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Iran on war alert over "US and Israeli concentrations" in Azerbaijan

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report

June 23, 2010, 1:23 PM (GMT+02:00) 

Iran's land forces on the ready

In a rare move, Iran has declared a state of war on its northwestern border, debkafile's military and Iranian sources report. Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps men and equipment units are being massed in the Caspian Sea region against what Tehran claims are US and Israeli forces concentrated on army and air bases in Azerbaijan ready to strike Iran's nuclear facilities.

The announcement came on Tuesday, June 22 from Brig.-Gen Mehdi Moini of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), commander of the forces tasked with "repelling" this American-Israeli offensive. He said: "The mobilization is due to the presence of American and Israeli forces on the western border," adding, "Reinforcements are being dispatched to West Azerbaijan Province because some western countries are fueling ethnic conflicts to destabilize the situation in the region."

In the past, Iranian officials have spoken of US and Israel attacks in general terms. debkafile's Iranian sources note that this is the first time that a specific location was mentioned and large reinforcements dispatched to give the threat substance.

Other Iranian sources report that in the last few days, Israel has secretly transferred a large number of bomber jets to bases in Azerbaijan, via Georgia, and that American special forces are also concentrated in Azerbaijan in preparation for a strike.

No comment has come from Azerbaijan about any of these reports. Iranian Azerbaijan, the destination of the Revolutionary Guards forces reinforcements, borders on Turkey, Iraq and Armenia. Witnesses say long IRGC convoys of tanks, artillery, anti-aircraft units and infantry are seen heading up the main highways to Azerbaijan and then further north to the Caspian Sea.

On Tuesday, June 22, Dr. Uzi Arad, head of Israel's National Security Council and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's closest adviser, said "The latest round of UN Security Council sanctions on Iran is inadequate for thwarting its nuclear progress. A preemptive military strike might eventually be necessary."

debkafile's intelligence and Iranian sources point to three other developments as setting off Iran's war alert:

1.   A certain (limited) reinforcement of American and Israeli forces has taken place in Azerbaijan. Neither Washington nor Jerusalem has ever acknowledged a military presence in this country that borders on Iran, but Western intelligence sources say that both keep a wary eye on the goings-on inside Iran from electronic surveillance bases in that country.

2.  Iran feels moved to respond to certain US steps: The arrival of the USS Harry S. Truman Strike Group in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea and its war games with France and Israel, which included live-fire bombing practices against targets in Iran.

3.   The execution of Abdolmalek Rigi, head of the Sunni Baluchi rebel organization (including the Iranian Baluchis), on June 20 was intended as a deterrent for Iran's other minorities. Instead, they are more restive than ever. Several Azeri breakaway movements operate in Iranian Azerbaijan in combination with their brethren across the border. Tehran decided a substantial buildup in the province would serve as a timely measure against possible upheavals.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Doesn't this alarm sound every two months?

Is the point to exaust the Iranians with constant drills?

Michael Tee

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I think XO once tracked these constant DEBKRAP "warnings" back for a solid two years with nothing materializing.  I'd be real interested to see how Bankrupt Nation, already fighting two wars it can't win, can manage to pull off a third one against Iran, its biggest, best-organized and toughest target to date.  Probably even the writers at DEBKRAP, whose job it is to invent these little fantasies, must be laughing to themselves as they imagine the absurdity of blowing oil prices sky-high and the effects that would have on the U.S. economy, already "circling the drain."


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Middle East war tensions mount over Gaza-bound "enemy ships"
Hizballah pledges reprisal

DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 24, 2010, 1:11 PM (GMT+02:00)  

The stop-go Lebanese Julia

Ominous clouds gathered over the Mediterranean Thursday, June 24 after Israel announced that ships bound for Gaza would be deemed "enemy vessels" and halted by its navy by whatever means were necessary. Hizballah shot back with a threat of violent retaliation, while Israel's northern commander warned that the IDF was prepared to deal with threats from Lebanon by "appropriate means."

