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This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« on: October 19, 2011, 02:13:30 PM »
The California man who lives part of his life as an “adult baby” and collects Social Security disability payments says the federal agency has cleared him of wrongdoing and will continue sending checks.

Stanley Thornton Jr. now wants an apology from Sen. Tom Coburn, the Oklahoma Republican who called for the benefit review because the investigation disrupted the final months of life for his roommate Sandra Dias, who playacted as his mother, spoon-feeding him and helping him into his baby clothes until her death in July.

“We recently reviewed the evidence in your Social Security disability claim and find that your disability is continuing,” the agency said in an August letter that Mr. Thornton posted on the website he maintains to document his adult baby lifestyle.

Mr. Thornton first gained prominence after he appeared on a reality television show and later after Mr. Coburn asked for the Social Security Administration to investigate him. The lawmaker questioned why he was receiving taxpayer-funded Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments, commonly called disability checks, given the woodworking skills he demonstrated in May on the National Geographic channel television show “Taboo.”

Dias died July 7, and Mr. Thornton moved out of the apartment they shared. He told The Washington Times they had made payments based on their combined disability checks, which came to about $860 a month for each of them, and he could no longer afford the home on his own.

“My best friend Sandra had to spend the last 3 months of her life being accused of something she didn’t do. Having her family and 3 kids seeing her accused on the nightly news of something she didn’t do,” he wrote in an extensive post explaining the situation on the website he runs at for others who play-act as babies, wear diapers or wet their beds.

John Hart, a spokesman for Mr. Coburn, said Tuesday that the senator, who is also a medical doctor, is still puzzled by how “a grown man who is able to design and build adult-sized baby furniture is eligible for disability benefits.”

“Yet, the problem is not with Mr. Thornton, per se, but with the politicians and bureaucrats who have coddled him,” Mr. Hart said. “Disability fraud effectively steals from those who are truly disabled, while weakening the economy for everyone.”

Mr. Hart expressed sympathies for Mr. Thornton over the death of Dias.

SSI is run by Social Security and pays benefits to aged, blind and disabled people who have little or no income. The funds are paid out of general taxpayer revenues, not from payroll taxes.

The Social Security inspector general’s office said it couldn’t comment on the case without the permission of Mr. Thornton, who has not granted it to the agency.

Mr. Thornton said that during the course of the investigation he underwent a three-hour interview with Social Security investigators and an FBI agent over his disability status and whether he received any compensation from his participation in the reality-television episode.

In emails to The Times, he said he was exonerated by all of the agencies.

“Just thought I would let people know, I have been triple cleared of being accused by Senator Coburn of Social Security fraud,” he wrote.

In the program, Mr. Thornton was shown playing in the adult-sized crib he built and seen working to build a wooden highchair. Mr. Coburn asked Social Security’s inspector general to take a closer look at the disability program and Mr. Thornton’s situation in particular to see whether beneficiaries were being paid by taxpayers even though they were able to work.

When The Times first contacted Mr. Thornton about the investigation, he acknowledged thoughts of suicide, saying he had “no problem killing myself” if his benefits were taken away.

“Take away the last thing keeping me here, and see what happens. Next time you see me on the news, it will be me in a body bag,” he said.

In follow-up emails, he explained that Dias had just been hospitalized, and “so I was quite a mess mentally and at the time, wanted to throw in the towel and just end my life.”

Mr. Coburn also had asked investigators look into why Dias was receiving disability payments “since she is able to provide child care” to Mr. Thornton. But Mr. Thornton said before her death that she, too, was cleared of abusing Social Security payments.

He said he doesn’t spend much of his disability checks on his adult baby lifestyle, having bought many items earlier when he was working as a security guard. Some of his toys were Christmas gifts, and some of his other baby paraphernalia was bought with money he made by recycling bottles and cans.

“The only babyish items bought with SSI monies [were] wipes, powder and rash cream and that was because medical insurance only pays for the diapers for the incontinence,” he said.

He said he still uses the same penguin-themed sleeper he received as a Christmas gift in 2002 and wears it sparingly because he doesn’t have $300 to replace it. He said he still drives a Dodge Caravan with 145,000 miles on it and a front bumper held in place by a bungee cord.

Mr. Thornton said the television show paid for the materials for his highchair project and that he was in so much pain after the taping that he was bedridden for almost two weeks.

In an extensive biography on his website, he describes trauma stemming from childhood abuse, combined with other mental and physical problems that he said make it impossible to maintain employment, including the security guard position he held for 1 1/2 years.

He said his mother first applied for benefits for him when he was 16.

Michael Tee

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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2011, 05:32:08 PM »
There were some funny parts to that story, but overall it was sad.  The individual may appear bizarre in some of his ways, but his life also had elements of love and loss, of hurt and anger and vindication.    Does the guy have an incapacitating problem of some sort, and if so is his lifestyle a reasonable way of coping with it?  Are there other ways of coping with it?  Were any of them tried before?

Lots of unanswered questions.  What really pissed me off was this vote-seeking doctor - - already a Senator - - who without knowing all the answers or even looking for them first, immediately ordered an investigation probably costing a minimum of tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars and ultimately wound up finding NOTHING.  Meantime the Senator has probably voted for every measure of the US wars against the Middle East in which TRILLIONS of dollars have been poured down the rat-holes.  Not a very smart redneck, IMHO.


