I have not taken any vow of poverty, and I see no virtue in poverty or suffering, If Mother Teresa (who was born with a name other than Teresa - the Albanian equivalent of Agnes- and was no one's mother) received money to alleviate suffering and spent it on something else. then she was a fraud in my book.
As for Jesus, the information we have about him was secondhand at best. As I have said many times, he should have written his own gospel. I don't consider it possible for the Bible to be accurate, as it contradicts itself on many, many matters.
The Christian religion is a much heavier dose of Paul than Jesus, and I have little respect for Paul. He was a publicist and was clearly more interested in publicity and winning converts than the truth.
The Jewish description of what a Messiah should be is very different from what the Christian religion says a messiah was.
The Jewish Messiah was a military leader who defeats the enemies of the Hebrews and then becomes king, A king like David, a mortal. That was clearly not what Jesus was.
The closest person to being an actual Messiah was Shimon Bar Kokhba, who actually drove the Romans out of Israel in 132 CE. He ruled until the Romans returned with a bigger army in 135, and was killed. After that, Jerusalem was destroyed and Jews were evicted. His name means "Son of the Star", He was reputedly a badass.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_bar_KokhbaNowhere in the Jewish religion does any human become born as an actual son of God.