Then it serves no purpose
Uh?....It serves a great purpose!
Why pay to deport when you dont have to?
SIRS the beauty of this solution is it bi-passes deportation
but accomplishes the same thing
There would be no need to deport.
Most....the vast majority...if they cant get cars, water, electric, and jobs
will go home on their own....better they go home on their own than deport
since we already have laws that provide emergency medical coverage to anyone.
I thought it was a given that with a Federal Citizen ID card that requires
citizenship to recieve non-life threatening medical care, car registration,
utility services, jobs, any gvt aid, a bank account, ect.......that the law you
speak of would be super-ceded.
hey can stay in other family's homes. They can continue to work as slave labor.
Come on....really? 30 million people are gonna "stay in other's homes"?
Whose homes? 30 million people are gonna find citizens that have room
for 30 million "visitors"? They cant continue to work as slave labor...because
employers would be fined severly for hiring them. There are not 30 million
slave labor jobs available in the US. If they are locked out of work and
locked out of assistance they will leave. Millions will leave. It's really
not very complicated. Without food and shelter people will look elsewhere.
It's needs to be a FACT that if you are illegal it is not a "better life" to be in the
United States.
It's very simple C, to "make it difficult",
I agree....I have laid out my plan....whats your "very simple" plan?
Obviously what we have on the books now is not working.
without adding layers and layers of more Government bureacracy. would not add layers and layers of Gvt....
it would actually greatly reduce layer after layer of gvt.
With the Citizen ID card you wouldnt need near as many people
dealing with all the problems illegals are causing. Currently we have
a huge burden our our gvts dealing with this flood of illegals.
Hospitals, schools, prisons, jails, courts, gvt assist agencies,
border patrol, ect.. x 1000. All these entities would be far far less
burdened because the vast majority of illegals would leave without
basic necessities. And more importantly millions more would not come.
You're not gonna immigrate to somewhere you will basically "starve".
The Fed enforces existing law, both to those who illegally enter and to those who hire illegal immgrants
Hows that plan been working out for ya?
Obviously thats not working.
It's time to try something else.