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The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« on: October 14, 2011, 03:49:16 PM »
Coast Guard member spit on near Occupy Boston tents

Updated: Friday, 14 Oct 2011, 8:53 AM EDT
Published : Thursday, 13 Oct 2011, 10:13 PM EDT

BOSTON (FOX 25 / - The Coast Guard in Boston confirmed that a woman in uniform was harassed and spat upon near Occupy Boston protesters.

The woman was walking to the train and said protesters spit on her twice, called her foul names and even threw a water bottle at her.

Now, the Coast Guard is warning all staff working on Atlantic Avenue to avoid those protesters while in uniform.

Devon Pendleton, a spokesman for Occupy Boston, doesn't believe that those male protestors are actually part of the movement. However, Pendleton wants to be clear, that if protestors are responsible for doing something so disrespectful, he'd like to apologize on behalf of Occupy Boston.

Coast Guard official Luke Clayton tells FOX25 whether or not the people who spit on the woman are part of Occupy Boston or not, what happened is against the law and he expects police to protect them against things like this in the future.

More than 140 Occupy Boston protesters were arrested earlier this week for refusing to cooperate with police on the Rose Kennedy Greenway.

The peaceful protestors say the violence wasn't supposed to happen and a group of anarchists were the ones rebelling.  They say they do not condone that type of behavior.

Some Occupy Boston members have told FOX 25 they plan on sticking it out through the winter.  They have receive donations like tarps and tents to stay dry and have raised more than $11,000 online .

If the Occupy Boston protests only last through October, it could end up costing taxpayers $2 million in Police overtime costs.

FOX 25 went digging and found one reason the group may not have to get a permit, may stem from a federal lawsuit . Read more on that story here .

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Michael Tee

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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2011, 04:04:32 PM »
No evidence at all that it was Occupy Boston!  protestors spitting on the woman, but lack of evidence wouldn't stop Kramer from accusing them.  Did Tea Party members spit on Congressman Lewis?  Oh, that's a whole other story!

Almost everyone in the protest movement agrees that stories, whether true of not, of antiwar demonstrators spitting on servicemen, cost the antiwar movement a lot of support in Middle America during the Vietnam War, so
BE WARNED, folks, if you hear any stories of protestors spitting on servicemen, that spit sure as hell didn't come from any members of the Occupy! movement.


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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2011, 04:07:13 PM »
BE WARNED, folks, if you hear any stories of protestors spitting on servicemen, that spit sure as hell didn't come from any members of the Occupy! movement.

Why not? Are that Occupiers that disciplined in their top down organization?

Who exactly do they take their orders from?


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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2011, 04:11:11 PM »
No evidence at all that it was Occupy Boston!  protestors spitting on the woman, but lack of evidence wouldn't stop Kramer from accusing them.  Did Tea Party members spit on Congressman Lewis?  Oh, that's a whole other story!

Almost everyone in the protest movement agrees that stories, whether true of not, of antiwar demonstrators spitting on servicemen, cost the antiwar movement a lot of support in Middle America during the Vietnam War, so
BE WARNED, folks, if you hear any stories of protestors spitting on servicemen, that spit sure as hell didn't come from any members of the Occupy! movement.

of course

Michael Tee

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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2011, 04:20:28 PM »
Let's say that it's possible that the odd person in the Occupy! movement doesn't know that it's bad to spit on troops.

Let's say that it's possible that the odd government or FBI officer charged with crushing dissent like this doesn't know how much the antiwar movement was damaged by allegations of spitting on troops.

Let's say that it's possible that the odd conservative activist or MSM hack doesn't know how much the antiwar movement was damaged by allegations of spitting on troops.

Considering who knows what, whose interests are damaged by spitting  and the unscrupulous methods of past police and FBI in crushing dissent in America;

Considering that right wing activists have already admitted to infiltrating the Occupy! movements as provocateurs to make them look bad, and that the FBI has done the same thing on a massive scale to the antiwar movement in the past;

Considering all the above, if troops DO get spat on, I'd say the likelihood of it being a real protestor might be around 2% and the likelihood of this being a conservative activist or an FBI provocateur is around 98%.


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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2011, 02:28:11 AM »
super easy to happen
spitting is by law assault,but ALOT of people on both sides think it`s a right . I`ve seen it several times. crazy


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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2011, 07:41:42 AM »
Let's say that it's possible that the odd person in the Occupy! movement doesn't know that it's bad to spit on troops.

Let's say that it's possible that the odd government or FBI officer charged with crushing dissent like this doesn't know how much the antiwar movement was damaged by allegations of spitting on troops.

Let's say that it's possible that the odd conservative activist or MSM hack doesn't know how much the antiwar movement was damaged by allegations of spitting on troops.

Considering who knows what, whose interests are damaged by spitting  and the unscrupulous methods of past police and FBI in crushing dissent in America;

Considering that right wing activists have already admitted to infiltrating the Occupy! movements as provocateurs to make them look bad, and that the FBI has done the same thing on a massive scale to the antiwar movement in the past;

Considering all the above, if troops DO get spat on, I'd say the likelihood of it being a real protestor might be around 2% and the likelihood of this being a conservative activist or an FBI provocateur is around 98%.

