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Messages - Xavier_Onassis

Pages: 1 ... 1856 1857 [1858] 1859 1860 ... 1862
3DHS / Re: "I would like to be a good guy and a good gambler."
« on: October 29, 2006, 11:54:34 AM »
Direct comparison to Social Security.
Posted on: October 28, 2006, 11:04:46 AM
Posted by: Amianthus

Not at all. Social Security so far has paid exactly what it has promised to pay.

Even if this were true, which it isn't, it would not refute that casinos are frauds.

I know of no casino that publically advertises what percentage of the money it takes in is paid back to the suckers. On gthe Interstate near Biloxi, billboards brag about "the loosest slots".

They do not say how loose.

3DHS / Re: Doubts About Duke
« on: October 28, 2006, 11:59:14 AM »
What they never mention is that the rich fratboys paid the strippers $800 to come and dance for them, and all they got was several minutes of what everyone acknowledges was an extremely mediocre performance, after which the girls left WITHOUT OFFERING A REFUND!

The alleged rape victim was apparently zonked out before she showed up.

It was stupid of the fratboys to hire Black strippers. It was even more stupid for the strippers to go there.

It seems to me that everyone connected to this case is also rather stupid. It must be a contagious form of stupidity.

I would sentence all concerned to serious noogies and dope slaps.

3DHS / Re: "I would like to be a good guy and a good gambler."
« on: October 28, 2006, 11:50:34 AM »
Casinos are leagalized fraud, essentially no different from bogus patent medicine, pyramid schemes, shell games, and three-card monte.
None of those are legal. Casinos should be banned for the same reason.

3DHS / Re: "I would like to be a good guy and a good gambler."
« on: October 28, 2006, 02:07:50 AM »
Would a better education in Mathmatics defend people from the dangers of Gambling ?

The better understanding of how exactly gambleing works would defend reasonable people from gambleing too much.

Are there enough unreasonable addictive personalitys running around to keep casinos in business once thye rest of us know better?
There will never be a time when "the rest of us know better". Math education wpould help, but people gamble for a variety of complex reasons. The public does not want to be educated. Some people will always believe in "lucky days", just as some will always believe in horoscopes and other similar rot.

Some like to think that if they are lucky, somehow this means that God loves them and wants to reward them. Others seek to prove tpo themselves that there really is fairness in the universe, and the only way to balance out the bad luck they have had is to gamble and allow God, or fate, or whatever is in charge to balance things out for them. Others believe in luck, and that at times they are blessed, and must take advantage of this.   I think some also gamble to punish themselves for doing bad things, or stupid things, like lose their last paycheck.

I insist that casinos are like defective guns that blow up in the users' faces with surp[rising regularity, and should be banned because they are bad for society.  I don't give a shit whether this is a liberal or conservative or whiggish proposition. I say ban all the mf'ers.

3DHS / Re: question about stuff here
« on: October 28, 2006, 01:57:43 AM »
No there is NO WAY that Al Qaida could actually run Iraq. At most, they could use some small part pof Iraq as a base of operations. Al Qaida is a Saudi, not an Iraqi, organization, and they could only run free Afghanistan because of the money they provided to Sheik Omar. They no longer have money.

This is not to say that Iraq might end up with a govt. that is very anti-American, eventually. Had it not been for the invasion, therte would be about a half million Iraqis, that's one out of 45, alive today. It's a tribal society, where grudges last a loooong time and revenge is a major part of the culture.

Very unlikely that Saddam would have killed that many in so short a time.

3DHS / Re: Exxon Mobil Posts $10.49B Profit
« on: October 27, 2006, 12:14:17 AM »
My take on this is that we as Americans want the Free Enterprise system to work but then when it does, we hammer the firm that is now on top.

Not even close.

Big Oil is not an example of free enterprise at work. Big Oil is a very few companies in collusion to fix prices.
Wal-Mart might be free enterprise at work. They do sell most stuff at a lower price than most of the competition.
Exxon-Mobil is not cheaper or better thsan the competition, just bigger.

