Author Topic: ".....and in this Corner"  (Read 4238 times)

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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #30 on: June 16, 2015, 01:09:25 AM »
Attack ads have been a staple of politics since politics began, so we can move that aside, as that will never change.  Dems will still proclaim that voting for a Republican will cause another black church to burn down.  But one can't help but chuckle at those attack ads of how "out of touch" Romney supposedly was, based on nothing more than he was wealthy, yet those uber Rich Clintons, are down with the middle class folk    ::)

The largeness in the size of contributions are generally with the goal of access.  The larger the donation, the faster & more personal the access.  Such that to whatever said candidate's position is, be it Senator, Governor, Secretary of *insert whatever dept here*, or even President, that proportional to the donation is access and facilitation of whatever agenda uber rich person or foreign government is pushing, 

That's why I've always supported complete disclosure of any and all donations/contributions.  No hiding behind bland names like the Society for a greater America.  We see who donates to who, and how much.  THEN we sit back and everyone can observe if there is any quid pro quo going on.  Shuts out lobbyists, shuts out many PAC's.  And it does it to ALL Parties.  Any sign of a scratch my back I'll scratch yours, or being sold to the highest bidder, they're voted out faster than they got elected.  (if not simply recalled).  And no, it can't be strictly pubic financing, because then the power of speech is completely manipulated by the mainstream media, and they've already tipped their hand at being wholly biased in one party's favor

So, while I agree that one of the worst things a Politician can do is whore themselves to the highest bidder, the notion that Rubio is supposedly doing it, while ignoring that Mrs. Clinton is worth 20x more than Rubio, has a Foundation that has taken in billions, from uber donors, both foreign & domestic, and not so surprisingly, some of these enterprising donors were on the positive end of favorable rulings by the State Dept, in which she signed off on, puts the original accusation in far better perspective

Hopefully the Dems will see the error of their ways and get behind Mr Sanders
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 05:32:02 AM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2015, 11:40:08 AM »
The fact is that Romney WAS out of touch with the people.
"Cadillacs?  I think we own one of those."  Saying this tells us how out of touch Romney was. Not knowing how most Americans interpret this revealed his midset even more.

I am all for full disclosure. Not only full disclosure but REQUIRING it to be publicized.
Citizens United did away with disclosure even more than previously.

Romney is no longer running. I think that he is preferable to Rubio, not by much.

Yesterday Jebby made his Big Speech, at Miami Dade College, which has four campuses. He chose to give his speech at the Kendall Campus, the Whitest of the four.
We won't be seeing any BUSH bumperstickers, they only say JEB!

His actual name is John Ellis Bush.

The previously most important American known as JEB was General J.E.B. Stuart. His actual name was James Ewell Brown. He was a general of Cavalry at the Battle of Gettysburg, and some blamed him for losing that battle for not staying closer to the main body of the Confederate Army. He was killed in 1864, and his wife wore black for the rest of her life, until she fell and hit her head on a sidewalk and died in 1923. J.E.B. Stuart has inspired many books. A Confederate flag his wife sewed sold for $956,000, and the Army named a tank after him.

Prescott Bush, JEB's father  was a honcho in Planned Parenthood, and had five children, all of them presumably planned.  The family owns a 10,000 acre plantation near Barnwell, SC, in addition to the family compound at Kennebunkport ME and an island off the coast of CT.

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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #32 on: June 16, 2015, 11:54:15 AM »
The fact is Hillary is JUST as out of touch as you think Romney was or Bush is
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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #33 on: June 16, 2015, 12:21:18 PM »
That is an opinion from your addled mind, which I do not consider to be any more valid than the hooting of owls or the screeching of wild parakeets.

When Hillary says something dumb like "Cadillac? I think we own one of those", then I will reconsider my opinion of Hillary. As I said, she is not my favorite. But she clearly would be better than any goddamned Republican.
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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #34 on: June 16, 2015, 01:17:49 PM »
No more than your opinion is of Romney or Bush.  Do dogs in your neighborhood start to howl when you screech gets too high?  I mean, does Hillary even know what a steering wheel is, I wonder?
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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #35 on: June 17, 2015, 09:30:43 PM »
That is an opinion from your addled mind, which I do not consider to be any more valid than the hooting of owls or the screeching of wild parakeets.

When Hillary says something dumb like "Cadillac? I think we own one of those", then I will reconsider my opinion of Hillary. As I said, she is not my favorite. But she clearly would be better than any goddamned Republican.

No ways tired.


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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2015, 09:55:37 PM »
Hillary is clowning around here, not revealing any attitude as Romney was..
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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #37 on: June 17, 2015, 10:14:12 PM »
When Hillary says something dumb like "Cadillac? I think we own one of those", then I will reconsider my opinion of Hillary.

