<<A study released on Canada's socialized medical system reveals that the average patient spends over 16 weeks – in some cases more than twice as long as doctors deem "reasonable" – waiting for health-care treatment, costing both estimated thousands of dollars per year per patient and, potentially, lives.>>
This is just more ridiculous crap from a right-wing "think tank" whose sponsors have never been fully revealed but whose business seems to be pushing an agenda that benefits the wealthiest at the expense of everyone else. It's not a think tank, it's a propaganda organ for the rich. Moreover it sounds (from what you wrote) as if 16 weeks is the total of ALL the waits for treatment over some unspecified period of time that an average patient has to endure - - 1 week for a biopsy, two weeks for colonoscopy, six for minor surgery, etc., total 16 weeks.
Since all our specialist visits are on referral from GP's, the waiting times are often waits for appointments, not waits for treatment. But the GP is the screener - - if a case is urgent, he sets up urgent appointments with the specialist and there is no appreciable delay at all. I've had to wait a couple of weeks to see a dermatologist for skin tags, but when I had a rapid-growth tag on my arm, I got to see the dermatologist and have a biopsy in less than 24 hours (next-day service on a late-afternoon trip to the GP)
My GP is same-day or next-day appointments. The longer waits are for non-life-threatening joint operations. They are not emergencies. The guy hops around on crutches for a few weeks more. BFD. The price of him hopping is that every Canadian gets adequate health care and nobody is shut out because they can't afford it.
<<"The promise of the Canadian health-care system is not being realized," concludes the 19th annual study released by the independent Fraser Institute. "This grim portrait is the legacy of a medical system offering low expectations cloaked in lofty rhetoric." >>
"Independent" my ass. When is the Fraser Inst. going to release the real source of its funding? THEN you'll see how "independent" it really is. This whole thing is a crock of shit, once again cooked up by the insurance industry. When they tell you the other side of the story, not the "16 weeks" waits but the lives saved, the suffering prevented, by the availability of medical care to the entire population, not just those who can afford it, then you'll have an "independent" study.
Nobody in the U.S.A. understands the Fraser Institute. It has a respectable-sounding name, it must be a respectable institution. It is a fucking joke.