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Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« on: April 08, 2010, 06:20:29 PM »

Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism

April 7th, 2010

By Roger L. Simon

The continued nostalgia for racism on the part of the Democratic Party never ceases to amaze me. Last week, when Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) allowed as how the Tea Party Movement was similar to the KKK, my eyes rolled so far back in my head I almost had to clone a new cranium. Jewish boy to Jewish boy, Steve, that's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard one of our co-religionists say in public. If anything, the Tea Partyers are the antithesis of racist a collection of wild, freedom-loving quasi-libertarians who could care less about anyone's color or background, far less than a former Ivy League snob like me. (PERSONAL NOTE: I was a civil rights worker in the South during the Sixties and would stay miles, I hope, from any movement that smacked of racism.)

Nevertheless, self-described liberals, progressives and what-not persist in telling us the Tea Party Movement is racist, despite the fact they have yet to produce an iota of concrete evidence to prove this absurd point. Well, okay, the Tea Party currently polls at 48 percent of the populace to Obama's 44, so there's bound to be a racist or two in there somewhere, just as there would be in any group that large, but I haven't met them.

So what's the deal? Why is the Democratic Party clinging to racism like a wall full of barnacles on the hull of a rusted ship? The most popular explanation is that that is their lever on political power. With 99 percent of African-Americans and 77 percent of Jewish-Americans (excuse the reactionary hyphens), not to mention a huge percentage of Hispanic-Americans, voting their way, what's not to like? Keep America divided according to race and keep getting elected.

Another argument is that there is a form of projection going on (the Dems are the real racists projecting their true feelings on Republicans, conservatives, libertarians, etc.), but I don't really buy that. Racism is pretty unpopular in our culture for good reason and I don't think anyone's projecting here. It's an even more desperate wish that is being fulfilled.

Putting it bluntly, the Democratic Party clings to racism because they are out of ideas. They have nothing else to say. At this point, almost everyone acknowledges liberal policies don't work economically and the Dems have little they can do but call names. This is even more true of socialism, a system which has consistently shown itself to be the initial ramp on an inexorable glide path to totalitarianism. Progressivism, liberalism, call it what you will, has completely lost its appeal to the majority of Americans on an ideological level. So what's a poor Dem to do? Wave the bloody shirt. Cry racism!

Often this takes the form of self-hypnosis. These people have to be racist, they have to be wrong (if you can't argue ideas with them). Poor Steve Cohen is a perfect example of this, as are numerous members of our media. For this group, reification has set in. They can no longer look objectively at what is in front of them because they themselves have been turned into objects with eternally frozen pre-conditioned responses. Steve Cohen and these media types are not substantially different from Internet trolls, raging inchoately at something that offends them without taking the time to understand what they are attacking. Actually treating Tea Partyers as serious American citizens with ideas would threaten personality disintegration for many of these people. They are just incapable of opening their minds because their psyches might fall apart.

A great contribution the Tea Party Movement could make "perhaps its greatest contribution" would be to truly smash racism, as we used to say in the Sixties. Nowadays, hyphenated racial groups do the opposite. They have become inherently reactionary, seeking to divide us as Americans for their own advantage. That preserves racism in perpetuity, just as the American people themselves are fed up with it and long since ready to move on. In effect, the Democratic Party has inadvertently turned itself into the party of racism by depending upon these vested interests to maintain power. The Tea Party Movement could overturn this. That would be truly revolutionary.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 06:24:10 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 06:53:12 PM »
The Bizarro World of right-wing politics - - the GOP, which managed to attract a whopping 1% of the black vote and has its strongest base in the South, which the Democrats lost due to the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts and the GOP gained due to its racist "Southern Strategy," and its Tea-Party surrogates can't be racist - - no the REAL racists are the Democrats, with (according to this guy) 99% of the black vote (Gawd, those blacks must be incredibly stupid to give such massive support to a racist party) and 77% of the Jewish vote (the Jews probably constituting most of the non-black civil rights activists of the Sixties, also a bunch of dumbasses to be supporting the racist Democrats after risking and sacrificing so much to fight racism in the South.)

