Author Topic: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers  (Read 1232 times)

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CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« on: October 07, 2008, 11:31:31 AM »

Barack Obama said he barely knew William Ayers. CNN says, that is a lie.


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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2008, 12:05:32 PM »
Who gives a sh*t?

Ayers is a professor of Education. He is no longer any sort of threat to anyone.
Just like John McCain.

Once, Ayers bombed a statue. Maybe he bombed it twice. Then he bombed the Pentagon, and did a small amount of damage.
Maybe, if you got  REALLY MAD, he might stab you with a pencil.

Once John McCain dropped bombs over North Vietnam and dropped bombs and perhaps napalm on Vietnamese.
Now the worst he could do is run over you with a golf cart. Maybe hit you with his putter.

Stop being dorks! These are NOT IMPORTANT in any way.
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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2008, 07:56:44 PM »
  BHO's resume is so meager that this Annenburg project is better than half of his executive experience. How are the choices he made in funding education unimportant now?


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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2008, 08:31:01 PM »
>>Who gives a sh*t?<<

You should.

It's evident that Obama runs with a, not just ultra liberal, but radically anti-American crowd. He's the most liberal Senator running with the third most liberal Senator, Senator Dumbass, in Congress. He's knee deep in corruption from Fannie Mae to Resco. He belongs to a racist, anti-American church. He won't release his Thesis or his medical history. He won't release his Congressional papers or anything from his brief stint as a lawyer. He's created his own truth squad. Modeled after Mao I suppose. He's changed his position on every important issue.

We know virtually nothing about this man. Because ... um ... hope ... change ... whatever.


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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2008, 12:50:09 AM »
Too bad Obama's people can't keep their story straight:

After the former NYC mayor made the case on today's Morning Joe as to why Ayers matters, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs came on, called Giuliani a liar, and flatly denied that?when beginning his political career in his living room?Obama knew Ayers was a terrorist.

    ANDREA MITCHELL: Given everything that's happened in the markets in the last couple days, and if you were running for president, would you be running this whole campaign about a former Chicago, you know, radical who knew Obama years ago in community organization --

Rudy can be heard laughing off camera.  Note Andrea's reticence in describing Ayers.  She hesitates, throws in a "you know," then calls him a "former radical."  Someone who sits in his living room, smokes a little pot, and rails against AmeriKa is a radical.  When that someone plants bombs and people die, he becomes a terrorist.  As fellow NewsBuster Geoffrey Dickens has noted, this isn't the first time Mitchell's been reluctant to call a knave a knave.

    MITCHELL: Would you be talking about all this stuff, which frankly seems like a distraction?

    RUDY GIULIANI: To you, but I don't think to the American people.  Of course I'd be talking about it.  This is totally extraordinary.

And a bit later.

    GIULIANI: This guy, educated in the Saul Alinsky methods, good friend of Ayers --

    MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Um [dissenting] --

    GIULIANI: -- very close to Wright.  This is a very left-wing, most left-wing candidate of the Democratic party.  It's ideology. It's ideology, Andrea, it's not guilt by association.

    MITCHELL: But Mr. Mayor, the New York Times said he was not a good friend.  The New York Times said they did not have much of a relationship at all.

    GIULIANI [sarcastically]: Oh, gee, that's really, Andrea, that really persuades me.

    MITCHELL: That he was not even a friend.

    GIULIANI: The New York Times said that?  That really persuades me.

Gibbs of the Obama campaign made his appearance in a subsequent segment, and wasted no time in calling Giuliani a liar.

    ROBERT GIBBS: Mika, let me tell you. If you had a lie-detector test on Rudy Giuliani, one of you guys would have been hit in the head with one of those needles.  He was off the charts. It's fine to have a debate, but let's get the facts right. Let's try to get in the ballpark of truth, and I don't think Rudy Giuliani's in the same area code.

    JOE SCARBOROUGH: OK, OK, well, speaking of truth, though, Robert, let's?and I'm just going to tell you what the McCain camp put out yesterday, and they have quotes?true or false, because David Axelrod said Obama didn't know that Ayers was a terrorist when Ayers introduced him to Chicago politics. Is that true?  Did Barack Obama know that William Ayers was a terrorist when Ayers introduced him in his home to Chicago politicians? True or false?

    GIBBS: No, no.  What David said was accurate.  What David said was very accurate.  Look, Joe, as has been written by any number of news organizations, what's been written by the New York Times: they knew each other, they worked on two boards together, they were not close.

