Author Topic: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo  (Read 3898 times)

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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #15 on: June 04, 2010, 07:25:12 PM »
earlier on another post I talked about the importance of eng. lit and other courses.
I just hit a language brick wall here.
you`ll easily interpret this as me being wrong on this topic(have at It)

learn from my mistake , communication is alot more important than you think


Michael Tee

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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2010, 11:28:17 PM »
<<Because he's been a criminal from the day he arrived here as a teenager and druggies steel to support their habits therefore he's scum.>>

If the only law he violated was an immigration law, then he's a criminal in a very minor sense, not having robbed, raped or murdered anyone.  Hard to call every criminal "scum."  You know nothing about the quantity of drugs that he uses, the cost of his habit or anything like that.  You can use drugs and never have to steal to buy them.  They're an affordable recreational pleasure and a year's supply could cost less than a two-week vacation in St. Barts over the Christmas vacation.  Do you think everyone who vacations in St. Barts also steals?

<<It's all very simple and easy to understand for most people.>>

Quite frankly, most people I know would find your views on this subject bizarre and absurd.


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2010, 11:58:33 PM »
The COST OF HIS HABIT??  Like that's something important, we need to take into consideration??

Good lord
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2010, 12:17:50 AM »
<<Because he's been a criminal from the day he arrived here as a teenager and druggies steel to support their habits therefore he's scum.>>

If the only law he violated was an immigration law, then he's a criminal in a very minor sense, not having robbed, raped or murdered anyone.  Hard to call every criminal "scum."  You know nothing about the quantity of drugs that he uses, the cost of his habit or anything like that.  You can use drugs and never have to steal to buy them.  They're an affordable recreational pleasure and a year's supply could cost less than a two-week vacation in St. Barts over the Christmas vacation.  Do you think everyone who vacations in St. Barts also steals?

<<It's all very simple and easy to understand for most people.>>

Quite frankly, most people I know would find your views on this subject bizarre and absurd.

Actually the majority of Americans support the new Arizona law and are tired of illegal aliens occupying our nation and mooching off of us. By the way the AZ law mirrors existing US Federal Law so if it's racist then go talk to Obama because the buck stops at his desk. With that said the experiences I have had with these people have been relatively positive. But the bottom line is we are broke and cant afford to support them any longer. There are plenty of Americans that need work like ditch digging, painting, hanging drywall, poring concrete and other labor intensive jobs could be had by our young strong workers not illegals. The guy was a drug addict that was being deported and he fought with the officers because he was on drugs and obviously out of his mind due to long usage of the drugs. He got what he asked for and now we don't have to worry that he will be back in a month or two. Then again there are stupid liberals like you and those knuckleheads that protested his death down at the border. They should be supporting the officers that put up with this crap day in and day out.

Michael Tee

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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2010, 01:30:21 AM »
<<Actually the majority of Americans  . . . are tired of illegal aliens occupying our nation and mooching off of us.  . . . But the bottom line is we are broke and cant afford to support them any longer. >>

Are you really supporting them?  I get the feeling that most of them come to America to work, and to do the dirty jobs that most Americans wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole: picking crops in the field, stoop labour, construction work, etc.  They work longer, harder hours than Americans want to work, and will work for less money, too.  How do you know that you are "supporting them" or that they are "mooching" off you?

<<There are plenty of Americans that need work like ditch digging, painting, hanging drywall, poring concrete and other labor intensive jobs could be had by our young strong workers not illegals. >>

Well, I don't know about your "young, strong workers."  Here in Toronto the dirtiest, hardest and lowest-paid jobs go to immigrants.  You see them cleaning buildings at night, bussing tables, emptying the bedpans in the hospitals, etc.  The Canadians are "above" all of that, they've "transcended" it - - they'd all rather go on pogey than take that kind of work.  When I was last in South Florida, the construction workers were Hispanic, the cleaners or the taxi drivers Brazilian, the lowest-paid, lowest-skilled jobs were for immigrants, legal or not I don't know.  (Actually most of them I spoke to were on H1B visas, specific to the job - - if they lost the job, they had to leave the country, whether they would actually leave or not I don't know.)  I did not SEE Americans actually doing that work.  In Manhattan, the cabbies are Haitian.  Turkish.  Chinese.  Korean.  Almost never will you get a New York City cab driven by a native-born American.  Americans and Canadians are lazy, don't want and won't take the kind of jobs the immigrants are doing, legal or illegal.  They think they're above that sort of thing, they won't "dirty their hands."

<<The guy was a drug addict that was being deported and he fought with the officers because he was on drugs and obviously out of his mind due to long usage of the drugs.>>

Yeah, that or the officers were behaving like pigs, harassing, insulting and abusing him and he got fed up with it.  Or maybe he kept his cool and they Tasered him anyway, just for kicks.  Just out of racism.  Sure as hell wouldn't be the first time.  Miami cops have beaten people to death for no good reason.  I remember the Liberty City race riots not all that long ago.  Why are you so quick to accept the officers' version of how this guy died?  Don't cops ever lie to cover up their own misdeeds?

<<He got what he asked for and now we don't have to worry that he will be back in a month or two. Then again there are stupid liberals like you and those knuckleheads that protested his death down at the border. They should be supporting the officers that put up with this crap day in and day out.>>

Bottom line is apart from the officers' version, you have no idea what actually happened between the officers and the deceased.  And you don't know who was right and who was wrong.  Although it does seem that any officer, and especially if more than one were present, could have subdued this guy without using deadly force and without Tasering him.


