Author Topic: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.  (Read 14015 times)

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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #60 on: June 03, 2010, 05:39:46 PM »
More than 1 million tons of humanitarian supplies have been allowed into Gaza
since the Israeli military operation ended in January 2009, almost a ton of aid
for each man, woman and child in Gaza.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #61 on: June 03, 2010, 05:50:04 PM »
<<More than 1 million tons of humanitarian supplies have been allowed into Gaza
since the Israeli military operation ended in January 2009, almost a ton of aid
for each man, woman and child in Gaza.>>

And you BELIEVE that shit?  So how come the WHO and UNICEF report extensive child malnutrition due to the blockade, as do other aid organizations as well?

It's probably just one more Zio-Nazi lie.  Or else the food component is low enough that there just isn't enough there in that figure to feed the children of Gaza properly.  Either way, sources a helluva lot more credible than the Zio-Nazi bullshit machine, and many of them, report extensive child malnutrition in Gaza, and I believe it.  Why would the Turks send the aid relief flotilla to Gaza if there were no need for it?  They're allies of Israel.  Or at least, they were, prior to the massacre.


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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #62 on: June 03, 2010, 06:04:52 PM »
Michael come is very clear this is a PR stunt....the flotilla was and is invited to dock at Ashdod port, to unload their cargo and transfer it to Gaza, after a security check, either via the Israeli authorities or via the humanitarian organizations.

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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #63 on: June 03, 2010, 06:13:47 PM »
oh and by the way....4 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel in the last 24 hours...I am sure if Mexico was shooting hundreds of rockets over the last couple of years into Arizona and New Mexico the US would show as much restraint as Israel has.  ::)
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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #64 on: June 03, 2010, 06:16:14 PM »
If we were to apply's Tee's reasoned "logic", we could claim that the malnutrition is largely caused by the Hamas leaders storing and using food sources for their leaders and militants, while the peons get scraps...if that.  Best of both worlds, their fighters stay fresh and they can keep up the PR black eye to Israel  Same amount of "logic", and minus any evidence as the so called "massacre"

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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #65 on: June 03, 2010, 07:46:38 PM »
The Gaza Flotilla Decoy for Iranian Missiles to Hezbollah?

By Walid Phares

"De-Blockading" Hamas?

At first glance, the takeover by the Israeli Navy of the "humanitarian flotilla" heading towards Gaza is just one more of the disputed crises between Israel and its foes. As in all previous incidents, the spiral of accusations will eventually reach bottom. While media attention will highlight the tactical events?seizure of the ships, rules of engagement, who fired first, the legal location of the incident and the other dramatic details, the rapidly expanding debate will soon reach the strategic intent of the "flotilla." After all the governments involved issue their condemnations and warnings in all directions, after the UN issues a statement and international forums mobilize to indict their predictably targeted foe,in this case Israel, the question unavoidably will be: why is there a flotilla heading towards a military zone, and what is the ultimate goal of the operation?

According to the organizers of the "Free Gaza" network which enjoys the support of Hamas and its backers in Damascus and Tehran but also of governments considered in the West as "mainstream" such as the AKP of Turkey and the oil rich Qatar, this vast coalition of regimes and organizations assert that the aim of the 700 militants and activists was to pierce the encirclement of Gaza and lift the naval blockade of the enclave. Hence the actual goal of the humanitarian effort is to relieve Hamas, not just to ensure aid to the civilians trapped in the strip. For if aid and comfort was the sole objective of the operation, the material would have been calmly handed to the United Nations' agencies which would have forwarded it to the network of humanitarian associations and NGOs inside the afflicted zone. Either Egypt or Israel would have checked it and would have, under international obligation, sent it across the cease fire lines.

But the organizers of the flotilla, a vast coalition supporting the Jihadist organization based in Gaza, aimed clearly at a geopolitical gain: open a maritime path for Hamas to receive strategic support from the outside and solidify its grip over the enclave. Spokespersons for the "flotilla" would obviously deny the long term goal and focus on the humanitarian stated agenda. But had the architects of the initiative added a global plan to solve the crisis in Gaza, one would have given credit to the humanitarian version of the story. From Ankara to Doha, from Damascus to Tehran, policy planners are aiming at reaching "their piece" of Palestine, ironically at the expense of the Palestinian national authority.

