<<Success is failure ,unless it meets this standard that I just now made up.>>
Success depends on one's POV. From an Iranian POV, the Iraq war turned out well. Saddam Hussein gone, the country that bombarded Tehran with missiles is now quite friendly and with Shi'ites in power, likely to remain so. From an Israeli POV, also successful. A major antagonist in the region gone, reduced to impotence, its standard of living ruined and its ability to threaten Israel destroyed.
From the U.S. POV, partial success. Bases? Check. Threats to denominate oil sales in euros or yen? Creeping in elsewhere, but dead as far as Arab oil exporters are concerned. Oil? Depends on the details of the original plan, but probably successful. Control wrested from the Iraqi government, INOC influence majorly downsized and contracts let publicly to diverse "international" oil companies, sub-contracts (where the real money is) successfully screened from any public exposure. Probably within plan parameters. WMD? not a problem, never WAS a problem, just a smokescreen invented to hoodwink the rubes. Torture in the prisons? Never really a problem, the U.S. looked the other way under Saddam when he was in their good graces, pretended to view it as an abomination when they were trying to whip up war hysteria against him and in the end don't really give a shit one way or the other.
<<Was WWII really a success?>>
In the end, yes. BIG success. Soviet domination of Europe between U.S.S.R. and the Channel averted. Didn't really unfold as planned, however. Capitalist darling Hitler did NOT attack USSR first, actually surprised France and UK by attacking Poland and forcing them into a war they (and he) did not want at that time, and almost plowed them under BEFORE attacking the intended target, Russia. Gave them some scary moments before they got their shit together and showed him who the REAL "Master Race" is in this end of the universe. But how did it end? The Bad Puppet who attacked his masters was reduced to kindling wood; the Soviet Union, terribly weakened by the Nazi assault, was not able to drive to the Channel; and the British and French lost their colonial empires, which was not entirely displeasing to the Americans.
The French "disrespected" you? Are you shitting me? Cry me a fucking RIVER, the French disrespected you. For christ sake, what else did they do to you? Not ask you to the prom? And then Churchill was fired? And this is a BFD why exactly? He needed the money? And an "iron curtain" fell across Europe? Like this also is some ball-breaking catastrophe, how exactly? Your interests in Poland and Bulgaria were all ruined?
Personally, I think you guys did quite alright out of WWII. You shed the least amount of blood, came late to the party, suffered zero bomb damage, did not lose any overseas empire as a result of it and had about thirty years as the dominant economic power on the planet because of it. Yeah, on balance, it was a huge success for you. Maybe you could show me another Allied power that did better than you?