Your entire supposition is based on the premise that the Occupy X movement is meaningful, real and on message. To most passerby,  it is an inconvenience and a curiosity. And because it has no traction, the need to demonize it is non existent. So there are likely no agent provocateurs from the government, spitting on Coast Guard personnel, to give the movement a bad name. The FBI is busy busting the Anonymous hacker groups who have threatened to bring down the NYSE as a show of Solidarity with the Owwies.

Michael Tee

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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2011, 08:04:58 AM »
<<Your entire supposition is based on the premise that the Occupy X movement is meaningful, real and on message.>>

It's based on the premise that your rulers have been paranoid about any social protest movement since at least the 1960s and remember very well how the anti-war movement grew from a few "flakes" on a few university campuses into a mass movement. 

<<To most passerby,  it is an inconvenience and a curiosity. >>

And yet I've read at least one press report that tourists passing by on bus-roof tours cheered and gave thumbs-ups to the demonstrators.  Besides which, the infiltration is highly unlikely to come from "most passersby."

<<And because it has no traction . . . >>

You're kidding, right?  It has no traction, but it spread all over the country, 300,000 people wrote to the mayor of New York protesting the planned eviction of the protestors, which was then called off . . .   jeeze, glad they have no traction, think of how far they could go with a little traction.

<< . . . the need to demonize it is non existent.>>

OK, BT, now pull the other one.

<< So there are likely no agent provocateurs from the government, spitting on Coast Guard personnel, to give the movement a bad name. >>

If it's just one isolated incident, I'd tend to agree with you.  The agents are there, waiting to be called into action if attrition and internal dissension don't start to break down the movement or if it continues to grow.  But at this point, the odds are that the one spitting incident was either an undisciplined OWS or the Boston equivalent of the homeless bums of Zucotti Park who hang around the edges of the  Wall Street Occupation. 

<<The FBI is busy busting the Anonymous hacker groups who have threatened to bring down the NYSE as a show of Solidarity with the Owwies. >>

LOL.  Don't underestimate the FBI - - they are multi-taskers.  They're still harrassing people I know for stuff they did in the Sixties and Seventies.  They're everywhere.


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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2011, 08:46:35 AM »
It's based on the premise that your rulers have been paranoid about any social protest movement since at least the 1960s and remember very well how the anti-war movement grew from a few "flakes" on a few university campuses into a mass movement.

Times have changed Mikey. Obama and the dem leadership support this movement. I wouldn't be real surprised if they weren't behind it.


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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2011, 11:24:47 AM »
Spitting does not endanger democracy.

One incident of an unidentified spitter is of no more consequence that someone being shat upon by a pigeon in the park, and less annoying, if you look at it objectively.
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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2011, 12:00:30 PM »
Spitting does not endanger democracy.

this is no good

 note  even the protesters wanted no part of this. actual;ly this is a sign of growth in the modern protest. if they keep this kind of civility up they got a real chance.


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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2011, 12:32:46 PM »
I do not endorse spitting. I have never spit on anyone. I do not spit where anyone can see me spit, other than a dentist.
But this is not a major issue. It is trivial.
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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2011, 12:42:26 PM »
I got serious doubts this subject would ever get ignored. in fact shouldn`t this be worst than a politician mis-speaking because it`s physical.

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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2011, 01:05:35 PM »
<<Times have changed Mikey. Obama and the dem leadership support this movement. I wouldn't be real surprised if they weren't behind it.>>

You don't get it, BT.  Obama shills for the same war-mongering, thieving, lying scumbags that the GOP shills for.  They both get their water from the same well.  THAT is one of the protestors' main beefs and the reason they resorted to direct action - - the political "two-party" system is a shell game - - vote for the other, you get the same wars, same tortures, same bail-outs, same shielding of all corporate white-collar criminals etc. etc. etc.  That's why they went OUTSIDE the system in the first place.

If you saw the video of the Tea Party going to visit the Occupation, one of the funniest moments was the dialogue between the Tea Paty Types  and one of the Occupiers, where the TPT thought he'd boxed in the Occupier, leveraging the Occupier's supposed loyalty to Obama, and appeared at a loss for words when the Occupier showed no such loyalty at all.  Actually, it was hilarious.

TPT:  "Don't you support our troops?"
Occupier:  "Our troops are terrorists!!!"
TPT:  (with this "Gotcha!" look on his smug, overfed face)  "Why terrorists?  Aren't they just following the orders
         of their Commander in Chief?"
Occupier:  "FUCK the Commander in Chief!!!"

You still say these guys are Obama's guys?  I don't think so.  They might have been once, like everyone in the country, they wanted hope and change, but Obama never delivered.  They should know better than anyone that  Obama cannot or will not solve the problem.  He's part of the problem, not part of the solution.  If any of them are still being taken in by his phony expressions of empathy, they're just plain stupid and deserve to be fucked in the ass second time round.  "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice . . . "


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Re: The little angels are spitting on our servicemen
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2011, 01:23:36 PM »
I do not endorse spitting. I have never spit on anyone. I do not spit where anyone can see me spit, other than a dentist.
But this is not a major issue. It is trivial.

maybe real Americans should go to where the idiot protesters hang out and spit upon them.