Author Topic: Federal Appeals Court Rules California's Ban on Gay Marriage Is Unconstitution  (Read 2487 times)

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Nobody was forcing the Roman Pedophile Church to do anything. They didn't have to take the pills, just supply them. The Roman Pedophile Church has been dodging taxes and other costs that everyone else pays since they arrived on this continent. My forefathers came here to escape religious authority, first under the guise of Roman Pedophilia and than under the Church of England, not donate to it. It's time for them to pay their fair share along with the rest of us. And if they don't like it they can bloody well lump it.

BSB (CEO of Buddhists for Obama)


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As a non profit how much tax does Planned Parenthood pay?


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Nobody was forcing the Roman Pedophile Church to do anything. They didn't have to take the pills, just supply them.

In other words, they were being FORCED to supply/provide methods counter to their religious doctrine.  Yea, we got that the 1st time, and absolutely counter what the 1st amendment clearly prohibits the government from doing

Regardless of your apparent hatred for the organization, the Constitution still means something to a good many of the rest of us.  What's that old saying, as it relates to free speech?.....“I may strongly disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".  Apparently, the Church doesn't get that level of defense, as it relates to their religious right in the free exercise thereof.  Pity

« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 03:01:37 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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The Church is a moral authority. As such, it can teach people that homosexuality makes Jesus unhappy, that taking BC pills really ticks off the Holy Spirit, than both of these make God really, really angry.

But there is no reason that the Church has that can justify it getting a special dispensation to deny its workers birth control pills if they desire them. There will be no pleasing the Catholic bishops. The Church hierarchy refused for four centuries to admit it was wrong to chastise Galileo for claiming that the Sun did not revolve around the Earth, because to its logic, Man had to be at the absolute center of Creation. The Church insisted on this for centuries after it was conclusively PROVEN to be false. They apologized for Galileo and  abolished the Holy Office (i.e. the Inquisition) during my lifetime. There is no arguing with the stubborn idiocy of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church is, quite simply, an ass.
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The Church is a moral authority. As such, it can teach people that homosexuality makes Jesus unhappy, that taking BC pills really ticks off the Holy Spirit, than both of these make God really, really angry.

Even taking your parameters as correct, that is their right.  They could even teach that it's God himself, is using his arms, to lift the sun up every morning, and is putting it back to bed every night.  Point being, it's their doctrine, and the 1st amendment is quite black and white on this, in their protection of it....Government is not allowed to either make itself a religion to follow, or mandate other religions to adopt policies that are counter to their doctrine.  THAT INCLUDES BC PILLS AND BC CONTRACEPTIVES, for religions that preach otherwise. 

No one has a right to them, and no religious entity is to be made to provide them, regardless of your feelings of the church

So sayeth the Constitution

« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 09:57:20 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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People have rights. The people in question here are women, and they have the same rights to contraceptives as the employees of any other organization.

Your stupid church is not a person, it is an institution, and one in which a tiny hierarchy consisting men with nonfunctioning gonads of determines dogma,not the parishioners.
Human rights overrule and supercede institutional declarations.

May God Rot the stupid church.
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Although i disagree that BC pills are a right, there is nothing in the current law or the proposed law that denies women the ability to be prescribed BC pills.

Anyone who is arguing that that is the case is either misinformed or is lying.

What is at issue is who pays for the prescription being written as well as who pays for the prescription being filled.

To the best of my knowledge companies of any size are not required by law to provide health insurance for for their employees and their dependents.

This will change soon , where companies with 50 or more employees will be required to provide at the minimum basic health insurance as described by the ObamaCare regulations. That is why we are seeing so many friends of Barry applying for and receiving waivers .

The basic minimum care policies formulated by Obama Regulators will require that Birth Control Pills and other contraceptive devises be included in the minimum coverage plans. To the best of my knowledge that rider is not required under current laws and regulations.

So the issue boils down to this.

Insurance companies will be required to cover contraceptives in their policies.
Companies with 50 or more employees will be required to offer these plans.
and there is no exemption for religious beliefs.

So the real question then becomes WHO PAYS.

I don't see why any organization should be required to provide coverage for anything that goes against their religious beliefs.

I don't believe the government has the constitutional authority to require institutions to comply.

And i am really surprised that the atheists and antitheists aren't up in arms about this obvious breach of the walls of separation.

And BTW WalMart offers a 30 day supply of BC pills (the three most prescribed ) for $9. So even The PoorTM would not suffer if they wanted BC off plan.


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People have rights. The people in question here are women, and they have the same rights to contraceptives as the employees of any other organization.

Your stupid church is not a person, it is an institution, and one in which a tiny hierarchy consisting men with nonfunctioning gonads of determines dogma,not the parishioners.
Human rights overrule and supercede institutional declarations.

1st amendent to the Constitution, says otherwise, I'm afraid, regardless your opinion on some non-existant right to BC pills & other contraceptives.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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The first amendment has nothing to do with your stupid childish religious obsession with other people's gonads.
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It actually has everything to do with what the Fed is not allowed to make any religious organization do, regardless of your hatred of said organization.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Obama has been clever enough to see to it that those who want contraceptives can get them without the Church paying.

You have been outwitted.
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What the frell are you talking about?  When did I ever say I was anti contraception??  Best stick with teaching spanish.  The fact Obama had to change his policy demonstrates just how wrong you and BsB have been all this time.  Healthcare agencies can dish out whatever they want to, with the proper prescription and if legal.   oy      ::)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Obama's switch doesn't prove anything. He didn't switch his stance out of fear of the law.

Again, no Catholic was ordered to take the pill, or use any other form of contraception. The Church was just ordered to award its employees with the same healthcare package any other bloated, outdated, anti-social, employer would give its employees. The Roman Pedophile Church is just a huge corporation that finds loopholes in the law to save on expenses just like General Motors or Exxon/Mobile. The only difference between The Roman Pedophile Church and Exxon/Mobile is that the Church is even more harmful to the planet than an oil spill. 



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Obama's switch doesn't prove anything. He didn't switch his stance out of fear of the law.  Again, no Catholic was ordered to take the pill, or use any other form of contraception

Sure it does.....and the notion that this was about the church being forced to MAKE people use BC is a red herring, since that was never at issue.  It was is being forced to PROVIDE BC, completely counter to its religious doctrine.  The fact Obama has now had to change that component, speaks directly at how wrong you & Xo have been on this

The Church was just ordered to award its employees with the same healthcare package any other bloated, outdated, anti-social, employer would give its employees.

"Awarded"??  THAT's the tactic/term you're going to try and go with??   :o  Regardless of your flawed opinion of a religious organization akin to a corporation, or that healthcare is supposedly some non-existant right, the Constitutiton, especially the 1st & 2nd amendments are crystal clear, and to this conservative, sacrosanct.  It's unfortunate others, especially those who fought for this country, don't have the same appreciation or defense of it.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 11:26:53 AM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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But how does the church get into position to decide what marraige is ok? Isn't marraige secular?