Author Topic: IslamoNazi Mullah Omar orders Taliban to attack civilians, Afghan women  (Read 1873 times)

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Mullah Omar orders Taliban to attack civilians, Afghan women

By Thomas Joscelyn & Bill Roggio
July 28, 2010

Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Amir al Mumineen
("the commander of the faithful") of the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban.

The battle for hearts and minds in Afghanistan has taken a new turn in the past two months. The Taliban?s supreme leader, Mullah Omar, has ordered his forces to kill or capture any civilians, including Afghan women, who cooperate with Coalition forces. Omar?s latest directive contradicts his marching orders from just one year ago, when he told his Taliban commanders to refrain from harming civilians working with the Coalition.

Omar reportedly issued his latest order in June. NATO announced that it had recovered a copy of the directive in July. Since then, Afghan press outlets have published a translation of Omar?s five-point order.

The Long War Journal has received a translation of Omar?s order, as it appeared in the Afghan press, from US intelligence sources. Senior US intelligence officials contacted by The Long War Journal say the order is most likely genuine.

According to the translation, Mullah Omar?s five-point directive reads:

1. Fight coalition forces to the death without withdrawing or surrendering; attempt to capture coalition forces whenever possible.
2. Capture and kill any Afghan who is supporting and/or working for coalition forces or the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

3. Capture and kill any Afghan women who are helping or providing information to coalition forces.

4. Recruit anyone that has access to coalition force bases and have the ability to collect detailed information about coalition forces.

5. Purchase or obtain more heavy weapons such as rocket-propelled grenades, machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns.

Points 2 and 3 are a dramatic about-face for the Taliban leader. In the summer of 2009, Omar issued a Code of Conduct for Taliban forces that explicitly commanded his shadow governors and other Taliban leaders to do the opposite.

?Governors, district chiefs and line commanders and every member of the Mujahideen must do their best to avoid civilian deaths, civilian injuries and damage to civilian property. Great care must be taken,? the Taliban?s Code of Conduct reads, according to a translation available on al Jazeera?s web site.

Coalition military officials have been quick to cite Mullah Omar?s most recent order, highlighting its impact on the Afghan people. On Tuesday, ISAF issued a press release describing a Taliban attack in which six Afghan civilians were killed, two more were wounded, and an Afghan government official was kidnapped in the Siahgird district of Parwan province.

"These insurgents have chosen to follow Mullah Omar?s recent guidance of attempting to capture or kill innocent civilians who are working for the coalition or government," Col. Rafael Torres, ISAF Joint Command?s Combined Joint Operations Center director, is quoted as saying in the press release. "Meanwhile, Omar is directing these attacks from the relative safety of his hiding place in Pakistan."

A July 19 news release on the Defense Department?s web site includes a summary of Mullah Omar?s order that is nearly identical to the language cited above. In that release, ISAF spokesperson Brig. Gen. Josef Blotz references Mullah Omar?s five-point directive in the context of another attack on Afghan civilians, pointing out that the 2009 Code of Conduct is apparently no longer binding.

"This [order] proves the Taliban are willing to ignore their own Code of Conduct when they sense they are losing influence and control, as today's attack [July 18] against several Afghan civilians [who] were killed and injured by a suicide attack in a residential area in Kabul today demonstrates," Blotz explained.

The Taliban's use of suicide bombers against civilian targets, highlighted in the July 19 DOD release, is another reversal in Taliban policy. The Taliban's 2009 Code of Conduct called for limiting the use of suicide bombers in attacks against civilians. "A brave son of Islam should not be used for lower and useless targets. The utmost effort should be made to avoid civilian casualties," the document reads.

Up until Mullah Omar?s June directive, it was widely thought that the Taliban would try to limit civilian casualties in order to compete with ISAF?s counterinsurgency strategy. American-led forces in Afghanistan treat the Afghan populace as the center of gravity and are trying to win their support by limiting civilian casualties and extending good governance.

The Taliban, as evidenced by its 2009 Code of Conduct, initially adopted a similar strategy. But Mullah Omar has now abandoned that effort in favor a more violent course. It remains to be seen whether Omar and the Taliban stick to the new strategy, or revert back to a more civilian-friendly approach.

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"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Geeze, what are the Taliban going to do now?  Bomb wedding parties?  How low can they go?

This is hilarious.  The U.S. military which by now has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, millions if you count Viet Nam, is going all ape-shit over the "inhumanity" of the Taliban, who only happen to LIVE in the country that the U.S. has come eight thousand miles to invade, torture and massacre.

Shame on you, Taliban!  If you don't clean up your act immediately, your fellow Afghans will think of you as no better than the Americans.


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the Taliban, who only happen to LIVE in the country that the U.S. has come eight thousand
miles to invade, torture and massacre.

Yep shame on the US for warning the Taliban over and over and over and over and over
and then finally invading the country that housed Bin Laden and the Sept 11th attackers/trainers.
Only one Democrat in the entire US Congress voted against the resolution authorizing the military in Afghanistan.
And in case anyone doesn't know it Canada has had troops in Afghanistan for years also.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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I am happy the Taliban has embraced transparency.

Now the people of Afghanistan can be better informed of their options.

