I ask for left-wing wackos as dangerous as the right-wing, starting with the Christian Warriors militia planning to massacre cops, with the guns and ammo already acquired for the task and just ready to go, and so I am offered . . . Norman LEBOON?
This is some kind of fucking joke? Where does a shot at Eric Cantor's head come anywhere close to the carnage of a police massacre? These trained militia guys are following in the footsteps of Timothy McVeigh and the KKK and we are offered as an "equivalent" some wimpy wannabe who can't even shoot straight?
Back to the drawing boards, guys, try again. And again. And again.
<<You accuse Buchanan of not reporting all the facts and he's not even a reporter, he's a commentator. >>
Well he comments on "facts" that are cherry-picked to prove his point, which is a very dishonest kind of commentary. What are you trying to say, that he's not a dishonest journalist, he's a dishonest commentator? BFD.
<<24/7 the New York Times and other MSM outlets lie, distort, mislead, and shade the truth but you are OK with the people that call themselves PRESS not doing their job. >>
I criticize the NYT many times and have told this group several times why I no longer trust it and why I no longer buy it.
<<Plus Buchanan claims to be a Conservative where as the MSM just acts impartial.>>
That's because he's a commentator.
<< You are a silly boy Mikey. I betcha $10 bucks you work or used to work at a university or some other liberal institution because you are way far gone. That would have to explain it. >>
Not even close. I was an active volunteer member of AI for about 15 years and gave up on them when I realized that the real solution to the problem was political.