Exxon-Mobil DESERVES to be hammered. Broken up into seventeen pieces would be appropriate.

3DHS / Re: Bosnia & Iraq
« on: October 26, 2006, 09:46:13 PM »
Well, gosh, the major difference is that thousands of Americans have been killed in Iraq. In Bosnia, I don't think there were more than ten casualties in all.

There is no oil in Bosnia.

Europeans LIKED us for going into Bosnia. They DISLIKE us for invading Iraq. No Bosnians were waterboarded, sent to Gitmo or otherwise Al Gharaib'ed.

Bosnia was done according to the generals' best recommendations. Iraq was done according to what Cheney, Rummy and clowns like Wolfowitz and Pearle recommended. Henry 'the Thing that Will Not Die' has been consulted as well. One might think that Vietnam would be enough to poison his advice forever, but noooo.

3DHS / There never was a good casino or a bad casino bankruptcy
« on: October 26, 2006, 09:34:56 PM »
I don't give a rat's ass what you think of my opinion, UP. I hate casinos, they have brought huge grief and hardship to a member of my family and I would bgurn evry damned one of the goddamn things to the ground if I could get away with it. The riverboats, I think I would sink. Ofr peerhaps I would burn a few and then siink them while they burn. I would not mind too much if Donald Trump and his fellow thieves and swindlers were aboard when they went down either.

I am not opposed to gambling. I am opposed to the casino industry. When I say the "games" are rigged, that is exactly what I mean: the slots are rigged to keep a huge amount more than they pay out. Instead of Bingo, they have Keno, which is a form of the game that favors the casinos. If I play poker with my buddies and we all bet a total of $100, the total amount among us after we are through playing is still $100. THAT is an unrigged game. The casino games are rigged, because the casinos keeps a lot more than is won by players.
Whatever 'fun' morons have trying to 'beat the house' is not a fraction of the amount of harm these f*cking thieves do to them. I am against casinos for the same reason I am against larceny, burglary and felonious assault.

I am all for people who like to gamble playing games with one another. But casinos suck and should be banned everywhere forever amen

3DHS / Re: Adapt to win or Stay the course?
« on: October 26, 2006, 10:59:26 AM »
Does anyone seriously believe that the US could ever send enough troops to Iraq to force all 22,000,000 Iraqis to adopt American views of politics?

The invasion was a horrid mistake. The Iraqis don't want us there, except for those we employ.

Iraq has a history of 6000 years of government, and they never came close to what Rummy, Cheney and Juniorbush are tryjng to foist.
 on them.

Never was the statement "If you are not part of the sloution, you are part of the problem" been more true. The US cannot be the solution or even a useful part of it. All it can do is to piss away billions and billions more, with a goodly stream spewing money into the pockets of Halliburton, Dick 'Waterboarding is a no-brainer' Cheney and other greedhead contractors.

The US created the problem, but will never be able to solve it.

3DHS / Re: "I would like to be a good guy and a good gambler."
« on: October 26, 2006, 10:50:50 AM »
Casino gambling sucks and ruins lives.

It contributes nothing, and is ess fun than masturbation.

Casinos should be banned everywhere.

People are free to play with commodities, stocks, bonds and butterfly splits. Who needs gambling anyway?

Trying to beat a slot machine is like picking a fight with Mike Tyson.

People should be able to gamble with friends, but not with pros at casino games that are rigged against them.

The more casinos are allowed to suck the wealth out of the public, the more they will corrupt the system. Look at Mississippi.

3DHS / Condi and Aunt Jemima
« on: October 26, 2006, 10:45:32 AM »
"Aunt Jemima" was not a reference to Rice's appearance, you dolt, it is the feminine version of "Uncle Tom," a servile black who promotes his own self-interest by serving white racists despite the harm they do to the black population as a whole.  She's "Aunt Jemima" because she's a black woman in the service of white racists, not because of her looks.  She doesn't look anything like Aunt Jemima.

