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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2010, 02:17:04 PM »
to this new leftist scam to ripoff American citizens

Yeah , maybe it should be turned into a rightest scam to force behavior modification upon the illegals who are already here, and whom the state has no real desire to deport. And maybe in the process pick up the allegiance of these some folks given that second chance who just might help build majorities big enough to make sure other perhaps higher priorities of the righties get enacted.

So is illegal immigration the number one problem in america from a conservative perspective?

If it isn't, what is?


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2010, 03:04:33 PM »
All bills are merged in this way. It may not be fair, but it has been the way every Congress has acted since the beginning, and there is nothing that citizens are going to do to make them stop.

It would be an ideal issue for the teabaggers, but they are too dense to even recognize this. They think they can balance the budget by ending foreign aid to Guam.



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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2010, 03:19:48 PM »
Yeah , maybe it should be turned into a rightest scam to force
behavior modification upon the illegals who are already here

I can only wish....they'd all get the hell out of my country!
They would not be here long if I was in control.

and whom the state has no real desire to deport.

Of course not when you have an agenda to destroy the United States as we know it
and turn it into a 3rd World failed state. Go drive around any major large city and
see for yourself. Come here and I will take you for a drive where block after block
mile after mile of shopping centers that used to be nice are now run down dirty
hellholes with bars on all the windows and all the store signs are in Spanish. Close
your eyes and open them and you could be in any run down Latin American country.

And maybe in the process pick up the allegiance of these some folks given that second chance who
just might help build majorities big enough to make sure other perhaps higher priorities of the righties get enacted.

Yeah sure with millions of poor, uneducated, non-English speaking illegals continuing to poor in
and not assimilate and burden our already burdened infrastructure. Yeah all those poor people
are going to elect another Reagan!  ::)

So is illegal immigration the number one problem in america from a conservative perspective?

imo...No why?
What is your point to keep repeating this?
Have the rules changed? Do we only discuss the #1 issue in 3DHS now?
What does it matter if it is #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, ect.....
In my opinion the illegal immigration invasion is one of several important crisis issues facing the United States.

If it isn't, what is?

In my opinion the number one problem is our super corrupt government in Washington
that continues to ruin a once great nation. Yes they have been voted in, but they have
managed with their sneaky incrementalism to create a whole class of voting dependents
that almost guarantee a strong showing for candidates promising to steal more "free" goodies
and handouts for the non-producing leeches. This agenda of purposely not enforcing our border
laws which results in the flooding of our country with millions and millions of poor uneducated people
will only accelerate the downward slide into bigger and bigger socialist type government and a
transformation of the United States that as you know I have predicted will result in a new US Civil War
and/or a breaking apart of the United States into smaller separate countries. In fact I would
support that kind of movement right now....I would love to see a peaceful secession movement
of like-minded folks that do not want to be a part of Washington's curruption any longer.
Secession is nothing new. It is how most nations are founded. It is going on today all
over the world. As the transformation of the United States moves along the elite's plan...
I predict more and more people that do not like what they see will become disenchanted
and unite to form a new union. "We the People.... in order to form a more perfect Union"
now where have we heard that before?.....LOL

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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2010, 03:59:11 PM »
Let me paraphrase:

The biggest problem facing america is that the federal government is not enacting the will of the people?


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2010, 04:08:20 PM »
So is illegal immigration the number one problem in america from a conservative perspective?

imo...No why?
What is your point to keep repeating this?
Have the rules changed? Do we only discuss the #1 issue in 3DHS now?
What does it matter if it is #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, ect.....
In my opinion the illegal immigration invasion is one of several important crisis issues facing the United States.

No the rules haven't changed. I'm simply trying to establish a pecking order of the priorities for changes that conservatives have.

If a tone deaf federal government is the problem , how do you fix it? You can't just throw one party out and put the other in because both parties contributed to the current state of affairs. So what's the real solution?


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #20 on: December 25, 2010, 04:55:46 PM »
"I can only wish....they'd all get the hell out of my country!"

Your country?!? You're just some dumb Texas redneck who's American only by an accident of birth. You're no more a real American then Anwar al-Awlaki.



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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #21 on: December 25, 2010, 05:19:38 PM »
So is illegal immigration the number one problem in america from a conservative perspective?