XO Hillary Clinton has not driven a car since 1996.
She is really out of touch.
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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #38 on: June 18, 2015, 02:31:23 PM »
But....but.....she's a person of the people.  She "connects" with them, because......well, because she's.....well, she just does.  I feel it        ;)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #39 on: June 23, 2015, 07:31:06 PM »
Let's get down to brass tacks.....its still quite a ways until the party primaries, but I think we can get down and dirty as to who's going to be in the final showdowns

Dems......It's going to be Hillary.  O'Mally doesn't have the name recognition, or financial warchest, or any major support from a major political figure.  Sanders has the eye of the hard core base, but not the Oligarchy which has too much vested in Hillary.  And Warren isn't running.  So Hillary, with her massive amount of negative baggage (getting bigger by the day), will be the Democrat nominee

There are no sure things in politics, but Hillary Clinton is the closest thing to a sure thing to become the Democrats' candidate for president in 2016.

This is one of the painful but inescapable signs of our time. There is nothing in her history that would qualify her for the presidency, and much that should disqualify her. What is even more painful is that none of that matters politically. Many people simply want "a woman" to be president, and Hillary is the best-known woman in politics, though by no means the best qualified.

What is Hillary's history? In the most important job she has ever held -- Secretary of State -- American foreign policy has had one setback after another, punctuated by disasters.

U.S. intervention in Libya and Egypt, undermining governments that were no threat to American interests, led to Islamic extremists taking over in Egypt and terrorist chaos in Libya, where the American ambassador was killed, along with three other Americans.

Fortunately, the Egyptian military has gotten rid of that country's extremist government that was persecuting Christians, threatening Israel and aligning itself with our enemies. But that was in spite of American foreign policy.

In Europe, as in the Middle East, our foreign policy during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State was to undermine our friends and cater to our enemies.

The famous "reset" in our foreign policy with Russia began with the Obama administration reneging on a pre-existing American commitment to supply defensive technology to shield Poland and the Czech Republic from missile attacks. This left both countries vulnerable to pressures and threats from Russia -- and left other countries elsewhere wondering how much they could rely on American promises.

Even after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Obama administration refused to let the Ukrainians have weapons with which to defend themselves. President Obama, like other presidents, has made his own foreign policy. But Hillary Clinton, like other Secretaries of State, had the option of resigning if she did not agree with it. In reality, she shared the same flawed vision of the world as Obama's when they were both in the Senate.

Both of them opposed the military "surge" in Iraq, under General David Petraeus, that defeated the terrorists there. Even after the surge succeeded, Hillary Clinton was among those who fiercely denied initially that it had succeeded, and sought to discredit General Petraeus, though eventually the evidence of the surge's success became undeniable, even among those who had opposed it.

The truly historic catastrophe of American foreign policy -- not only failing to stop Iran from going nuclear, but making it more difficult for Israel to stop them -- was also something that happened on Hillary Clinton's watch as Secretary of State.

What the administration's protracted and repeatedly extended negotiations with Iran accomplished was to allow Iran time to multiply, bury and reinforce its nuclear facilities, to the point where it was uncertain whether Israel still had the military capacity to destroy those facilities.

There are no offsetting foreign policy triumphs under Secretary of State Clinton. Syria, China and North Korea are other scenes of similar setbacks.

The fact that many people are still prepared to vote for Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States, in times made incredibly dangerous by the foreign policy disasters on her watch as Secretary of State, raises painful questions about this country.

A President of the United States -- any president -- has the lives of more than 300 million Americans in his or her hands, and the future of Western civilization. If the debacles and disasters of the Obama administration have still not demonstrated the irresponsibility of choosing a president on the basis of demographic characteristics, it is hard to imagine what could.

With our enemies around the world arming while we are disarming, such self-indulgent choices for president can leave our children and grandchildren a future that will be grim, if not catastrophic.

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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2015, 09:29:07 PM »
The US is not preventing the Ukranians from having arms. It is just not giving therm away.
Why should it? They have wasted far too much money trying to lure Ukraine to join the West, but it is clearly in the Russian sphere of influence. Over 50- million we have pissed away on this. It was wasted.

Crimea was never a bona fide Ukraine territory: it was bestowed on them by Khruschev. It does not matter to a single American who rules Crimea. The Crimeans seem to be as happy to be Russians as they were to be Ukrainian.

This country has no reason to provoke a war between Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine cannot BUY arms, it has no money. Ukraine has been hideously incompetent at running itself. So we would have to GIVE them weapons, and Russia could clearly win any war with Ukraine.
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Re: ".....and in this Corner"
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2015, 09:44:27 PM »
Clearly avoding the specific point being made by the commentary.  But no surprise there
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle