Author Topic: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations  (Read 1352 times)

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Michael Tee

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from today's NYT

September 22, 2008
Loan Titans Paid McCain Adviser Nearly $2 Million

Senator John McCain’s campaign manager was paid more than $30,000 a month for five years as president of an advocacy group set up by the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to defend them against stricter regulations, current and former officials say.

Mr. McCain, the Republican candidate for president, has recently begun campaigning as a critic of the two companies and the lobbying army that helped them evade greater regulation as they began buying riskier mortgages with implicit federal backing. He and his Democratic rival, Senator Barack Obama, have donors and advisers who are tied to the companies.

But last week the McCain campaign stepped up a running battle of guilt by association when it began broadcasting commercials trying to link Mr. Obama directly to the government bailout of the mortgage giants this month by charging that he takes advice from Fannie Mae’s former chief executive, Franklin Raines, an assertion both Mr. Raines and the Obama campaign dispute.

Incensed by the advertisements, several current and former executives of the companies came forward to discuss the role that Rick Davis, Mr. McCain’s campaign manager and longtime adviser, played in helping Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac beat back regulatory challenges when he served as president of their advocacy group, the Homeownership Alliance, formed in the summer of 2000. Some who came forward were Democrats, but Republicans, speaking on the condition of anonymity, confirmed their descriptions.

“The value that he brought to the relationship was the closeness to Senator McCain and the possibility that Senator McCain was going to run for president again,” said Robert McCarson, a former spokesman for Fannie Mae, who said that while he worked there from 2000 to 2002, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac together paid Mr. Davis’s firm $35,000 a month. Mr. Davis “didn’t really do anything,” Mr. McCarson, a Democrat, said.

Mr. Davis’s role with the group has bubbled up as an issue in the campaign, but the extent of his compensation and the details of his role have not been reported previously.

Mr. McCain was never a leading critic or defender of the mortgage giants, although several former executives of the companies said Mr. Davis did draw Mr. McCain to a 2004 awards banquet that the companies’ Homeownership Alliance held in a Senate office building. The organization printed a photograph of Mr. McCain at the event in its 2004 annual report, bolstering its clout and credibility. The event honored several other elected officials, including at least two Democrats, Gov. Edward G. Rendell of Pennsylvania and Representative Artur Davis of Alabama.

In an interview Sunday night with CNBC and The New York Times, Mr. McCain noted that Mr. Davis was no longer working on behalf of the mortgage giants. He said Mr. Davis “has had nothing to do with it since, and I’ll be glad to have his record examined by anybody who wants to look at it.”

Asked about the reports of Mr. Davis’s role, a spokesman for Mr. McCain said that during the time when Mr. Davis ran the Homeownership Alliance, the senator had backed legislation to increase oversight of the mortgage companies’ accounting and executive compensation. The legislation, however, did not seek to change their anomalous structure as private companies with federal support.

The spokesman, Tucker Bounds, also noted that the Homeownership Alliance included nonprofit organizations like Habitat for Humanity and the Urban League. “It’s not controversial to promote homeownership and minority homeownership,” Mr. Bounds said. More than a half-dozen current and former executives, however, said the Homeownership Alliance was set up mainly to defend Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by promoting their role in the housing market, and the two companies paid almost the entire cost of the group’s operations.

“They were financed largely, possibly exclusively, by Fannie and Freddie,” said William R. Maloni, a Democrat who is a former head of industry relations for Fannie Mae. “We thought it would be helpful to have someone who was a broadly recognized Republican to be the face of the organization, and that person became Rick Davis.” Mr. Maloni added, “Rick, for that purpose, turned out to be quite good.” (Several executives said Mr. Davis’s compensation was not unusual for the companies’ well-connected consultants.)

The federal bailout of the two mortgage giants has become an emblem of what critics say is the outdated or inadequate regulatory system that allowed the financial system to slide into crisis this summer.

At the time that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac recruited Mr. Davis to run the Homeownership Alliance in 2000, they were under new pressure from private industry rivals and deregulation-minded Republicans who argued that the two companies’ federal sponsorship gave them an unfair advantage and put taxpayers at risk. Critics of the companies had formed their own Washington-based advocacy group, FM Watch. They were pushing for regulations that would deter the companies from expanding into new areas, including riskier and more profitable mortgages.

Mr. Davis had recently returned to his lobbying firm from running Mr. McCain’s unexpectedly strong 2000 Republican primary campaign, which elevated Mr. McCain’s profile as a legislator and Mr. Davis’s as a lobbyist.

“You can say what you want about free-market distortions, but people like the system because it gets them into houses cheap,” Mr. Davis said to Institutional Investor magazine in 2000, adding that he would run the advocacy group out of his Alexandria, Va., lobbying firm.

The organization also hired Public Strategies, a communications firm that included former Bush adviser Mark McKinnon. Mr. Davis wrote letters and gave speeches for the group. In April 2001, he sent out a press release headlined, “It’s Tax Day — Do You Know Where Your Deductions Are? For Most Americans, They’re in Your Home.”

But by the end of 2005, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were recovering from accounting problems and re-examining costs, former executives said. The companies decided the Homeownership Alliance had outlived its usefulness, and it disappeared.


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2008, 05:09:11 PM »

The right makes not a squeak, raises nary an eyebrow.

Paid $2M to "do nothing".


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2008, 05:21:20 PM »

The right makes not a squeak, raises nary an eyebrow.

Paid $2M to "do nothing".

A lobbyists gets paid to promote the virtues of homeownership? So what is the deal?

I don't see how promoting home ownership encourages the govt to look the other way on shaky paper unless the government had a hand in urging lending institutions to give mortgages to people who otherwise would not qualify or else face political pressure from special interest groups .

Did that happen? Was there pressure to give loans to minorities and low to moderate income persons who might not have the ability to pay them back?


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2008, 05:32:33 PM »
I don't see how promoting home ownership encourages the govt to look the other way on shaky paper unless the government had a hand in urging lending institutions to give mortgages to people who otherwise would not qualify or else face political pressure from special interest groups .

Did that happen? Was there pressure to give loans to minorities and low to moderate income persons who might not have the ability to pay them back?
The riskier the loan, the higher the interest rate. This was the incentive to promote loans that otherwise would not be made.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are businesses. The mark of success for a business is to GROW. A lending company grows by having more loans. Growth is always seen as a positive thing by businesses.

These were mostly adjustible rate loans, which had interest rates that would raise over time. So long as the housing market was booming and prices were rising, refinancing at a lower rate was an option for many. When prices stopped rising and began to fall, this was no longer an option, and people began to default.

When people realized they owed $200K on a home worth $150, they simply bailed and left the banks (or whatever unlucky anonymous klutz was stuck with the loan) with the default.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2008, 05:42:09 PM »
A lobbyists gets paid to promote the virtues of homeownership? So what is the deal?

I don't see how promoting home ownership encourages the govt to look the other way on shaky paper unless the government had a hand in urging lending institutions to give mortgages to people who otherwise would not qualify or else face political pressure from special interest groups .

Did that happen? Was there pressure to give loans to minorities and low to moderate income persons who might not have the ability to pay them back?
"a lobbyist."  who happens to be McCain's campaign manager
"gets paid"    TWO MILLION BUCKS.  By Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
"to promote the virtues of home ownership" -  uh, correction, "to help them beat back regulatory challenges."

Nice spin.  Don't bother.  Most of us can figure out this story out for ourselves.  We read the whole of the story, all the bits you leave out.  We get it. 

So McCain's campaign manager got two mill from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who hired him to damp down regulation fever in the Congress.  Why HIM?  How's HE gonna stop Congress from tougher Regulations?   Oh, the McCain connection.  Right.

And, uh, McCain's gonna take on these greedy corporations, kick their lobbyists out, right?  Sure.  McCain.  And the lobbyists on his own staff?  His campaign manager and long-term adviser, for example?  Oh, no problem.  HE'S OK.

McCain.  In Congress.  On YOUR side.  Ever since the Nixon administration.

This is hilarious.  Can anyone spell LANDSLIDE?
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 05:43:45 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2008, 06:59:00 PM »
"gets paid"    TWO MILLION BUCKS.  By Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Davis was not McCain's campaign manager at the time he was a lobbyist. Most Americans , not matter how much you hold them in disdain, are quite capable of understanding that simple distinction.