Perfect example of the down-is-up, left-is-right Bizarro politics we see so often in this forum.  Sometimes I have to scratch my head and wonder - - with American armies occupying two Muslim countries and attacking the citizens of at least two more with remote-controlled drones, and the Muslims occupying NO American or European countries, it is the "Islamofascists" who are the aggressors and the Americans who want peace.  And so it is no surprise to hear that the anti-racist Democrats are the "real" racists and the racist GOP and its Tea-Party surrogates are the anti-racists.  OK, Whatever.


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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 07:54:51 PM »
Why Liberalism is a racist ideology......

Destroy A Negro (Nigger, Nigga) in 5 Easy Steps

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 10:32:06 PM »
The Bizarro World of right-wing politics - - the GOP, which managed to attract a whopping 1% of the black vote and has its strongest base in the South, which the Democrats lost due to the passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts and the GOP gained due to its racist "Southern Strategy," and its Tea-Party surrogates can't be racist - - no the REAL racists are the Democrats, with (according to this guy) 99% of the black vote (Gawd, those blacks must be incredibly stupid to give such massive support to a racist party)

Are you accuseing black people of voteing solely on the basis of race?


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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2010, 12:19:06 AM »
the GOP, which managed to attract a whopping 1% of the black vote

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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2010, 12:39:32 AM »
Reporter's notebook: What really happens at Tea Party rallies

(CNN) -- When it comes to the Tea Party movement, the stereotypes don't tell the whole story.

Here's what you often see in the coverage of Tea Party rallies: offensive posters blasting President Obama and Democratic leaders; racist rhetoric spewed from what seems to be a largely white, male audience; and angry protesters rallying around the Constitution.

Case in point: During the health care debate last month, opponents shouted racial slurs at civil rights icon Georgia Rep. John Lewis and one person spit on Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver. The incidents made national headlines, and they provided Tea Party opponents with fodder to question the movement.

But here's what you don't often see in the coverage of Tea Party rallies: Patriotic signs professing a love for country; mothers and fathers with their children; African-Americans proudly participating; and senior citizens bopping to a hip-hop rapper.

Last week, I saw all of this during a five-city Western swing as the Tea Party Express national tour made its way across the country. CNN was along for the ride, and I was charged with planning CNN's coverage for five stops in two states: St. George, Provo and Salt Lake City, Utah; and Grand Junction and Denver, Colorado.

This latest Tea Party caravan kicked off on March 27 in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's hometown of Searchlight, Nevada. It is scheduled to make 45 stops before rolling into Washington on April 15, not so coincidentally on "Tax Day."

CNN was the only national news outlet on this Western leg of the tour. We had a full team on the ground: myself, correspondent Ed Lavandera, producers Tracy Sabo and Jim Spellman and the crew of the CNN Express bus. For Spellman, it was his third Tea Party Express tour.

Together, we beamed out images of the anger and the optimism, profiled African-Americans who are proud to be in the Tea Party's minority and showed activists stirred by "God Bless America" or amused by a young rapper who strung together rhymes against the president and Democrats.

The CNN Express traveled with the Tea Party Express buses for hundreds of miles, from rally to rally to rally.

Being at a Tea Party rally is not quite like seeing it on TV, in newspapers or online. That's the reason CNN is covering this political movement -- and doing so in ways few others can or choose to do.

It is important to show the colorful anger Americans might have against elected leaders and Washington. But people should also see the orange-vested Tea Party hospitality handlers who welcome you with colorful smiles.

There were a few signs that could be seen as offensive to African-Americans. But by and large, no one I spoke with or I heard from on stage said anything that was approaching racist.

Almost everyone I met was welcoming to this African-American television news producer.

