Kramer...this is just another example of "they dont get it"
they pretend the Tea Party are kooks
but what is the shape our country is in.
this is why the american people "have had it"
this kind of crap
BP gives it's largest donation to Obama
then BP gets exempted from enviro study
same thing with these wall street/banking firms
Bush and Obama White House full of them...Congress too!
then the poor tax payer bails them out......
take the profits when it's good....bail me out when it's bad
no reason to be responsible if the politicans i give
big buck$ too will save my ass if i get in trouble
but the Tea Party folks are racist pigs to be pissed about
the corrupt-whacked-out shaped our country is in financially
and being over-run with law breaking illegal immigrants...Push 1 for English!