Aunt Jemima used to be an overweight Black Mammy figure who was in fact really and truely utterly black in tone. She had a nice smile and was portrayed as a women who knew how to prepare a most excellent breakfast (the most important meal of the day, lest you forget) for Massa and Miss Emily.

In recent times, she has been reincarnated as a slim and attractive African-American woman of a much lighter hue with about the same stylish figure as Condi Rice herself. She lacks now, as ever, the gap between her front teeth, though.

Condi Rice is probably unrelated to Aunt Jemima other than in doing the Massa's bidding.

Rumors that Condi is in any way related to Uncle Ben are malicious and untrue. She is NAMED Rice, while he sells it.

A mere coincidence!

3DHS / Re: What the Dems Would Do
« on: October 26, 2006, 10:35:31 AM »
- slow the economic boom by raising taxes on "the rich"
- drag the economy down even more by increasing the minimum wage

Yeah, sure. Give the poor another couple of dollars on the hour,and that would cause inflation.

Or we could return money to the rich, and that somehow would have an opposite effect.

When the poor piss their meager $2.00 away on food, clothing and lodging, that money vanishes *poof!* and the economy suffers.

When the rich pay less in taxes, somehow it all gets invested in more jobs.

Get real.

What happens is that the poor have to find jobs through some asshole agency, which collects $8.00/hr from the employer and pays them the minimum for three to six months. If the minimum is raised, then the employer will pay $10.00/hr and the poor will get a higher minimum, which will still not even make up for the increase in their rent.

Your knowledge of economics appears to conical in form.

It can fit more easily in your pointy head that way. 

3DHS / Re: The Most Hellish Place on Earth
« on: October 26, 2006, 10:26:07 AM »
The plan was to stay in Iraq as long as there was any of OUR oil left under THEIR sand.

The bases the US built are permanent.

But I don't see this as being the eventual outcome. No US troops are being killed in South Korea or Europe. There is an actual enemy in South Korea right across the border in the DRNK, and the PRC is also a threat.

In Europe, Russia could be some sort of threat.

In Iraq the potential enemies are Iraqis, and they are angry, dangerous and shooting Iraqis.

Will we be forced to witness another rescue by copter from the roof of the US Embassy?

Are we stupid enough to elect more asshole imperialist bungling warmongering Republicans?

Or will they simply steal more elections?

Stay tuned...

3DHS / What Limbaugh wants out of this
« on: October 26, 2006, 10:18:29 AM »
Limbaugh is not stupid. He is a callous, expoitative, lying sack of sheist, but he is a clever callous, expoitative, lying sack of sheist.

He says outrageous nonsense like this because it invigorates the dittoheads, who require ever greater idiocies to ditto in their pointy widdle heads, and at the same time, it reminds others to tune in and up the ratings. He thrives on ratings, which increase the ad revenues he can charge.

Coulter does the same crap to sell her venemous books.

Rush Limbaugh: a disgrace to Missourians for five decades and counting.

3DHS / Re: how are they better than us??
« on: October 24, 2006, 09:07:16 PM »
Used to be that people with dark skin had an easier time of it in France.  Is that still true today?

Black AMERICANS havew a much better time being accepted in France than in the US. This is also true for anyone who has the same general values and culture as the French. If you want to be an obvious Moslem or Arab, then the French won't accept you as a fellow Frenchman.

In the US they discriminate based on race. In France, they discriminate based on culture.

Since anyone can act like a Frenchman a whole lot easier than they can change color, France has that advantage.

Once you are acceprted and have a decent job in France, you are seen as a regular person and will have a better time keeping your job and fitting in than in the US, where your company can be bought out in a flaxsh and you can be fired in a minute as a result of one company taking over another.

You get a much better choice of political leaders in France than in the US. In the US we got to vote for this mediocre turkey who belonged to Skull and Bones and went to Yale or this other mediocre turkey who belonged to Skull and Bones at Yale, but was a bit less warmongering.

The French have better cheese, public transportation and bread. They read more. There are far fewer religious loons in France and many, many fewer Fascist assholes.

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