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2008, 07:45:37 PM »
"gets paid"    TWO MILLION BUCKS.  By Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

Davis was not McCain's campaign manager at the time he was a lobbyist. Most Americans , not matter how much you hold them in disdain, are quite capable of understanding that simple distinction.

Not even remotely the point.

The point is that McCain's campaign manager was paid money by private corporations to reserve access to McCain should he become president and to make sure that McCain ran interference for said corporations and their interests.

Michael Tee

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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2008, 09:11:05 PM »
<<Davis was not McCain's campaign manager at the time he was a lobbyist. Most Americans , not matter how much you hold them in disdain, are quite capable of understanding that simple distinction.>>

Oh, it's a "simple distinction" alright.  And yes, most Americans can appreciate it. 

What they can also appreciate is that it's a totally irrelevant distinction.

McCain's campaign manager was paid $2 million dollars to make sure that Freddy and Fannie weren't saddled with unduly restrictive regulations by the U.S. Senate.  $2 million dollars because he was believed to be capable of altering the Senate's regulation-making, even though, of course, he wasn't a Senator.  So it was a question of who in the Senate he was most likely to have some influence on.

Awwwww, geeze, do I have to spell it ALL out for you?  You get it, you don't get it, WTF do I care?  MOST Americans got it as soon as they read the headline.  If they didn't, Barak's TV ads will spell it out for them like they were three-year-olds.  This sucka's finished, BT, all washed up.  Finito.  How stupid do you REALLY think the American voter is?


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2008, 09:12:13 PM »
McCain.  In Congress.  On YOUR side.  Ever since the Nixon administration.

Uh no.

That is Biden , the Senator from Delaware.

Delaware that is home to so many financhial institutions because of freindly state laws.

Biden has been in the Senate since the Nixon Administration , McCain was tied up at that time.

Michael Tee

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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2008, 09:23:50 PM »
I stand corrected.   Thank  you.

McCain.  In Congress.  On your side.  Since the Reagan administration.

The point I was making still stands.


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2008, 10:17:00 PM »
Was there pressure to give loans to minorities and low to moderate income persons who might not have the ability to pay them back?

Probably.  But even if that is/were the case, that doesn't excuse these loans where income wasn't verified.  Nor does wanting to give loans to minorities/low income translate into zero down ARM's.  It would seem to me that if there were a program to do this, the best way to do it would be with a fixed rate and stable payment, not a payment that jumps from $900 a month to $1200.

The banks got greedy.  The people who couldn't afford to buy a home but did anyway got greedy.

And now you and I get to pay for it.


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2008, 10:47:50 PM »
Delaware that is home to so many financhial institutions because of freindly state laws.

So now you blame Biden for Delaware's financial laws.

Are you aware that these laws were passed way back in the 1920's, by the Delaware State Legislature?
Delaware gets a lot of taxes from this, which, being a small state with few people, constitute a large share of the state's budget. This means that the citizens pay less in taxes, so they like it. These laws also make DuPont, the company that dominates Delaware, happy.

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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2008, 11:32:31 PM »
Delaware that is home to so many financhial institutions because of freindly state laws.

So now you blame Biden for Delaware's financial laws.

Are you aware that these laws were passed way back in the 1920's, by the Delaware State Legislature?
Delaware gets a lot of taxes from this, which, being a small state with few people, constitute a large share of the state's budget. This means that the citizens pay less in taxes, so they like it. These laws also make DuPont, the company that dominates Delaware, happy.

These laws have a minor effect of reduceing the controll of other states on certain corporations , but as it is a minor effect I don't really mind it.

Biden is naturally chummy with the industry lobbyists from one of his states biggest money makeing industrys.

I don't mind that so much either , they have to go somewhere.


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2008, 12:15:55 AM »
And now you and I get to pay for it.

You expecting a tax increase?


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Re: Latest on McCain Campaign "Plans" to "Defend" You Against Corporations
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2008, 12:18:29 AM »
The point is that McCain's campaign manager was paid money by private corporations to reserve access to McCain should he become president and to make sure that McCain ran interference for said corporations and their interests.

How did that work out? McCain introduces S.190 that tightens regulation opn the very guys who are alledgely buying influence on him.

Davis was on his own clock at the time. Looks like he is a good negotiator, to earn that kind of money. BTW who was running Fannie at the time this contract was let?