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Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« on: November 09, 2006, 12:12:52 AM »
No, there's no bias here. The Dow has been hitting record highs for some time now.

Stocks rise after Democratic election wins

Wall Street welcomes big Democratic victory; Dow hits a new high

NEW YORK - Wall Street rose for a third straight session Wednesday, with the Dow Jones industrial average reaching another record close, as investors grew more confident that a huge victory by Democrats in congressional elections would result in gridlock and keep lawmakers out of the way of business interests.


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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2006, 12:34:46 AM »
No, there's no bias here. The Dow has been hitting record highs for some time now.

So whacking fut?

(1) This is not happeneing as a result of anything Juniorbush has done.
(2) The Dow is only 30 companies. The S&P 500 is more important by far, and the Wiltshire 5000 more important still.

The Dow is pretty much meaningless as an indicator of the entire economy. Anyone familiart with investments knows this.

Observe electing DEMOCRATS seems to be a sign of future prosperity. This war is inflationary by nature and drains money away from our economy.
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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2006, 12:42:02 AM »
So whacking fut?

The mainstream media is biased toward Democrats. This is another example in a long line. Where were all the positive articles (like this one) about the economy over the past two years?


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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2006, 01:35:24 AM »

Where are all the positive articles?

----Opinion Journal, WSJ, Forbes, Business Week.

One reason to favor the Democrats is the fact that the Democrats tend to favor business more.

Warmongering is not really beneficial to the ecomony.

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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2006, 01:44:26 AM »
One reason to favor the Democrats is the fact that the Democrats tend to favor business more.

But the mainstream media should not favor the Democrats. They should be impartial. Their doom and gloom reporting on the economy over the last two years, when it was growing like gangbusters, was agenda driven.


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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2006, 03:24:22 AM »
This [the economy booming] is not happeneing as a result of anything Juniorbush has done.

Except the tax cuts.


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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2006, 04:48:46 PM »
A down day today .

Will we consider the change good or bad on alternate days as the stock market rises and falls in its tipical fashion?

Unemployment is still in good numbers , lets spike this with high tax rates .


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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2006, 03:27:23 PM »
The media is NOT pro-Democratic. This is a major Republican lie, repeated again and again along with the campaign to make the word "liberal" appear to be a bad thing. Fox is clearly ratwing, unfair and unbalanced.

The tax cuts would only have favored the economy if the money were invested in growing new businesses. If yopu buy GE stock, this only serves to raise the price of GE stock. GE doesn't get one single cent of it, because they sold that stock decades ago.

Investing in retailing Chinese products also does not serve to make the economy grow.

The GOP claims that raising the minimum wage is inflationary, but eliminating some dumbass tax on Paris Hilton's inheritance is good for the economy. This is clearly bullkshit, just like all the rest of the Limbaugh crap that you constantly spew.
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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2006, 03:45:32 PM »
The media is NOT pro-Democratic. This is a major Republican lie, repeated again and again along with the campaign to make the word "liberal" appear to be a bad thing. Fox is clearly ratwing, unfair and unbalanced.  The tax cuts would only have favored the economy if the money were invested in growing new businesses.  Investing in retailing Chinese products also does not serve to make the economy grow.  The GOP claims that raising the minimum wage is inflationary, but eliminating some dumbass tax on Paris Hilton's inheritance is good for the economy. This is clearly bullkshit, just like all the rest of the Limbaugh crap that you constantly spew.

Feel better?
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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2006, 04:54:06 PM »
"Investing in retailing Chinese products also does not serve to make the economy grow."


Should I sell my retail stocks because they are not really part of the US economy?

Do yuou just hate furreners or what?


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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2006, 05:42:21 PM »
The media is NOT pro-Democratic. This is a major Republican lie

A new study from the Center for Media and Public Affairs shows an unprecedented bias in the network news coverage.
Between September 5th and October 11th of this year, 77% of coverage regarding Democrats was favorable. But only 12% of coverage about Republicans was positive. The disparity is the most significant we have seen since these studies began.


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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2006, 06:50:15 PM »
The media is NOT pro-Democratic. This is a major Republican lie

A new study from the Center for Media and Public Affairs shows an unprecedented bias in the network news coverage.  Between September 5th and October 11th of this year, 77% of coverage regarding Democrats was favorable. But only 12% of coverage about Republicans was positive. The disparity is the most significant we have seen since these studies began.

It worked.  Expect the trend to continue thru '08
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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2006, 07:08:48 PM »
"Investing in retailing Chinese products also does not serve to make the economy grow."


Should I sell my retail stocks because they are not really part of the US economy?

Do yuou just hate furreners or what?
I did not say that retail was not part of the US economy. I said that investing in Wal*Mart or some other retail purveyor of Chinese or other imported goods will not cause the economy of the US to grow.

If Wal*Mart were selling US-made products, then US workers would get paid for making these goods and if more of such goods were sold, the US company would nuild a bigger factory and more US jobs would be created. There is a multiplier effect at work here.

If, on the other hand, the goods sold are made in China, the multiplier benefits the CHINESE economy and not the US economy.

I am not against foreigners. I am merely stating that for the supposedly miracle-working US tax cuts to benefit the US economy, it is far better if the money spent goes to US workers.

If the government spends the money, it also has a multipler efect in the US. If the US government uses the money to pay the salary of someone to repair, test or schlep weapons about the Warner-Robbins AF Base, then you will spend your money mostly in the US and the US economy will benefit more than after the tax cut, when you are fired in a cost-cutting move and the tax savings go to say, Richard Mellon Scaife, who then invests in say, a factory in China.

For the US economy to benefit from the tax cut, the money must create more jobs than it loses as a result in cuts in government programs. You are more a part of the US economy that a guy who makes schlock in China to be sold in Wal*Mart. If the tax money is paid to you, then the US economy will benefit more than if it is sent to China to buy scholck. Even well-made schlock.

This is pretty complicated, and I doubt that RR or Rush or even O'Reilly actually has the statistics to prove that Juniortbush's tax cuts actually caused the current rise in the Stock Market.

And again, a rise in the stock market does not benefit even most Americans, though I have done pretty okay as a result.

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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2006, 07:24:04 PM »
Of course there is a bias against the Republicans lately. They have declared an unwinnable, stupid, expensive and useless war and have tried to win with no plan for victory whatever. Anyone who did not criticize the insanity of the war or the incompetence of its implementation would be a truly bad reporter of the news.

Is Jack Abramoff a force for good? 

Is soliciting pages a positive news story? Was Abu Graib somehow a great accomplishment for Juniorbush?

Is waterboarding a positive thing?

Are the huge thefts of US taxpayers' money sent to Iraq somehow good news?

Please. The media has reported the dumbass things done by a dumbass administration because of the stupidity, incompetence, immorality and incompetence of the perps. The perps are Republicans. They have it coming, not because they are Republicans, but blundering, corrupt, perverted numbskulls.

What's your idea of an unbiased media? One where the mirror tells the witchy stepmother that she is the fairest of them all even though it knows Snow White is the One True Babe?
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Re: Oh, NOW the media sees the booming economy
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2006, 07:38:06 PM »
Of course there is a bias against the Republicans lately.....What's your idea of an unbiased media?

One that provides BOTH sides of a story, OBJECTIVELY reports BOTH the good and bad events happening, and allows the viewer to make up their own mind
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