I was indeed on vacation,and where I was I needed to use an internet cafe, which involved a trip on as motoconcho (the rear seat of a motorcycle), and I had a lot to do.
I see you seem to have lacked for stuff to say. Not surprising.
Once again, I note that the logic seems to escape those who write in the press about Israel's umpteenth invasion of Gaza, the largest concentration camp on the planet, where people are sentenced to be incarcerated from the moment they are born until they die just for being Gazans. And everyone is so surprised that they show their anger by voting for the fanatical Hamas Party and a few play with rockets just to tell the world that "We are still here, still pissed and determined to let you know this."
I think that Gaza is hopeless. In the unlikely state that a Gaza Mahatma Gandhi or Gaza MLK should arise, I doubt that he could do anything.
It seems to me that the leaders of both sides in the Palisrael conflict are simply afraid to make a deal, because the fanatics on each side would find it to be a bad deal and assassinate them.
The only hope arises at the end of the second term of a US president, at most two years out of every eight, and Netanyahu is a major genius at seeing to it that the precise right words are said so that there is no movement.
Personally. I say cut off aid to all of them. The situation is of their own making. No one in the US owes the Palestinians or the Israelis diddly-squat. No more tax breaks for Israeli causes, no more aid, no more nothing.
We should treat it exactly like we treat Kashmir or the protests of unhappy Uighars in China.