With two ships, one Lebanese and one Iranian, already at sea, the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri was reported by debkafile's intelligence sources as coupling his public support for the sea campaign to break Israel's blockade of Gaza with a quiet bid to stall it.

He privately asked Cypriot President Demetris Christofias, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and the Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to deny Lebanese ships bound for Gaza permission to drop anchor, refuel or load provisions at their ports, in order to prevent them from proceeding to Gaza.

Hariri explained that he feared the flotilla campaign to break the Israeli blockade would precipitate a new Middle East war.

Last week, the freighter "Julia," docked at the North Lebanese port of Tripoli was denied permission to head to Gaza Port. Refusing to be put off, the activists decided to sail first to Cyprus and then head for Gaza. Permission was granted by the Lebanese Transportation Minister Ghazi Aridi Wednesday, June 23.
On Thursday, June 24, Israel repeated its warning that ships trying to breach its blockade against the Gaza Strip would be deemed "enemy vessels." The Israeli Navy has been instructed to employ every available means to bar their access to Gaza's shore. Israel OC Northern Command Gen. Gadi Eizenkot said: "The Lebanese side is issuing threats against Israel and we are confident that the Israeli army is preparing to confront these threats in an appropriate manner."

He was referring to Hizballah's announcement: "We will not stand by idly if Israel attacks ships bound for Gaza. Detainees taken into Israeli custody (aboard those vessels) will be deemed prisoners of war who must be released.

As the climate over the Mediterranean heats up, two ships are either at sea or hours away from embarkation - the Julia from Lebanon and an Iranian ship, which is said to be making for the Suez Canal from the Persian Gulf port of Khorramshahr.

In his calls to the Greek, Turkish, Cypriot and Maltese leaders, the Lebanese prime minister admitted that the embarkation of the pro-Palestinian vessels from his ports violates US Resolution 1701 enforcing the Israel-Lebanon ceasefire which ended the 2006 war, but he was helpless to stop them because they were backed by powerful elements. Hariri did not say who they were, but  they were understood to be Syria and Hizballah.

He stressed that more urgent issues confronted Beirut than the Gaza blockade, such as the Shaaba Farms on the Hermon slopes, which he said, "Hizballah only talks about liberating but has not fired a single shell." Hariri made it clear that by sponsoring the ships for Gaza, Hizballah is bringing Lebanon dangerously close to a clash with Israel.

Unlike the May 31 episode, when the activists who resisted Israel's raid of a Turkish ship to prevent if from reaching Gaza were unknown quantities, this time, on Thursday, Israeli intelligence sources released the identities of the ships' owners and the organizations mounting the expeditions.

The Lebanese "Julia" belongs to a Syrian shipping firm headed by a cousin of President Bashar Assad, who made it available to Hizballah for the challenge to Israel. The Lebanese flotilla effort is funded by a Palestinian by the name of Yasser Kashlak who, posing as a wealthy businessman, serves as Tehran's secret channel for remitting funds to Hizballah and Palestinian terrorist organizations, including Hamas.

Therefore, Israel's designation of these ships and those of Iran as enemy vessels meets the case.
From Washington, debkafile reports that when Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on June 22, he voiced extreme concern about the Lebanese Prime Minister's inability to rein in Hizballah. Because of this, the situation in the region could rapidly deteriorate, said Barak.

Right after the meeting, the US issued a statement about the "aid" flotillas saying, "Direct delivery by sea is neither appropriate nor responsible, and certainly not effective, under the circumstances. There is no need for unnecessary confrontations, and we, along with our partners in the Quartet, call on all parties to act responsibly in meeting the needs of the people of Gaza."

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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<<Right after the meeting, the US issued a statement about the "aid" flotillas saying, "Direct delivery by sea is neither appropriate nor responsible, and certainly not effective, under the circumstances. There is no need for unnecessary confrontations, and we, along with our partners in the Quartet, call on all parties to act responsibly in meeting the needs of the people of Gaza.">>

That is a perfect example of the kind of phony, pompous and self-righteous absurdities we have all come to expect from the US State Department, under any Republocrat administration.  "There is no need for unnecessary confrontations" says the country which has invaded both Vietnam and Iraq under cover of bogus, made-to-order "threats" and "attacks" having no basis in fact or logic. 