If it isn't, what is?
(1) putting an end to two wars
(2) the growing national debt.
(3) the aging of our population
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #22 on: December 25, 2010, 06:19:40 PM »
No the rules haven't changed.
I'm simply trying to establish a pecking order of the priorities for changes that conservatives have.

Well BT I don't speak for Conservatives....I can only speak for myself.
I would say just off the top of my head for me the list would run something like this:
#1. Destroy by any means IslamoNazi supporting governments. (Iran, Syria, Yemen, ect...)
#2. Stop Illegal Immigration and cause many illegal invaders to leave by stringent business fines for hiring illegal non-Americans
#3. Transition to privatizing schools across America.
#4. Across the board tax cuts and super pro-business attitude from Washington.

If a tone deaf federal government is the problem , how do you fix it?

You don't.
I honestly think it's too late.
The game is over....until the next huge war of secession
Sure you fight squirmishes here and there...
You do everything you can to hold on to what you got
But Demographics will make the US mirror California.
The big picture (mainly because of their success with changing the game with demographics) is bleak.
I am ok with that...I will fight battles when I a good life...find an island away from the nastiness they
have created in the big cities....and know what will be on tombstone is very true: "Here Lies A Lucky Man"
The hell with the mess they have created....I will have probably slipped by before it really gets ugly...
And for that I am forever grateful to have lived when I did before they f-ed everything up.

Let me paraphrase:The biggest problem facing america is that the federal government is not enacting the will of the people?

Not really.....
Over time the Left has smartly created a huge bloc of dependents.
No one really nocticed because they work slow and termites.
It's called job security for the welfare pimps.
The huge nanny state bloc continue to be enlarged via border chaos and "free" give-aways. (at least thats the plan)
So you have what you've got now in 2010....producers and non-producers hungry & spoiled for more thieving.
One wanting what is not theirs and one wanting to keep what is theirs.
The producers will continue to run to islands where they can avoid the thieves.
Like all the companies leaving states with high taxes and anti-business environments.
But eventually because of the illegal mass invasion there will be not enough places to run.
Then there will come a moment where enough will be enough...and secession gets more serious.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #23 on: December 25, 2010, 07:04:32 PM »

#1. Destroy by any means IslamoNazi supporting governments. (Iran, Syria, Yemen, ect...)

You're President, what would you do to achieve this goal? What does by any means entail in your playbook?

#2. Stop Illegal Immigration and cause many illegal invaders to leave by stringent business fines for hiring illegal non-Americans

Again You are President, what would you do that isn't being done to root out and deport illegal aliens?
How would you secure the borders?

#3. Transition to privatizing schools across America.

Could you flesh this out? Are public schools the problem or is the "system" the problem?

#4. Across the board tax cuts and super pro-business attitude from Washington.

What specifically coming out of DC is anti-business?

And i realize you just speak for yourself, but you are on the conservative side of the spectrum and as others respond lets see how your views mesh with them.

and i know this might be a better experience if we had more active members, but Debategate is what it is and i doubt it will ever grow if all the drivebys see is namecalling.

so lets give this a shot.


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #24 on: December 25, 2010, 07:22:32 PM »
So is illegal immigration the number one problem in america from a conservative perspective?

If it isn't, what is?
(1) putting an end to two wars
(2) the growing national debt.
(3) the aging of our population

1.) The Iraq War is winding down. The last combat battalion was pulled out this week.
Afghanistan is ongoing for the time being. Pakistan might get hotter.

2.) What do you cut?

3.) Yeah that's a problem. How does that get fixed?


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #25 on: December 25, 2010, 08:13:19 PM »
Let me paraphrase:

The biggest problem facing america is that the federal government is not enacting the will of the people?


Have we no creed nor respect for the common man?

Has a government by , and of the people perished ?


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #26 on: December 25, 2010, 08:22:12 PM »
For those members who were against it, please tell me in your own words your reasons for objection.

Does not go far enough.

Babies being born all over North America and South America that we are not even trying to lay claim to, we are going to need this youth and energy and potential earning power.

Lets make everyone under sixteen on the American contenients potential Americans.

It isn't an insurmountable problem that they will bring expense , but it is a resorce that we will sorely wish we had if we don't go get it , every dime they cost us they will earn back for us a hundred fold.

It is a perfectly safe assumption that very few of these people are willingly Columbians or Argentines or Guatamalans or Mexicans , we should draft them into our nation, the petty soverenty of their nations be dammened.