Indeed, beyond the evaluation on tactical or legal grounds and who should be blamed, the picture on the strategic level is much more ominous. The launching of the "flotilla" timed up with two major developments, one by the moderates in the region backed by the United States and the international community and the other by the radicals in the region led by Iran and Syria. After repeated attempts to bring Israelis and Palestinians back to the table of negotiations over the past few months, Washington was close to achieving that goal with the help of moderate Arab governments and the European Union. The Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government were on their way to a sit down "directly or indirectly" to proceed at an advanced stage in the process. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other players were blessing the move cautiously. But this process was moving outside the control of Iran and Syria and their protege's in Gaza.

Hence sending activists via high seas to break the encirclement of Hamas was part of collapsing US and international efforts to resume the peace talks. Indeed as we all know, once the radicals trigger (and organize) a wave of "Jihadism" in the media and streets, no moderate will show up for discussions. And that's what is happening as of today: a spiraling crumbling of the latest chance for peace talks.

This is not new: It is a modified repeat of previous manipulated incidents: The Hezbollah War in 2006, the Hamas coup of 2007, the Gaza war in 2008 and many similar successful maneuvers in the 1990s: obstructing the peace process by using militants wearing peace jackets. But the more ominous development this flotilla is camouflaging is a real land fleet bringing missiles and advanced weapons to Hezbollah from Syria to the Bekaa Valley.

Over the past weeks reports have abounded about Iranian long-range missiles shipped via Syria to Hezbollah and satellite images have shown terror bases in the vicinity of Damascus growing under Baathist protection. As soon as the attention of the international community began to focus on the flow of strategic weapons to Hezbollah, the "brotherhood of regimes" unleashed the Gaza flotilla across the Mediterranean. Seasoned geopolitical experts would rationally link the move to create an incident off the coasts of Gaza with the move to equipping Hezbollah with lethal missiles.

In the end we're looking at two flotillas, the maritime one in the south being only a decoy for the land fleet to achieve its goal of war preparations in the north.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 07:48:37 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #66 on: June 03, 2010, 07:58:48 PM »
"....4 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel in the last 24 hours."

Get you get any dumber?


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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #67 on: June 03, 2010, 08:20:43 PM »
BTW, does anyone know any "police" who stand at the shipping gates of hospitals and turn away shipments of medical equipment and supplies? 

Who says they were going to do that?


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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #68 on: June 03, 2010, 08:42:11 PM »

About 10 percent of Palestinian children suffer permanent effects from malnutrition, according to a survey published Wednesday, a result of widespread poverty in the West Bank and Gaza.

Six Greeks and several others, including a Turkish woman and her 1-year-old baby, were released Tuesday.

Turkish activist Nilufer Cetin, who had hidden with her baby in her cabin's bathroom aboard the Mavi Marmara, told reporters she believed there were 11 dead.

”The ship turned into a lake of blood," Cetin told reporters in Istanbul, having returned after Israeli officials warned that jail would be too harsh for her child.

"We were aware of the possible danger in joining the trip," she said. "But there are thousands of babies in Gaza. If we had reached Gaza we would have played with them and taken them food."

Israeli spokesmen repeatedly stressed yesterday that the demonstrators went into a violent frenzy that endangered the soldiers' lives. This argument, however, should not detract attention from the question of why these things happened, and whether an alternative had been possible. Ultimately, Israel walked straight into the trap that the flotilla organizers set, and has found itself in a massive diplomatic mess. It remains unclear what Israel should do about the next aid ship, which is due to set sail for Gaza today or tomorrow.

One of the most telling images of the day, along with footage from the ships, was the expression of Navy Commander Major General Marom at the noon press conference. The many weeks the navy spent preparing to meet the flotilla, the advance praise it received for its professional preparations, all culminated in a resounding failure. We should be clear: If Israel's goal was to "contain" the flotilla and prevent it from triggering a major crisis, we failed utterly and completely, and in no way is this the soldiers' fault.