"We ("we" being the instigators of more wars than I can count on the fingers of both hands) call on all parties to act responsibly in meeting the needs of the people of Gaza."  Another hilariously pompous and asinine pronouncement from Hillary's . . . mouth?  conveniently overlooking the fact that until the first Turkish aid flotilla, neither the USA nor its "partners" even pretended to give a shit about the "needs of the people of Gaza."

As the lies and hypocrisy of the US government become more and more apparent to more and more people, I often wonder, why do they even bother to try?  Who do they really think they are fooling?  But then I need only to read the comments in this NG from some of our right-wing members and it's readily apparent why they bother to invent their ridiculous bullshit.


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until the first Turkish aid flotilla, the USA nor its "partners" even
pretended to give a shit about the "needs of the people of Gaza."

Since 1994, Palestinians have received more than $2.9 billion in U.S. economic
assistance via USAID projects - more than from any other donor country.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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"We ("we" being the instigators of more wars than I can count on the fingers of both hands) call on all parties to act responsibly in meeting the needs of the people of Gaza."  Another hilariously pompous and asinine pronouncement from Hillary's . . . mouth?  conveniently overlooking the fact that until the first Turkish aid flotilla, neither the USA nor its "partners" even pretended to give a shit about the "needs of the people of Gaza."

That would also be extended to every Arab nation, in the region.  The "people of Gaza", and Palestinians in general, are merely an expendable political football, to kick all over, by all
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Israel...stands her ground..and the Iranians back down!  ;)

IRAN: Controversial attempt to break Israeli blockade of Gaza called off

June 25, 2010

OK, people, relax. World War III is not going to break out this weekend over a high-seas confrontation between Iranian aid ships headed to the Gaza Strip and Israeli gunboats aiming to stop them.

International observers (including certain overworked Middle East correspondents) breathed a deep sigh of relief Friday after Iran called off its plan to try to break through Israel's blockade of the Palestinian enclave.

Israeli commandos killed nine Turkish activists aboard a Gaza-bound aid ship late last month in an incident that practically reconfigured the diplomatic topography of the Middle East.

According to a Persian-language report by Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency, an Iranian foreign ministry official told reporters that an Iranian aid flotilla destined for Gaza this weekend has been called off.

The vessel was originally to leave either Thursday or Sunday, but will be staying put for now, according to Hossein Sheikoleslam.

"The Iranian flotilla will not go to Gaza," he told reporters in the northern Iranian city of Rasht, according to IRNA. "This flotilla was initially scheduled to leave on Thursday heading for Gaza. But due to the constraints created by the usurping Zionist government in not allowing certain types of goods to pass through, it was decided that the vessel would leave on Sunday, June 27. This will also not happen now."

In addition to his duties at the foreign ministry, Sheikoleslam heads the International Conference for Supporting the Palestinian Intifada. He said Iran ultimately backed down on the aid flotilla because it didn't want to politicize its humanitarian efforts.

In any case, Israel has vowed to ease the blockade amid a firestorm of international criticism.

"Although Iranian aid is not dispatched by Iranian ships, these sorts of aid would be sent by other means," Sheikoleslam said. "The Zionist regime has turned the issue of sending aid to Gaza into a political one. We do not want such humanitarian issues to be turned into a political matter. For us, the most important thing is the breaking of the blockade."
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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It is easy to decide that the people of Gaza "need " peace , but it seems opretty evident that there are things that they want more than they want peace.

If we keep giveing them according to their need as we see it will we or they be more frustrated?


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It is easy to decide that the people of Gaza "need " peace , but it seems opretty evident that there are things that they want more than they want peace.

That's an understatement

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle