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Michael Tee

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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2010, 09:21:32 PM »
<<For us the rate is one death each. How are you doing?>>

Not so good, plane.  I was hoping to become immortal through my work, but then I realized that Woody Allen had it right when he planned to become immortal through not dying.  Doesn't look like that's gonna happen.


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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2010, 09:40:30 PM »
How come our bureaucrats here in Canada don't pull the plug on Grandma?  

They most certainly do.....indirectly they do....hell they have to....when you pretend money grows on trees...
longer waiting periods for appointments, procedures, and surgeries lead to people dying.

"the one and only epilepsy specialist in the province has seen two of his patients die while waiting for surgery.
Neurologist Dr. Jose Tellez-Zenteno is afraid there may be more deaths if the province doesn't provide more
resources for treating patients with epilepsy"

"Toronto Patients Die Waiting for Emergency Care
According to the paramedics union of Toronto,
the emergency room conditions in Toronto city is depressive"

Canada Is A Perfect Example Of The Free Health Care Failing

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2010, 10:20:53 PM »
LOL.  Every so often some ad or interview surfaces about how terrible our health care is.  Still we live longer than Americans.  I remember the U.S. TV ad featuring the Canadian woman who had to wait for removal of a "deadly brain tumor" that would have killed her had she not gone to the U.S. for speedy removal.

The Ottawa Citizen, a daily newspaper, investigated - - the woman had a benign cyst.  The sharks who removed it in the U.S. charged her $80,000 for a procedure which was not in any way urgent and which would have been done for her free of charge in Canada had she only waited her turn.  Now she's trying to get the Ontario government to reimburse her $80K - - good luck widdat.

I don't believe any of this bullshit.  Sure our system is not perfect, but compared to the U.S.A.?  Don't make me laugh.  Obviously a system in which 42 THOUSAND patients a year die needlessly due to lack of money or insurance is not exactly perfect either, much less perfect in fact than ours.  Our is our consistently longer life-span some kind of accident having nothing to do with the kind of health care we can access?


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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2010, 10:50:19 PM »
Still we live longer than Americans.

Canadians live about 80.7 years....Americans about 78.2.....whooopDeeeeDoo!

You've already spoken about the tiny black population in Canada,
In comparison to the US a tiny minority poplulation.
Do you deny minorities and blacks in particular have higher mortality rates?
There are many reasons unrelated to socialized healthcare that affect the small longevity difference.

If it's so great why did the Supreme Court of Canada declare in June 2005 that the government
health care monopoly in Quebec is a violation of basic human rights?

In 2006, the average wait time in Canada for seeing a primary care doctor to getting treatment by
a specialist was more than four months!....FOUR FREAKING MONTHS!

Out of a population of 32 million, there are about 3.2 million Canadians trying to get a primary care doctor.
Today, according to the OECD, Canada ranks 24th out of 28 major industrialized countries in doctors per
thousand people.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2010, 10:51:39 PM »
Actually, Minnesotans have a higher life expectancy than Canadians.
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Michael Tee

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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #20 on: March 23, 2010, 12:27:05 AM »
<<Canadians live about 80.7 years....Americans about 78.2.....whooopDeeeeDoo!>>

2 and 1/2 years longer ain't chicken feed.  There's a reason for it, too.

<<You've already spoken about the tiny black population in Canada,
<<In comparison to the US a tiny minority poplulation.
<<Do you deny minorities and blacks in particular have higher mortality rates?
<<There are many reasons unrelated to socialized healthcare that affect the small longevity difference.>>

You've got more blacks but only 1% of your population is Indian and we have 3.5% Indian.  They DO have shorter life spans, due to poverty, and its side-effects.  Anyway, we don't live in an apartheid society, we count ALL our citizens in determining national life expectancy, you should too.  Your system owes as much to black Americans as it does to white Americans.  And when each side counts ALL its citizens, we are living 2 and 1/2 years longer on average.  All of us - - whites, blacks, Indians and Asians.

<<If it's so great why did the Supreme Court of Canada declare in June 2005 that the government
health care monopoly in Quebec is a violation of basic human rights?>>

The decision was a 5/4 split so it's a pretty controversial decision.  They found the wait times were unacceptable.  It's a good thing for your argument that the Supreme Court of Canada didn't also consider the state of the U.S. health care system.  If they found Quebec's system violated basic human rights, they would have found the U.S. system was an even bigger violator, since it leaves 42,000 Americans to die unnecessary deaths every single year.

<<In 2006, the average wait time in Canada for seeing a primary care doctor to getting treatment by
a specialist was more than four months!....FOUR FREAKING MONTHS!>>

So what's the average wait time for an American with no money and no insurance to get to see a doctor?  A whole fucking lifetime, because he just doesn't see the doctor.  Period.  Which is WHY you have 42,000 unnecessary deaths a year.  In Canada, we have a system where for elective and non-emergency care, the waits are longer, but for urgent care, the wait is minimal.  The "average" wait time is just reflecting the fact that most primary care and most specialist visits are for elective and non-urgent situations., so naturally the average wait time is longer.  The proof of the pudding is that we are living 2 and 1/2 years longer than you are, so I guess the longer average wait times aren't having much of an effect on the general population.

<<Out of a population of 32 million, there are about 3.2 million Canadians trying to get a primary care doctor.>>

So why don't you show out of a population of 302 million people, how many Americans are waiting to get a primary care doctor?  (Obviously with 47 million Americans uninsured, there are plenty who aren't even waiting because they don't want to be taken in as a charity case or because they know the doctor won't take them in anyway.)

