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Guest 07:47:56 PM Viewing the board 3DHS.
Guest 07:46:53 PM Viewing the topic California judge says no to homeschooling.
Guest 07:46:39 PM Viewing the topic Chinese aircraft maintenance.
Guest 07:46:18 PM Viewing the topic A professor at Kent State University advocates jihad -- and no one bats an eye..
Guest 07:45:46 PM Viewing the forum stats.
Guest 07:45:27 PM Viewing the topic Civil War in Palestine.
Guest 07:44:53 PM Viewing the topic Rally the Nation.
Guest 07:43:33 PM Viewing the topic violent outrage over destruction of inanimate objects...silence on dead bodies!.
Guest 07:43:30 PM Viewing the topic Going to war leaves US soldiers' kids at risk.
Guest 07:42:54 PM Viewing the topic This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke.
Guest 07:42:52 PM Viewing the topic Four Freedoms.
Guest 07:41:25 PM Logging into the forum.
Guest 07:39:55 PM Viewing the topic Tea Party vs Wall Street Hippy/Thug/Handout Crowd Campout.
Guest 07:38:29 PM Viewing the topic Speaking of Politics as usual.
Guest 07:36:52 PM Viewing the topic Trent Lott.
Guest 07:36:10 PM Searching the forum.
Guest 07:35:34 PM Viewing the topic ICE - In Case of Emergency (A really good idea).
Guest 07:33:26 PM Viewing the topic Lawmakers? Constituents Make Their Bailout Views Loud and Clear.