<<You haven't been paying much attention at all have you ?>>
Huh? Whutzat? I haven't been paying who for what?
<<Communists and Socialists are indeed allowed to offer themselves as canadates but those choices bear precious little appeal to the common man.>>
Is THAT your answer to the allegation that American "elections" are phony charades between Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee candidates who are both servants of the same special interests?
<<Scientific polling has allowed the major partys to understand very well what the people care about and don't. Both partys are busy trying to lead while they also follow these polls. >>
Isn't your explanation above (which I accept, BTW) perfectly consistent with my theory that the "elections" consist of two phony "candidates," each one roughly equal to the other in his acceptability to the special interests that are the real government, vying with one another for the privilege of nominally leading the nation for a limited term of four years? Obviously neither "candidate" has any real program at odds with the goals of the special interests and is concerned primarily with crafting a pitch to the approximately 50% of the electorate who are dumb enough to get involved in the charade in the first place that will enable him to beat out the other "candidate" and be permitted to "represent" the nation for the next four years. Otherwise, why bother with finding out in advance what the dumb schmucks want anyway? Why not just stand for election based on a published party platform and let the idiots decide howsoever they choose to decide?
<<The government is constantly copeing itself to the will of the people . >.
That is 100% bullshit. They are promising the people what they believe the people want, they are presenting to the people the image that they think the people want to see, but once the election is over, the winner continues the policies of the last government in all important matters, since all the participants in the charade, including the outgoing administration, are the tools of the special interests that really govern the country.
<<If this is bad it is the fault of the people who seem to demand nothing less.>>
The "people" don't demand jack-shit. Half of them, knowing all too well the futility of the exercise, don't even bother to vote. The rest of the schmucks can vote any way they want, but in the end, they'll get what the special interests have already decided they can get. Nothing more and nothing less.