Author Topic: Stupid things liberals say:  (Read 5301 times)

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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2010, 12:05:03 PM »
You ever wonder why most VP selections come from the Senate or have congressional experiance?

Was Kennedy wrong in picking LBJ to be his VP?

FDR and Sen Truman.

Eisenhower and Senator Nixon.

Kennedy and Senator Johnson

Johnson and Senator Humphrey

Nixon went with Agnew

Carter and Senator Mondale

Reagan and Congressman Bush

Bush and Senator Quayle

Clinton and Senator Gore

Bush and Congressman Cheney

Obama and Senator Biden.

Why do you think it is that the President or Presidential candidates  chooses someone who knows their way around the hill.

Most chief executives came from the Governorships of various states. They needed a compliment to their skill set. Unless they were a horse trader themselves they needed someone adapt at twisting arms, and working deals in the cloakroom.


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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2010, 12:54:50 PM »
She's correct when asked "What does the VP do?" to tell a second-grader that they're "in charge of the Senate" when in real life they are not?  By that standard, I'd have been correct if the kid asked me what I did, and I'd told her that I was an astronaut.

The VP is also President of the Senate - the only duty delegated to the VP in the Constitution. Just because most VPs do not attend Senate sessions regularly does not mean that they cannot, nor does it mean that it is not part of their job.
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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2010, 02:12:44 PM »
<<Yet in the instance you chose she is correct and you are incorrect.>>

She's correct when asked "What does the VP do?" to tell a second-grader that they're "in charge of the Senate" when in real life they are not?  By that standard, I'd have been correct if the kid asked me what I did, and I'd told her that I was an astronaut.

Looks like you and I have different definitions of "correct," plane - - I think when asked what a VP does, it's correct to tell the questioner what the VP does, and OTOH, you seem to think that the correct answer is to tell the questioner that the VP does what in fact they do not do.  It's a pretty clear conflict, you with your idea of "correct" and me with mine.  Guess we just have to agree to disagree on this, plane.

<<Please don't cal her an idiot . . . >>

Since most people understand what the correct answer to the question should have been, I'll continue to call her an idiot because that's what she is - - a fucking idiot.  And THAT'S putting it kindly. 

<< . . . at least not while you are comeing in second to her.>>

I suppose that in the eyes of someone who thinks that the correct answer to "What does X do" is to tell a kid something that X doesn't do, that "coming in second" probably means "coming in first" in the real world.   Moving from the general to the particular, I see that when the subject is Sarah Palin, my conclusion as to the meaning of "coming in second"  adjusted from your view of reality to the real world was in fact correct.

BTW, in researching the answers to some of your excellent questions, I found the following site which might interest you and your fellow right-wingers:  Top Ten Dumbest Sarah Palin Quotes, although I have no doubt that you and your RW pals will have no difficulty at all in rationalizing that each and every one of the ten Palin quotes is, in fact, a pearl of the purest wisdom.  Good luck in your endeavours.

So how is Neil Armstrong?

I don't hear much from him , Buzz gets in the news now and again , I also want to ask you how Story Musgrave is doing.

Unless you really are an astronaught , you are comeing in a distant second to Sara Palin, and this flavors your opinion of her idiocy.


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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2010, 02:23:01 PM »

Three , Seven and Eight seem kinda poorly considered , but President Obama Is constantly doing just as bad. Glib isn't everything.

What is wrong with number one? do you know how many US Govenors have proximity to two foreign neighbors? As govenors go, her experience with foreighn relations is advanced above other govenors.

Michael Tee

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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2010, 02:23:29 PM »
<<You ever wonder why most VP selections come from the Senate or have congressional experiance?>>

What's to wonder?  They are seasoned veterans of the political wars, have lots of collegial connections, a huge account at the Favours Bank and powerful back offices with lots of PR, fund-raising and get-out-the-vote clout.  Who else should they pick from?  Rock stars?  Schoolteachers?

Michael Tee

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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2010, 02:26:27 PM »
<<The VP is also President of the Senate - the only duty delegated to the VP in the Constitution. >>

No shit, Sherlock.

<<Just because most VPs do not attend Senate sessions regularly does not mean that they cannot, nor does it mean that it is not part of their job.>>

The question, as I recall it, was "What does the VP do?" not "what can the VP do?" and certainly not "what is the VP's job description?"

I give you guys credit, though - - your attempts to rationalize this idiot's stupidity are endlessly inventive, even if they defy all common sense.

Michael Tee

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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #21 on: May 28, 2010, 02:29:50 PM »
<<Unless you really are an astronaught , you are comeing in a distant second to Sara Palin, and this flavors your opinion of her idiocy.>>

You already have my answer to this post, plane.  I'm not going get into an endless cycle of "Am not/Are too" on this.  I've marked it as "agree to disagree" because I think we've each said as much as we can on the subject without getting repetitive.


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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #22 on: May 28, 2010, 03:01:38 PM »
The question, as I recall it, was "What does the VP do?" not "what can the VP do?" and certainly not "what is the VP's job description?"

The question also was not "what job responsibilities do most VPs ignore?"

And the answer to the original question is "preside over the Senate". That's all that the VP is legally responsible for, and roughly what Palin answered.
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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #23 on: May 28, 2010, 03:07:37 PM »
Considering that's the best the left can come up with, as it relates to supposed validation of Palin's so-called stupidity, demonstrates just how weak & transparent the accusations actualy are
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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #24 on: May 28, 2010, 03:41:37 PM »
<<Unless you really are an astronaught , you are comeing in a distant second to Sara Palin, and this flavors your opinion of her idiocy.>>

You already have my answer to this post, plane.  I'm not going get into an endless cycle of "Am not/Are too" on this.  I've marked it as "agree to disagree" because I think we've each said as much as we can on the subject without getting repetitive.

I don't think that I need to agree to disagree.

You have called Sara Palin an idiot and presented as evidence your own gross error.

The evidence of your error is in black and parchment .

Keep up the denyal while I drive a victory lap around your broken down posit that Sara Palin is a dummy .

Because she may be ,but if she is, you are worser yourself.


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Re: Stupid things liberals say:
« Reply #25 on: May 28, 2010, 03:42:31 PM »
<<You ever wonder why most VP selections come from the Senate or have congressional experiance?>>

What's to wonder?  They are seasoned veterans of the political wars, have lots of collegial connections, a huge account at the Favours Bank and powerful back offices with lots of PR, fund-raising and get-out-the-vote clout.  Who else should they pick from?  Rock stars?  Schoolteachers?

Very Popular Govenors?