Most people did not favor the stupid Education Act, according to pools in the Miami and Tampa newspapers. It would end raises based on advanced degrees, and would reward only some undefined percentage of teachers whose students did better on undefined competency exams. Florida is 50th in the per capita spent per student. The SB6 education bill was passed only by Republicans. It would have destroyed the postgraduate programs in education in every college and university in the state.
If the legislature was hard up for money, they could vote to reward 10% of the teachers, or maybe just 5%. The Republicans in our legislature are morons and understand nothing of education.
I agree that Rubio would win the primary: only the most fanatic of the rightwingers would bother to turn out to vote, and they would elect Prettyboy Marco, who is a prime quality, grade-A imbecile. So Crist needs to become an independent. He could win, or at least keep that asshole Rubio out of the Senate.
Someone who has rescued education from morons is far superior to a prettyboy Cuban fanatic owned by real estate developers.