If we organise the evacuation of our southern neighbors we can controll it better , when all of that territory has emptyed we should make a park of it all.That would put a major dent in global warming.


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #27 on: December 25, 2010, 08:41:42 PM »
"I honestly think it's too late.
The game is over....until the next huge war of secession.......
..............find an island ..........."

See, people like this aren't Americans. They're quitters. Things change, the world evolves, good times turn to rough times, and people like this can only run away and hide. Well, it's for the better I guess. We don't want this kind of person infecting the whole system. Hopefully they'll wind up moving to Canada, or Brazil, or wherever.



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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #28 on: December 25, 2010, 10:38:23 PM »
For those members who were against it, please tell me in your own words your reasons for objection.

Does not go far enough.

Babies being born all over North America and South America that we are not even trying to lay claim to, we are going to need this youth and energy and potential earning power.

Lets make everyone under sixteen on the American contenients potential Americans.

It isn't an insurmountable problem that they will bring expense , but it is a resorce that we will sorely wish we had if we don't go get it , every dime they cost us they will earn back for us a hundred fold.

It is a perfectly safe assumption that very few of these people are willingly Columbians or Argentines or Guatamalans or Mexicans , we should draft them into our nation, the petty soverenty of their nations be dammened.

If we organise the evacuation of our southern neighbors we can controll it better , when all of that territory has emptyed we should make a park of it all.That would put a major dent in global warming.

Wouldn't it be easier to just move the borders southward and northward?

Is there enough room on the flag for 80+ stars?

How different is this than what UP was proposing?


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Re: Dream Act
« Reply #29 on: December 25, 2010, 11:56:12 PM »
OK - You're President, what would you do to achieve this goal? What does by any means entail in your playbook?

As I stated previously many times...
I would give them deadlines.
Stop doing "Y" by this date or bombing begins of this military site.
They can stop bombing at any time by complying with requests made.
For example...for Iran stop all nuclear development by Feb 1st, 2011 or bombing starts on military target X.
Then after bombing #1, another request is made....stop nuclear development by March 1st, 2011 or more bombing.
March 2, 2011 another Iranian military facility or base would be destroyed.
Continue this until #1. They stop activity or #2. Their entire military infrastructure is bombed/destroyed.
All done from the air.
Without military infrastructure they would be vulnerable to inside overthrow.
If they survive with no military...which is doubtful...start over same process as needed every few years

Again You are President, what would you do that isn't being done to root out and deport illegal aliens?
How would you secure the borders?

Announce new policy.
Any business caught with illegals by Jan 1st, 2012 would be severely fined.
$5000 for each illegal first time offense.
$10,000 for each illegal second offense.
No schooling for illegals period.
No drivers license for illegals.
No medical care for illegals at hospitals. None, Nada, GO HOME!

Add it jobs, no medical, no babies, no drivers licenses....they return
home because life here as an illegal is worse than where they came from.

Could you flesh this out?

Whats that mean?

Are public schools the problem or is the "system" the problem?

One in the same in my mind.

What specifically coming out of DC is anti-business?

Keep extending unemployment benefits.
Caused the housing collapse & depression by forcing banks to lend to unlendables.
Bailing out and rewarding failure.

I told you years ago about when we moved into an office that was upstairs
in a building with no elevator, but Federal Regulations made up finish out
our new space with restrooms that were wheelchair
start-up business wasting money on such non-sense!

In the last 14 years, 53,000 rules have been issued by federal bureaucrats and
thus far only one has been blocked by Congress,? Posey said. Federal regulatory
mandates cost the average small business about $7,647 per employee."

The Competitive Enterprise Institute estimated that the total cost to the U.S. economy
of complying with federal rules reached $1.187 trillion last year, with the federal government
spending some $54.3 billion annually to enforce the 163,333 pages of federal regulatory code

Companies with fewer than 20 employees paid $10,585 per employee per year in 2008 to comply
with federal regulations, up 38 percent from $7,647 in 2005.

CAFE regulations kill Americans. Passengers in small cars die at twice the rate of those in large cars when
accidents occur. Studies demonstrate that regulations mandating a 27.5 MPG standard have caused a 14-27%
fatality increase. If the standard becomes 40 MPG, fatalities will increase by 30-60%: 75,000-149,000 people
will die needlessly during the first decade following implementation.

Hey it's Christmas....dats all I have time for now....

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987