<<Today, according to the OECD, Canada ranks 24th out of 28 major industrialized countries in doctors per
thousand people.>>

But what good are doctors if the people have no money and no insurance to see them?  Sure there are doctors for the rich, raking in huge amounts of money but relatively few of the bastards really want to serve the people.  They make more money on 100 rich patients than they do on 2,000 poor patients, so you figure it out - - they make enough working half-days on a smaller number of rich folks and spend the extra time on the fairway.  THAT'S maybe good for the doctor, not so good for the people, and even worse for the uninsured people.


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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2010, 12:38:12 AM »
So what's the average wait time for an American with no money and no insurance to get to see a doctor?  A whole fucking lifetime, because he just doesn't see the doctor.  Period.  Which is WHY you have 42,000 unnecessary deaths a year.

In the US, hospitals cannot refuse to treat patients who do not have insurance. When I was hospitalized a couple weeks ago for pulmonary embolisms, they didn't bother to discuss insurance until my third or fourth day of hospitalization, just got me hooked up with oxygen and started the evaluation and medication treatments. I think I had to wait in the reception area about 10 minutes. And I've been home for over a week, and there has still been no pressure for me to pay my outstanding bill; they just continue to treat me as an outpatient. The hospital's administrators are even working with my employer and short term disability insurance provider to make sure that my (other) bills (mortgage, electric, etc) are covered while I'm in treatment.

I have insurance; but they didn't know that when they started to work on me. They didn't bother to ask, just brought me in and went to it.
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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #22 on: March 23, 2010, 12:56:46 AM »
So what's the average wait time for an American with no money and no insurance to get to see a doctor?  A whole fucking lifetime, because he just doesn't see the doctor.  Period.  Which is WHY you have 42,000 unnecessary deaths a year.

In the US, hospitals cannot refuse to treat patients who do not have insurance. When I was hospitalized a couple weeks ago for pulmonary embolisms, they didn't bother to discuss insurance until my third or fourth day of hospitalization, just got me hooked up with oxygen and started the evaluation and medication treatments. I think I had to wait in the reception area about 10 minutes. And I've been home for over a week, and there has still been no pressure for me to pay my outstanding bill; they just continue to treat me as an outpatient. The hospital's administrators are even working with my employer and short term disability insurance provider to make sure that my (other) bills (mortgage, electric, etc) are covered while I'm in treatment.

I have insurance; but they didn't know that when they started to work on me. They didn't bother to ask, just brought me in and went to it.

after the democratic party is finished before treatment you had better have your insurance card and if you don't plan on getting carted off to jail.

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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #23 on: March 23, 2010, 01:10:47 AM »
<<In the US, hospitals cannot refuse to treat patients who do not have insurance. When I was hospitalized a couple weeks ago for pulmonary embolisms, they didn't bother to discuss insurance until my third or fourth day of hospitalization, just got me hooked up with oxygen and started the evaluation and medication treatments. I think I had to wait in the reception area about 10 minutes. And I've been home for over a week, and there has still been no pressure for me to pay my outstanding bill; they just continue to treat me as an outpatient. The hospital's administrators are even working with my employer and short term disability insurance provider to make sure that my (other) bills (mortgage, electric, etc) are covered while I'm in treatment.>>

I don't think the problem is so much with access to the hospital once the problem becomes full-blown, but with access to the doctors and specialists who should have been seen before the condition got to its final stages and might have arrested its progress.


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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #24 on: March 23, 2010, 01:42:52 AM »
Altogether now.

Obamacare has absolutely nothing to do with health care. ot one additional person will e able to seek emergency treatment who wasn't able to seek it before.

But mark these words in stone. There will be more people choosing between food and insurance payments than are doing so now.

And that is because the dems passed a CRAP bill.


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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #25 on: March 23, 2010, 03:12:04 AM »
100% pure crap <--> 100% pure Dems. 

The only Bipartisanship was in the opposition to the bill
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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #26 on: March 23, 2010, 08:24:23 AM »
I don't think the problem is so much with access to the hospital once the problem becomes full-blown, but with access to the doctors and specialists who should have been seen before the condition got to its final stages and might have arrested its progress.

Then why did you say this?

So what's the average wait time for an American with no money and no insurance to get to see a doctor?  A whole fucking lifetime, because he just doesn't see the doctor.  Period.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)

Michael Tee

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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #27 on: March 23, 2010, 05:14:42 PM »
<<Then why did you say this?

<<Quote from: Michael Tee on March 22, 2010, 11:27:05 PM
So what's the average wait time for an American with no money and no insurance to get to see a doctor?  A whole fucking lifetime, because he just doesn't see the doctor.  Period.>>

You'll have to help me out here because apparently you see some kind of contradiction or disparity that I don't.


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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #28 on: March 23, 2010, 08:12:36 PM »
You'll have to help me out here because apparently you see some kind of contradiction or disparity that I don't.

Well, they either see the doctor (you can argue later than they should have, but the see him) or they don't.

I don't see how both statements can possibly be true.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)

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Re: Robert Kuttner on the Health Care Reform Bill
« Reply #29 on: March 23, 2010, 09:31:07 PM »
What I meant was that they often don't see the doctor before it's too late.  The system seems to provide them with access to emerg but not with the routine inspection and maintenance visits before the guy needs to be in emerg.  By the time the system lets him see a doctor, what he really needs is an undertaker.