go along to get along, don't stray too far from their masters voice.

So riddle me this. If both Kennedy's were killed because they would end the war, and King was killed because he was becoming very vocal about the war, what will happen to the guy or gal who yanks forces from the Middle East before the Masters of War say it is time?

Wrap your head around GWB sharing the same exalted martyr status as Abraham, Martin and John.



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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2006, 09:04:14 PM »
Parapolitics can't work every time because that would be open fascism and somebody'd wind up hanged on the White House lawn that's why it is done under cover.

So riddle me this. If both Kennedy's were killed because they would end the war, and King was killed because he was becoming very vocal about the war, what will happen to the guy or gal who yanks forces from the Middle East before the Masters of War say it is time?  Wrap your head around GWB sharing the same exalted martyr status as Abraham, Martin and John.

Is this kinda-like back in the days that when accused of being a witch, in order to be found innocent of witchcraft, you had to die?
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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2006, 10:49:54 PM »
Is this kinda-like back in the days that when accused of being a witch, in order to be found innocent of witchcraft, you had to die?


Kennedy was going to reverse course in Nam. Many think that was the last straw, and was what got him killed.

If Bush does the same thing and regroups (not out of the question, by any means), will the same fate happen to him?

And will he join the ranks of martyrs to the antiwar cause?


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #18 on: November 23, 2006, 12:21:39 AM »
Is this kinda-like back in the days that when accused of being a witch, in order to be found innocent of witchcraft, you had to die?

No.  Kennedy was going to reverse course in Nam. Many think that was the last straw, and was what got him killed.  If Bush does the same thing and regroups (not out of the question, by any means), will the same fate happen to him?  And will he join the ranks of martyrs to the antiwar cause?

But, correct me if I'm wrong.....the 3 you mentioned are martyrs in the direct way of being killed, providing them their vaunted status.  So my query involves does it require the untimely death of Herr Bush, in whatever regrouping he may initiate, to vaunt him to the status of innocent martyr, in the vane of Lincoln, King, & Kennedy?
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2006, 12:34:53 AM »
BT  <<If all this is true and all these dark forces are at work, does it really matter who is elected, does it really even matter if we vote?>>

Lanya  <<They do what they must do, we can do what we can do.  That's all we can do. >>

Good question, great answer.  I had a much longer and more pompous answer but it wouldn't add anything to Lanya's comment.

Another good question from BT was whether Bush wouldn't be assassinated by yet another "lone nut" gunman if he pulled out of Iraq now.  I wouldn't think so.  The victims of the "lone nut" gunmen are basically outsiders to the "national security state," "secret government," "CIA" or whatever shorthand or code name you want to give these networks.  JFK and Bobby were basically new-money scions of Irish immigrant families whose money came from relatively disreputable sources - - booze and Hollywood.  Walter Reuther was a working stiff.  Martin Luther King.  All of these guys were way outside the "national security" establishment and they were against the war when the national security state was for it.

Bush, by contrast, is a perfect instrument of the national security state.  Does what he's told and his dad was CIA director and Skull & Bones.  When these guys decide it's time to pull the plug (usually for financial reasons, as in Viet Nam) there aren't any "executive action" repercussions because the guy pulling out the plug is one of their own, doing what they reluctantly have come to condone.


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2006, 12:50:36 AM »
Bush, by contrast, is a perfect instrument of the national security state.  Does what he's told and his dad was CIA director and Skull & Bones.  When these guys decide it's time to pull the plug (usually for financial reasons, as in Viet Nam) there aren't any "executive action" repercussions because the guy pulling out the plug is one of their own, doing what they reluctantly have come to condone.

Gotta love it....more of that masterful Tee rationalization, at work again.  Just like whoever happens to win Iraqi elections, regardless of if the U.S was openly backing someone else, whoever wins is because the "forces of U.S. evil" willed it that way.  Here, we have the same scenario, working itself into one big rationalized pretzel, that no matter what happens, it must be due to some nefarious American/Neo-conservative master plan.  All with the continuous benefit of not 1 shred of hard evidence, but a titanic load of accusatory innuendo
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2006, 01:02:14 AM »

    There once was an old Jew liveing in Germany during the rise of the Natzi party.

       He was sitting on a park bench reading a paper when one of his freinds upbraided him.

      "What are you reading there? Don't you know that is a Natzi party rag? How can you stand to read that slander and stupid accusation?"

       " I like this much better than I like the Yiddish papers,"said the old man" In our papers everything is gloomy and everything is down, look at this paper , in it we Jews own everything , our agents and collaborators are everywhere , all business passes through our hands and we controll all of the political partys except one from the inside.   This strikes me as a much more cheerfull picture than what I get in our own  press."


