<<This is either solid evidence that the government at all levels is stacked against men , elese one must accept the rediculous notion that men deserve to be locked up at high rates more than women.>>
It's good to see you taking such an interest in statistical studies of prejudice, plane. If you take the trouble to pursue your studies further, you will see that among males, there is an impressive difference in the stats between blacks and whites - - for example, the one quoted in the article that whereas the no. of prisoners incarcerated for drug use offences is highly skewed towards the black side, the rate. of those admitted to hospital ERs for drug-use-related complaints is three-to-one for whites. Indicating that while more whites than blacks USE drugs, more blacks than whites are busted for doing so.
Even more impressive, though not reproduced in the article are dozens of studies indicating across-the-board insitutional bias and prejudice against blacks, such as percentage of first-time offenders in each race who are let off with warnings or referred onward into the criminal justice system, percentage of first-time offenders in the system who are given alternatives to incarceration or alternatives to convictions that leave a criminal record, a whole raft of studies associated with the well-known "criminal offence" of DWB - - driving while black, etc.
But it's good to see you're at least on the right track - - statistics. Start with the male-female thing and them move on to the white-black thing. Might open your eyes. Don't worry, just kidding, let's say instead they might open your eyes if you wanted them to be open.
However, the article that I linked to was for those who have already reached the point where institutional bias and systemic prejudice are not novel concepts. It assumed that its readers had already gone through Stats 101. It was really dealing something entirely new and different, i.e., with the use of Felon Laws to roll back the advances made by blacks in the wake of the 1964 and 1965 Civil Rights and Voting Rights laws. This was the meaning of the title, The New Jim Crow. The GOP and their conservative Democratic fellow-racists are really on to something, have been for quite some time, and this book has sort of pulled it all together for us.