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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2011, 05:41:40 PM »
There were some funny parts to that story, but overall it was sad.  The individual may appear bizarre in some of his ways, but his life also had elements of love and loss, of hurt and anger and vindication.    Does the guy have an incapacitating problem of some sort, and if so is his lifestyle a reasonable way of coping with it?  Are there other ways of coping with it?  Were any of them tried before?

Lots of unanswered questions.  What really pissed me off was this vote-seeking doctor - - already a Senator - - who without knowing all the answers or even looking for them first, immediately ordered an investigation probably costing a minimum of tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars and ultimately wound up finding NOTHING.  Meantime the Senator has probably voted for every measure of the US wars against the Middle East in which TRILLIONS of dollars have been poured down the rat-holes.  Not a very smart redneck, IMHO.

I heard this adult baby is a registered Democrat and is on the same page as the Wall St Protesters. Go Figure!

Michael Tee

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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2011, 06:25:13 PM »
So what's your problem with that?  You already told everyone you think the Wall Street protestors are a bunch of mentally ill nutcases who can't find or hold a job.


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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2011, 09:01:44 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win"></a>

The Face of the Democrat Party

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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2011, 09:23:11 PM »
That's sad and not funny.  Why don't you just leave the poor guy alone?

 I'll tell ya, you're doing a great job of highlighting the fundamental differences between conservatives and liberals.  The conservatives are the ones who don't give a shit, who get a laugh out of other people's pain and suffering.


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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2011, 09:41:20 PM »

       This guy is a leader in the bedwetting community.

       As an American Citizen there is a certain right to be diffrent, even diffrent enough to be disagreeable to a majority , since this guy's habits are not harmfull to his neighbors (as far as I know) I am glad he has the right .

      Has he got the right to indulge his habit at tax payer expense? I know a lot of tobacco chewers, who exercise their right to an habit objectionable to most, Smokers too . Is their habit so vital to them that when they must go on the dole  , the public must buy them tobacco?

Michael Tee

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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2011, 09:58:48 PM »
As I said earlier, there are a lot of things about this guy's condition that we just don't know.  It's pretty obvious that his condition is sad and pitiful.  The liberal is concerned about the guy, the conservative doesn't give a shit.  Q.E.D.

How the hell anyone can claim to give a shit about what this guy is costing the government for diapers and yet support wars,  one of which was clearly based on lies, which cost trillions of dollars and have now taken over a million Iraqi and Afghan lives is a mystery to me.  A huge mystery.


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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2011, 10:11:57 PM »
That's sad and not funny.  Why don't you just leave the poor guy alone?

 I'll tell ya, you're doing a great job of highlighting the fundamental differences between conservatives and liberals.  The conservatives are the ones who don't give a shit, who get a laugh out of other people's pain and suffering.

Factoid: If this country didn't have a majority of Conservatives, this country would cease to exist as a vibrant, rich, educated, and moral nation.

Michael Tee

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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2011, 10:26:28 PM »
<<Factoid: If this country didn't have a majority of Conservatives, this country would cease to exist as a vibrant, rich, educated, and moral nation.>>

Factoid:  Your country sucks. It is certainly anything but educated or moral.  It's basically become the world's only terrorist superpower.  As far as rich, that can only apply to a tiny percentage of the population, there are still 20 million kids dependent on food stamps, about 30 million or more still without health insurance, your real unemployment rate is around 16%, you have six million people foreclosed on and turfed out of their homes and a $14 trillion dollar deficit.  Yeah, you're rich alright.  Rich in bullshit.   And educated?  Look at any list - - you're way down from the top.  Even China is graduating more engineers than you now. 

I'd say, of all the attributes that you listed, the only one that can still apply is "vibrant."  Your culture is vibrant.  It sure as hell didn't come from the conservatives.  It came from acid dropping hippies, like Steve Jobs, dope-smoking rock and roll musicians, tattooed nose-pierced freaks, left-wing playwrights and film-makers and everyone else who rejects your dumb fucking conservative values.  Go figure.  And while you're figuring, ask yourself who exported millions of American workers' jobs to the Third World, who lost trillions in pointless wars that can't be won?  Conservatives.  Fuck the conservatives. 

Your country seems to be finally waking up to the real menace to their well-being - - conservatives.


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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2011, 10:37:49 PM »
throw the lazy A-Hole con-artist off SS!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2011, 10:45:04 PM »
<<Throw the lazy A-hole . . . >>

LOL.  Not that I'd ever agree with him, but you gotta admire the way CU4 cuts through the bullshit and sez what's on his mind in the shortest and most direct way possible.


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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2011, 10:52:54 PM »
there are still 20 million kids dependent on food stamps, about 30 million or more still without health insurance, your real unemployment rate is around 16%, you have six million people foreclosed on and turfed out of their homes and a $14 trillion dollar deficit.

If correct it's a direct result of liberalism.

Michael Tee

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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2011, 11:31:01 PM »
<<If correct it's a direct result of liberalism.>>

It's of course the direct result of the failure of capitalism and the death of democracy.


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Re: This nonsense is exactly why the USA is broke
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2011, 11:32:03 PM »
<<If correct it's a direct result of liberalism.>>

It's of course the direct result of the failure of capitalism and the death of democracy.
