ships designed next decade may require four gendered shower spaces , berthing ,
and officers quarters.
Yes our focus should be on bullshit political correct agendas instead of focusing
on the enemy! Lets see build hetro and homo bathrooms-showers, have hetro male
shower time, then hetro female shower time, then male homo shower time, then homo
female shower time....oh and dont forget the cross-dressers may be next and we can
add new schedules for the next set of perversion the left wants to force on
it's victims. It is leftwing insanity. Savage is correct, it is a mental illness.
I am a bit perplexed at the attitude that seems to minimise the power of sexual
attraction and motive as a cause of problems,
It will be a huge "can of worms".
Lots of lawsuits.
I would sue as a hetro exposed to this kind of crap.
It violates my civil rights.
"But Sargent Bill is sleeping with John so I dont wanna go on battle patrol with them,
cant trust they got my back".Like the military really needs to be dealing with this instead of dealing with enemies.