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How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
« on: December 05, 2011, 08:15:50 PM »
How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
- July 14, 2009 - 1:57 PM

by Tony Perrottet

The next time you’re at your favorite cafe, raise a glass to the aristocrats who lost their heads so that you could enjoy your foie gras.

France gave birth to restaurants, but it was no civilized affair. In fact, today’s restaurant business is actually a byproduct of the class warfare that arose during the French Revolution.

Back in the Middle Ages, fine dining was a privilege enjoyed exclusively by feudal lords who had their own grand kitchens and personal chefs. The only commercial eateries for the masses were seedy roadside inns, where strangers crowded around mediocre buffets of tepid roasts and over-sauced legumes. But sometime in the 1760s, the merchant class of Paris developed a taste for healthy light broths known as restoratives, or restaurants. By the 1780s, this new Parisian “health food” craze led to a handful of reputable dining halls, where customers could sit at individual tables and choose from a wide range of dishes.

Ironically, the popularity of these restaurants grew at a time when the bulk of the French population couldn’t afford bread. Decades of harsh winters and oppressive taxation had taken their toll on kitchen tables. Worse still, the greater part of the nation’s tax dollars had gone to pay for the excesses of the aristocracy and monarchy. By 1789, the starving French masses could no longer be controlled. Looting and riots erupted throughout Paris, ushering in the French Revolution.

Aristocrats fled to the countryside, leaving behind their highly skilled chefs and the fine wines from their cellars. Suddenly, unemployed cooks and abandoned bottles found their way to the city’s eateries, and within a year, nearly 50 elegant restaurants had popped up in Paris. These epicurean temples catered to the new class of French deputies and businessmen and were featured in travelogues throughout Europe. As word of their deliciousness spread, Parisian restaurants became tourist attractions on par with Notre Dame.

Admittedly, fine dining hit a rocky period during the Reign of Terror of 1793-94, when anyone suspected of ties to the aristocracy risked facing the guillotine. One unfortunate proprietor, Jean-Francois VÃcry, hung a sign over his door that read, “We welcome people of the best sort.” The elitist sentiment quickly landed him in prison. Still, Véry was the exception. Most Parisian restaurants kept up a lively trade, their tables replete with fine hams.  And most patrons felt safe enough within their walls to joke about Robespierre, the grandmaster of the Reign of Terror, and how he couldn’t afford to send his spies there.

The restaurant business truly came into its own during the early 1800s, after the upstart general Napoleon Bonaparte seized control of the country and granted “freedom of pleasure” to all citizens. Napoleon reasoned that people who were focused on Champagne and sauce reductions probably wouldn’t conspire against him. A few years later, when Napoleon’s military conquests brought fantastic wealth to Paris, restaurants began to compete for customers with marble decor and salacious entertainment. One establishment featured bare-breasted women dressed as Amazon warriors, who were lowered from the ceiling in golden chariots.

In the end, many more Frenchmen dined out than could actually afford the experience. Oddly, it became almost commonplace for customers to steal knives and spoons. One waiter at the upscale restaurant Naudet’s spotted a patron pocketing the flatware and politely handed him a bill that included “Cutlery, 54 francs.” The customer paid up cheerfully, tut-tutting, “How dear things are getting these days…” But this only goes to show how far restaurants had come. In less than a century, fine dining went from being the exclusive privilege of people born with silver spoons in their mouths to a must-have for people who stole them.

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Re: How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 10:01:00 PM »
That is interesting.

When I was growing up in Missouri, the Cold War shaped our lives. There was not a boys' PE teacher that did not learn nearly all that he did in class in the military. PE classes consisted of push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks, and running laps, accompanied by constant insults about not being a sissy. This is, of course, physical training, not physical education.

Most cooks in restaurants were trained by the Army. Food in local places tended to be overcooked and boring. The only place where you could get something better than at home was in an Italian restaurant in Kansas City, as I recall. It was even worse in the Ozarks, where only the tourists ate in restaurants: the locals were too poor or too smart. We were served chops and steaks that no one could chew.

The only way to find a halfway decent place was to look for a Duncan Hines recommendation. The food was at least edible there.

I am taking Silver Sneakers classes four times a week now, and the goal is to exercise the entire body. We only use a couple of barbells, a 7" rubber ball and a stretch band.  No one gets criticized for doing anything wrong, and an explanation of what each exercise is useful for is given by the instructor It is a lot more invigorating than riding my bike.

I used to hate PE classes. In college I had a PE class where the instructor had us hopping on one legs all period up and down the bleachers for nearly an hour. The next day, everyone was limping.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2011, 12:32:48 AM »
"In college I had a PE class where the instructor had us hopping on one legs all period up and down the bleachers for nearly an hour."

What a dummy.

In some cases the understanding I ran into in school regarding physical training was surprisingly advanced when I look back at it now. In other cases it was as self-defeating as what you ran into with your college PE instructor.



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Re: How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2011, 07:30:20 AM »
In addition to a series of harsh winters (after all, that time period was a low point in the "little ice age" that we're coming out of now) there were large outbreaks of ergot infections among the rye and wheat crops throughout France. Since the source of flour was destroyed or tainted, prices went up. They also think that many people ate the bread from ergot infected plants anyway, which probably helped along the Revolution.

Ergot infected plants produce flour that includes LSD.
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Re: How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2011, 09:13:47 AM »
The bleacher-hopping bit was on the first day of s 'basic activities class at NMSU. The class was huge, so they split it into two sections, with two different instructors. They had us count off and I got the bleacher hopper guy. The second class, they still had not bothered to record who was in which section, so I went with the original instructor, who had his class doing a variety of training exercises, and made sure I was in his class. When I got through with telling the original guy I had come in late a bit the first day and saw him write my name on his roll sheet, I noticed that the other guy was having his class hop up and down on the OTHER foot.

There is a difference between physical fitness class and  physical training class, and the former is always the better. I am very much impressed with the Silver Sneakers program. Medicare covers as many sessions as you want, and there are a lot of places here where I can go. Every instructor has his own music tapes, and most of them are seniors. It is a really well-planned program.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2011, 10:38:12 AM »
"Ergot infected plants produce flour that includes LSD."

Did you read John G. Fuller's, "The Day of St Anthony's Fire"?



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Re: How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2011, 10:43:51 AM »
"Medicare covers as many sessions as you want"

That's good to know.



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Re: How the French Revolution Gave Birth to the Restaurant Business
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2011, 12:56:50 PM »
There is also a version of Silver Sneakers done in the shallow end of swimming pools, called Silver Splash. Details on the Silver Sneakers website. There is a Silver Sneakers location near most populated parts of this country.

It makes good sense Medicare to make this exercise plan available, because activity helps promote longevity and that saves them money. When seniors become immobile couch potatoes, it costs a lot, and does the Seniors no good.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."