I have never heard of any country's money being revalued upwards in the last 30 years.
I would not hold my breath on that one.
I never heard of a US Black President in the last 30 years either until it happened.
I never heard of a heart transplant until it happened.
I never heard of a woman Supreme Court Justice until Reagan appointed one.
I never heard of a African-American woman Secretary of State until Bush appointed one.
I never heard of a woman National Security Advisor until Bush appointed one.
I never heard of an African American Sec of State until Bush appoited one.
Things you've never heard of happen!
Dont always be peeing on everybody's parade.
It's basically a risk free investment with a long shot huge upside.
I'm not holding my breath...it's basically risk free and a tiny part of my investments
You dont like it fine.....no one is asking you to purchase.
You were critical of my gold purchases at $875.....whats it at today?
plus we've already covered this before
Kuwait has revaled it's currency several times
until you forget again
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=asbY9SafEH.8&refer=currency"The Iraqi dinar is anticipated to be revalued along the identical basis that the Kuwaiti dinar was revalued after the 1st Gulf War. At that point in time, the Kuwaiti Dinar fell from its pre war levels. When oil production was again to normal. The foreign currency recovered all its original worth. Speculators holding the Kuwaiti dinar at the time noticed profits of over 3000% on their money"http://www.forex-learningblog.com/tag/iraqi-dinar-revaluation