And though speakers railed against the "lame-stream media," activists and their leaders praised CNN, especially for being the only national media outlet riding along for the post-weekend stops. Some of them e-mailed me after my trip, thanking our crew for fairly giving them a voice.

Speaking of stereotypes, I did get a few curious stares as I pulled up to the rallies. But not because of my skin color. It was because of my car rental: a Volvo.

I hadn't intended to rent a Volvo, a car stereotyped as the favorite of liberal elites. But upon arriving at the Las Vegas airport, the rental company was out of American-made cars with a GPS system and satellite radio. I had nearly a thousand miles of driving ahead, through desert, mountains and cities. Since it had GPS and satellite radio, the Volvo fit the bill.

Outside of the occasional stare, none of the real cowboys at the rallies came up to the Volvo and asked me, "Hey buddy -- where's your cashmere sweater and arugula?" If they had, I might have pointed out that until just recently, Volvo was owned by Ford Motor Co., an American icon.

Jokes aside, stereotypes can loom large when they're magnified through a television lens, on the radio, the pages of a newspaper or in the vastness of the Internet.

So, it's important that with a newsworthy, growing phenomenon like the Tea Party movement, viewers and readers fully understand what they see and what they don't.


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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2010, 12:42:11 AM »
During the health care debate last month, opponents shouted racial slurs at civil rights icon Georgia Rep. John Lewis and one person spit on Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver. The incidents made national headlines, and they provided Tea Party opponents with fodder to question the movement.

But here's what you don't often see in the coverage of Tea Party rallies: Patriotic signs professing a love for country; mothers and fathers with their children; African-Americans proudly participating; and senior citizens bopping to a hip-hop rapper.

And what have I been referencing all this time about MSM bias?  It's far more often what's NOT reported vs what is, that demonstrates the overt and transparent left leaning bias
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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2010, 01:20:04 AM »
<<Case in point: During the health care debate last month, opponents shouted racial slurs at civil rights icon Georgia Rep. John Lewis and one person spit on Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver. The incidents made national headlines, and they provided Tea Party opponents with fodder to question the movement.>>

Gee, progress.  Now they're finally admitting that racial slurs WERE shouted out after all, Lewis and the other four people with him weren't lying about it, and somebody really did spit at Cleaver.

The defence of the Tea Partiers seems to be shifting from "There weren't any racists in the crowd, all them niggers wuz lyin"  to the more sophisticated "You can't call 'em racist till you can prove that everyone in the whole crowd was racist."

LMFAO.  There is no other movement in America except a Klan rally that brings out more racists and kooks than a good pumped-up Tea Party.


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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2010, 01:28:08 AM »
Gee, progress.  Now they're finally admitting that racial slurs WERE shouted out after all, Lewis and the other four people with him weren't lying about it, and somebody really did spit at Cleaver.

Who is admitting what?

And even Cleaver is backtracking from the spitting charge.


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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2010, 01:30:00 AM »
LMFAO.  There is no other movement in America except a Klan rally that brings out more racists and kooks than a good pumped-up Tea Party. Hermionee would say, "What an idiot"
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 03:24:04 AM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2010, 01:32:20 AM »
<<And even Cleaver is backtracking from the spitting charge. >>

THAT'S surprising to say the least.  Where is he backtracking?  I saw a tape where he clearly seems to be recoiling from spittle and puts a hand to his cheek.  Sure looked like a spitting incident to me.


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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2010, 01:37:01 AM »
There is a difference between spittle and spitting. Even Cleaver has said he has no intention of commenting on it further, he knows it was not deliberate.

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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2010, 01:41:15 AM »
Where is he actually backtracking? 


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Re: Why the Democratic Party Clings to Racism
« Reply #14 on: April 09, 2010, 02:15:50 AM »
Yeah, coulda been accidental spraying.  Cleaver never claimed otherwise.

Smart tactic to focus on that , since it takes all attention from the up to fifteen shouts of "nigger" which five people have heard clearly from the angry white mob.

VERY smart.