But something puzzles me. I thought rumor had it that Omar had been captured.

Michael Tee

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<<I am happy the Taliban has embraced transparency.

<<Now the people of Afghanistan can be better informed of their options.>>

Good point.  They only lived under a Taliban government for, what, how many years?  And since the dumb schmucks don't watch the American MSM, how the hell could they possibly have known what their options were?

<<But something puzzles me. I thought rumor had it that Omar had been captured. >>

I don't know either.  They post so many announcements of the capture of No. 2 guys and top strategists and right-hand-men that if you believed any of their lying shit, the war should have been over by the day before yesterday.  I don't pay much attention to who they claim to have captured.  It almost invariably turns out to be some poor goat-fucker who is going to be paying more than Jesus for the sins of mankind.


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Guess we will have to wait for the next Wiki Leaks installment to see who has him, if he is indeed had.

Michael Tee

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Yeah, but how will you know if it's the true story or just part of the set-up that you see coming his way?


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2. Capture and kill any Afghan who is supporting and/or working for coalition forces or the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

4. Recruit anyone that has access to coalition force bases and have the ability to collect detailed information about coalition forces.

Doesn't "2" make "4" difficult?

I can understand reluctance at turning in an uncle or cousin, or even a fellowcountryman or tribemember.

But what happens when some of your relations are makeingthemselves a dangerous nusance?

The Taliban is responsible for most civilian casualtys already , are they really planning to take over the coountry by browbeating and threatening everyone at once?


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Why is there any reason to add the word "IslamoNazi" to Omar's name. We all know who Omar is, and Omar does not read this forum because he does not know our language, or even our alphabet.
There is no group that calls itself "IslamoNazi" this is a rightwing radio talkshow word, and it serves no useful purpose to use it here.

I fail to see any point to this.
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A person who is both Islamic and advocating nazi-like control of a mass amount of people, by way of subjugating them to their rule, is by definition an Islamonazi, or perhaps more accurately, an Islamofasicst

In other words, there's nothing wrong with the accuracy of the term, merely its not very PC, to leftists like yourself

Just ignore it, like you do with so many other posts and questions
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All religions that claim to the the One True religion and seek to convert everyone are Fascist. There seem to be some Orthodox Jews, such as Meyer Kahane's Kach Party that fit the description pretty well, but they are not evangelists except among Jews.

I just fail to see the point of using a word that adds NOTHING to the dialogue.

It's not like Mullah Omar is going to come a surfing by and read this and say "ooo, hoq wrong I have been! I shall reevaluate my positions immediately! He is a religious fanatic, and will die as one, whether "Christians" calls him a nasty name or not.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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<<Doesn't "2" [Capture and kill any Afghan who is supporting and/or working for coalition forces or the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan] make "4" [Recruit anyone that has access to coalition force bases and have the ability to collect detailed information about coalition forces] difficult?>>

Not if you use a little common sense and discretion.  Why fish in a polluted pool?  There are plenty of Afghans who haven't dirtied their hands working for the occupation forces but who still want revenge for the numerous crimes and atrocities committed against their families and tribesmen by them.

<<I can understand reluctance at turning in an uncle or cousin, or even a fellowcountryman or tribemember.

<<But what happens when some of your relations are makeing themselves a dangerous nusance?>>

Nothing happens.  Because blood is thicker than water.  Your family and your tribe will always be your family and your tribe.  An infidel invader will always be an infidel invader.  This stuff is pretty basic, plane.  When a guy sides with the infidels and the invaders against his own tribe and kin, that guy - - and not the guy that some American in Georgia labels a "dangerous nuisance" - - is toast.

<<The Taliban is responsible for most civilian casualtys already , are they really planning to take over the coountry by browbeating and threatening everyone at once?>>

They already took over the country once, and without a massive American presence, they'd take it over again in a heartbeat - - not by "browbeating and threatening" as your MSM brainwashing claims, but by offering an honest judicial system and a relatively uncorrupted government.  That is FACT and your version is pure BS.  If the Taliban is really so atrocious and such an insignificant minority, why can't 100,000 troops and 130,000 mercenaries with air support and hundreds of billions of dollars control them?  Why are the troops and air support even needed?

You are told one BS story after another by your "news" reporting services, and yet simple basic questions remain unanswered despite all the BS.   The questions aren't even asked.


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All religions that claim to the the One True religion and seek to convert everyone are Fascist.

With the biggest difference being that all those other religions, don't have an agenda of you either convert, be subjugated by, or die for failing the other 2.  THAT's what makes it fascist

I just fail to see the point of using a word that adds NOTHING to the dialogue.

I fail to see how Tee can simply ignore substantive and pertinent questions specifically posed to those on the left, consequently adding NOTHING to the dialog either.  You yourself have claimed to do the same with mine & Kramer's posts.  Best practice what you preach, before criticising someone else's non-PC approved labeling

« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 05:52:08 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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With the biggest difference being that all those other religions, don't have an
agenda of you either convert, be subjugated by, or die for failing the other 2. 
THAT's what makes it fascist

Very true SIRS.
SIRS you may enjoy this video about the IslamoNazis.

Newt Gingrich speaks on Islam & the dangers we face:

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987