    SCARBOROUGH: But Obama didn't, no, no, back to my question: now, let's bring it up, because you called Giuliani a liar, let's make sure that you-all are telling the truth, here.

    GIBBS: No, I'm just --

    SCARBOROUGH: Let me ask the question.  Did Barack Obama know, and again, I don't think that voters care about this, but let's clean it up and get it out of the way. Did Barack Obama --

    GIBBS: I cleaned it up, Joe, I answered your question --

    SCARBOROUGH: Well, you've got to let me finish the question.

    GIBBS: He did not.

    SCARBOROUGH: You've got to let me finish the question.

    GIBBS: Oh, OK.

    SCARBOROUGH: Did Barack Obama know that William Ayers was a terrorist when William Ayers introduced him to Chicago politics in 1995 in his home?

    GIBBS: OK, I listened to the question and the answer is still he didn't.

    SCARBOROUGH: He did not know Ayers was a terrorist?

    GIBBS: And that's what David said yesterday.

    SCARBOROUGH: OK, very good.

    GIBBS: Right.


Mark Halperin of Time, who was a guest panelist on today's Morning Joe, caught up with Gibbs somewhere out on the campaign trail, and grilled him on what Obama knew and when he knew it about Ayers, yielding Gibbs's admission that Obama continued to associate with Obama after learning of his past.

MARK HALPERIN: Is it fair to say that [Barack Obama] continued to associate with [Bill Ayers] professionally -- and personally on a casual basis -- even after he learned?

GIBBS: He continued to serve on a charitable board and an educational grant board with money supplied by Walter Annenberg, a Republican who was an ambassador under Richard Nixon. Yes.

Halperin: But with the knowledge of Ayers' past?

Gibbs: Yes.



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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #5 on: October 08, 2008, 12:54:09 AM » squeezing water out of a rock     :-\
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2008, 09:56:45 AM »
I think the essence of all that is that this right-wing crypto-fascist "journalist" tries to get Obama's guy to admit that Obama went into the relationship with Ayers knowing that he was a "terrorist" (actually, a revolutionary, but not even Obama's side had the balls to draw a distinction) and did not get it.  At that point, Giuliani's credentials as a liar had been established.  So later on, these same fascist creeps crow that they "nailed" Obama anyway because he continued the relationship after finding out about Ayers' past.  Like he's supposed to break off a friendship because he suddenly discovers that back when he himself was about eight years old, his older friend had done something wrong.

Of course the whole debate is kind of surrealistic because Obama and his people don't have the balls to say, "Ayers?  Yeah, we're friends of Ayers and we love him!  He's a great guy.  Ten thousand times better than that fucking war criminal McCain, who actually killed thousands of people with his bombs."


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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2008, 10:49:03 AM »
At no point has Obama ever had more than a casual contact with Ayers. Ayers is a government employee, a distinguished university professor who no longer poses any threat to the establishment.

Most members of the Weather Underground were endangered more by their own incompetent bomb-assembly techniques than by the police.

Ayers is totally irrelevant to this campaign.

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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2008, 09:12:38 PM »
At no point has Obama ever had more than a casual contact with Ayers. Ayers is a government employee, a distinguished university professor who no longer poses any threat to the establishment.

Most members of the Weather Underground were endangered more by their own incompetent bomb-assembly techniques than by the police.

Ayers is totally irrelevant to this campaign.

Ayers hired him once , another time hoasted a party with Obama as the guest of honor, a comeing out party to launch his political carrear.

But aside from these two occasions they did not even know each other.

Michael Tee

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Re: CNN: Obama is lying about William Ayers
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2008, 01:03:15 AM »
The biggest mistake that Kerrey made with the Swift Boat campaign was failing to develop an early and effective response.  Merely stating that this is unimportant and irrelevant is not enough.  These charges won't go away, can't be wished away and have to be met head-on.

First thing:  Obama can't run from Ayers.  It (a) looks dishonest (b) looks like there's something to hide and (c) appears cowardly and disloyal.

So, there is no option but to embrace Ayers.  But which Ayers?  The unapologetic "I'd do it again only more of it" Ayers, or the "changed" Citizen-of-the-Year, School-reformin' Ayers of the past 30 years?  That needs some more thought, but my heart tells me to go for the former, and my head tells me the latter.

I'm turning in now.  Gotta develop this another time.