The thread title is pedantic and thus it is appropriate to the thread to quibble over small nuances in the use of terms , in this very appropriately titled thread.
My right to live anywhere I want has practical limits , I can't live in a house I can't afford , I can't live on a national park , and Indian reservation ,or a military base without special permission.
Israelis have no more freedom to choose to live amoungst the Palestinians than the Plaestinians have to live amoungst the Isarelis , many Palestinian real estate agents have been killed over roumors that they helped to sell some land to a Jew. There used to be Jews that lived amoung the Palestinians and there used to be more Palestinians that lived amoung the Jews , but this gets progressively harder as more such mavericks get slaughtered.
I do not know how much the "peace walls " in Ireland were not effective , but how does anyone know that they had no effect? In Israel the walls are being completed and the rates of killing are dropping where the walls are.
I can see that good attitude would be much superior to walls , but it takes two to tango and only one to build a wall.