<<President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holer, and many other Democrats in the administration
and Congress are in on this?....or at least they are aware of this just like Michael Tee?..and they all go along with
it? >>
They know what they want to know, CU4. Like the torture at Abu Ghraib. These guys are experts at insulating themselves from the facts on the ground. Do you know that Hitler never once visited a real extermination camp? Never once saw the gas chambers in action? What the hell did he need to do that for? And what would Obama need detailed accounts of every Homeland Security/CIA etc. operation for?
<<No one blows the cover or leaks what would be an earth shattering story? All these Democrats know
the Obama Central Intelligence Agency headed by life-long Democrat Leon Panetta is staging terror attacks
and arresting what they know are stooges for the staged attacks? >>
Why would Panetta have to know? Guys like Panetta come and go, the agencies are run by lifers. Lifers who don't blab to the press and don't blab to Panetta either. Panetta's smart enough to know that there are some things he's better off NOT knowing, some people he'd better not piss off. They don't change the real guys in charge every time there's an "election." The work goes on.
<<Come on Michael you been drinking?>>
I mentioned a possibility, CU4. And I still think it's possible. The arrest of some unfortunate stooge to blame the whole thing on is not a total impossibility and neither is it totally impossible that somebody really did try to set off a real bomb. I'm just struck by the number of "attacks" that go wrong for seemingly trivial or fortuitous reasons - - the shoe bomber, the Amsterdam-Detroit flight bomb, now this car bomb - - always the smoke, never the fire. I am saying that I am suspicious. Period.