Michael Tee

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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #69 on: June 03, 2010, 08:50:34 PM »
<<Michael come is very clear this is a PR stunt....the flotilla was and is invited to dock at Ashdod port, to unload their cargo and transfer it to Gaza, after a security check, either via the Israeli authorities or via the humanitarian organizations.>>

OF COURSE, it's a PR stunt.  So was Gandhi's march to the sea.  The issue isn't whether or not the actors are trying to get publicity, but what exactly are they trying to publicize?  In Gandhi's case, it was the British salt tax and in the present case, it's the blockade of Gaza.

With or without Israeli brutality, the exercise would have succeeded.  Hundreds of millions of people around the world became very aware of the issue and of the underlying injustice.  The brutality of the Israeli assault on and murder of the aid workers was a bonus, showing the true face of the IDF - - murderous lying bastards - - to those millions.

This wasn't about docking at Ashdod - - that would have glossed over the fact that the Israelis have blockaded every single port in Gaza.  The point of the exercise was to BREAK THE BLOCKADE.  And in a way it's already succeeded - - the Egyptians have opened their sole border crossing to Gaza.  The Israelis have to live with the image of them that the whole world has now seen.  For every member of this group who can find the legalities and the technicalities and the arguments to justify this act of outright brutality, there are thousands who see it for what it is, all over the globe.  No matter what bullshit rationalizations you want to bring to these wanton murders, most people will see through them.  The violence was purely gratuitous and more than that, the underlying violence and injustice of the blockade is also exposed to the world.

Michael Tee

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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #70 on: June 03, 2010, 08:53:52 PM »
<<oh and by the way....4 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel in the last 24 hours...>>

Cry me a fucking river.  What do they expect now, rose petals and chocolates?

<<I am sure if Mexico was shooting hundreds of rockets over the last couple of years into Arizona and New Mexico the US would show as much restraint as Israel has.>>

Apples and oranges.  Obviously the Palestinians feel angry enough to shoot rockets at the Israelis and the Mexicans don't feel angry enough to do the same to the US.  Why that is requires a lesson in the history of the US, Mexico and Israel, which I'm not prepared to deliver right now.

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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #71 on: June 03, 2010, 09:04:40 PM »
<<The Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government were on their way to a sit down "directly or indirectly" to proceed at an advanced stage in the process. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other players were blessing the move cautiously. But this process was moving outside the control of Iran and Syria and their protege's in Gaza.>>

If I had a dollar for every time since 1967 the Israeli government was "on its way to a sit-down" and all the rest of that bullshit, I'd be a rich man.  In the next 20 years, there will be just as many times that the Israeli government was "just about to sit down and negotiate seriously" and was stopped only by a: rocket attack/explosion in a disco/arms shipment "discovered" in Africa/incendiary rhetoric/"discovery" of an assassination plot/etc./etc./etc.

This stuff is written by PR hacks for morons. 

I could have saved the author the trouble.  The massacre of the aid workers by Israeli forces was entirely due to: Iran/Syria/Hamas/Hezbollah/"terrorists"/anti-Semites/Israel bashers/Turkey/Islamic fundamentalists/Wahabbis/green aliens from Mars/deranged man-eating plants/Afghans/ . . .  or any combination thereof.  Q.E.D.  Don't blame the Israelis for this or you're an anti-Semite.  End of story.  Is anyone from the Israeli embassy or the Zio-Nazi bullshit machine reading this?  I'll work cheap.  And fast.


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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #72 on: June 03, 2010, 09:06:26 PM »
<<oh and by the way....4 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel in the last 24 hours...>>

Cry me a fucking river.  What do they expect now, rose petals and chocolates?

<<I am sure if Mexico was shooting hundreds of rockets over the last couple of years into Arizona and New Mexico the US would show as much restraint as Israel has.>>

Apples and oranges.  Obviously the Palestinians feel angry enough to shoot rockets at the Israelis and the Mexicans don't feel angry enough to do the same to the US.  Why that is requires a lesson in the history of the US, Mexico and Israel, which I'm not prepared to deliver right now.

The diffrence between the Apple and the Orange here is anger?

I don't think so , it is all Oranges there.


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Re: Israelis cleverly wreck their rapport with the Turks.
« Reply #73 on: June 03, 2010, 11:38:45 PM »
Now see, this is the problem.

"O my, they're blockading us."

Well stop rocketing them for crying out loud. That's why they're blockading you. Duh!


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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987