As a conservative I really do like to see that we have insiders infiltrateing and controlling everything, I hate to think that the disorder that seems so real is really real.


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2006, 01:03:25 AM »
Parapolitics can't work every time because that would be open fascism and somebody'd wind up hanged on the White House lawn that's why it is done under cover.

It doesn't have to. It just has to work often enough so that those who don't go along to get along, don't stray too far from their masters voice.

So riddle me this. If both Kennedy's were killed because they would end the war, and King was killed because he was becoming very vocal about the war, what will happen to the guy or gal who yanks forces from the Middle East before the Masters of War say it is time?

Wrap your head around GWB sharing the same exalted martyr status as Abraham, Martin and John.

Well, consider this.  Who actually ended the Viet Nam war?  What happened to that guy?  We know he didn't catch a bullet with his head but did he get "assassinated" all the same?  Wrap your head around GWB sharing the same exalted status as Richard Milhouse Nixon.  We know he's headed down that road already.

Michael Tee

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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2006, 01:15:33 AM »
<<Gotta love it....more of that masterful Tee rationalization, at work again.>>

Did you ever stop to think, sirs, that YOU might be the master of rationalization?  Three major U.S. statesmen assassinated by "lone nuts" "acting alone" - - one of the "lone nuts" actually himself assassinated in a police station no less.  But nothing suspicious there.  It's just business as usual.  Were they ALL outstanding leaders with the ability to sway millions?  Well, yes.  All against the war in Viet Nam?  Well, yes.  So, any possibility that these guys were offed by the forces of war and militarism?  Naaah, it's all just one big series of coincidences.

And you're accusing ME of rationalizing?  Dream on, pal.

  <<Just like whoever happens to win Iraqi elections, regardless of if the U.S was openly backing someone else, whoever wins is because the "forces of U.S. evil" willed it that way.>>

I guess you probably believe that in those parts of Eastern Europe occupied by the Red Army after WWII, the elections that were held returned the genuine choices of the people, and the wishes and preferences of the Red Army had absolutely nothing to do with the election results.  You're a strange man, sirs.


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2006, 01:18:08 AM »
"Well, consider this.  Who actually ended the Viet Nam war?  What happened to that guy?  We know he didn't catch a bullet with his head but did he get "assassinated" all the same?  Wrap your head around GWB sharing the same exalted status as Richard Milhouse Nixon.  We know he's headed down that road already."


Ooh man...

If you were presented witht he choice Bush seems to be presented with , would you choose to be disgraced or shot?


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2006, 01:21:05 AM »
Did you ever stop to think, sirs,

Come on, MT, you could have stopped right there.  You know he doesn't bother to think!  His dear leader does his  thinking for him and just passes on The Truth via OpinionJournal.

Sirs is crazy but I don't think he's stupid enough to believe that none of the three assassinated leaders in the '60's were killed by the people who the government claims they were. 

If he is, I'd love to hear how he thinks smoke appeared on the grassy knoll at the same time Kennedy's head exploded.


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2006, 01:30:04 AM »
If you were presented witht he choice Bush seems to be presented with , would you choose to be disgraced or shot?

He doesn't get a choice.  And seeing as how he is in the mold of Nixon, he is headed towards disgrace.

Hell, Nixon was  VP when the VN war was getting ready to kick off.  Then he ended it as president in his shortened second term.

Bush 41 was POTUS when the Iraq "war" was actually started in a way.  Now Bush 43 is pResident and he's in a position to "end" it.  It's the same basic pattern.  Perhaps "they" knew that Gore wouldn't do Iraq and that's why he had the election stolen from him?  Who knows?  Easier to keep Gore out than to kill him when he's in like Kennedy.


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2006, 01:50:32 AM »
Did you ever stop to think, sirs, that YOU might be the master of rationalization? 

Naaa, not once.  I'm instead enjoying it being put on grand display by yourself.  I'll stick with logic and facts, on my end
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2006, 01:57:35 AM »
<<Naaa, not once.  I'm instead enjoying it being put on grand display by yourself.  I'll stick with logic and facts, on my end>>

Logic and facts are good, sirs.  I'm still waiting to see you use either of them.  So far, all I've seen is a truly impressive faith that fantastic coincidences occur one after another in the political life of the United States of America and nowhere else.


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Re: Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy?
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2006, 02:02:39 AM »
<<Naaa, not once.  I'm instead enjoying it being put on grand display by yourself.  I'll stick with logic and facts, on my end>>

Logic and facts are good, sirs.  I'm still waiting to see you use either of them.  So far, all I've seen is a truly impressive faith that fantastic coincidences occur one after another in the political life of the United States of America and nowhere else.

Where are coincidences rare?