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2010, 02:21:03 AM »
actually last year 40 positions for $14/hour was created at a nearby town to help the unemployed. only 3 showed up.

lets just say eager to work legal americans are not getting thier jobs stolen by any kind of immigrant they`re simply more likely don`t how get those jobs.

these positions were on tv and radio.

I`m being very nice by stating this,other folks have more unkind words about that situation

Michael Tee

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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2010, 10:30:27 AM »
<<I`m being very nice by stating this,other folks have more unkind words about that situation>>

Let me help.  Americans are too fat, too dumb and too lazy to qualify for or even to want, the jobs that the "illegals" are supposedly "stealing" from them.  The "job-stealing illegals" nonsense is just more of their racist BS.


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2010, 12:35:41 PM »
<<Actually the majority of Americans  . . . are tired of illegal aliens occupying our nation and mooching off of us.  . . . But the bottom line is we are broke and cant afford to support them any longer. >>

Are you really supporting them?  I get the feeling that most of them come to America to work, and to do the dirty jobs that most Americans wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole: picking crops in the field, stoop labour, construction work, etc.  They work longer, harder hours than Americans want to work, and will work for less money, too.  How do you know that you are "supporting them" or that they are "mooching" off you?

<<There are plenty of Americans that need work like ditch digging, painting, hanging drywall, poring concrete and other labor intensive jobs could be had by our young strong workers not illegals. >>

Well, I don't know about your "young, strong workers."  Here in Toronto the dirtiest, hardest and lowest-paid jobs go to immigrants.  You see them cleaning buildings at night, bussing tables, emptying the bedpans in the hospitals, etc.  The Canadians are "above" all of that, they've "transcended" it - - they'd all rather go on pogey than take that kind of work.  When I was last in South Florida, the construction workers were Hispanic, the cleaners or the taxi drivers Brazilian, the lowest-paid, lowest-skilled jobs were for immigrants, legal or not I don't know.  (Actually most of them I spoke to were on H1B visas, specific to the job - - if they lost the job, they had to leave the country, whether they would actually leave or not I don't know.)  I did not SEE Americans actually doing that work.  In Manhattan, the cabbies are Haitian.  Turkish.  Chinese.  Korean.  Almost never will you get a New York City cab driven by a native-born American.  Americans and Canadians are lazy, don't want and won't take the kind of jobs the immigrants are doing, legal or illegal.  They think they're above that sort of thing, they won't "dirty their hands."

<<The guy was a drug addict that was being deported and he fought with the officers because he was on drugs and obviously out of his mind due to long usage of the drugs.>>

Yeah, that or the officers were behaving like pigs, harassing, insulting and abusing him and he got fed up with it.  Or maybe he kept his cool and they Tasered him anyway, just for kicks.  Just out of racism.  Sure as hell wouldn't be the first time.  Miami cops have beaten people to death for no good reason.  I remember the Liberty City race riots not all that long ago.  Why are you so quick to accept the officers' version of how this guy died?  Don't cops ever lie to cover up their own misdeeds?

<<He got what he asked for and now we don't have to worry that he will be back in a month or two. Then again there are stupid liberals like you and those knuckleheads that protested his death down at the border. They should be supporting the officers that put up with this crap day in and day out.>>

Bottom line is apart from the officers' version, you have no idea what actually happened between the officers and the deceased.  And you don't know who was right and who was wrong.  Although it does seem that any officer, and especially if more than one were present, could have subdued this guy without using deadly force and without Tasering him.

Mexico has jobs but the jobs don't pay what US jobs pay and there is no free medical in Mexico nor is there good free education. We even give scholarships, loans and credit cards and free legal council too to illegals.There are diseases, unpaved roads and corrupt police in Mexico and further south. They don't have the freedoms like we have in America, so they come up here enroll their kids into our schools and take advantage of every free-bee available to them. Geez, how ignorant can you be not to see any of these facts?


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2010, 12:46:10 PM »
true ,but what i never hear is the things you brought in large amounts or small? Don`t foget the ex-pats, they are americans who make x amount of money and leave to live off the lower cost of living in mexico and various other countries. which i do understand except france, I don`t recall it`s that easy to live there, if anything it`s tougher and can be unpleasent. employer never want to hire because it`s not financially viable to hire french people due to the inability to fire them.

Michael Tee

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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2010, 02:27:38 PM »
<<Geez, how ignorant can you be not to see any of these facts?>>

I see them better than you'll ever see them.  All four of my grandparents were immigrants who couldn't speak a word of fucking English when they got here.  They came from the arm-pits of Europe, shit countries where they had to thank God after every Easter that they weren't among those torn apart by mobs of Christians pouring out of their churches inflamed by their ignorant anti-Semitic priests and looking to revenge the death of their so-called "God" on the descendants of his "killers."  They had no rights to a decent education or job, and were kept down by prejudice and racism every fucking day of their lives.

Do you really think that they would have let any fucking so-called "law" keep them out of a better country with a better future for their descendants (ME!!!) simply because a bunch of genocidal racist bastards killed off the original inhabitants, stole the land and passed their own exclusionary laws keeping out anyone who got there after them?  Fuck dat.  They had as much right to exclude the late-comers as they had to exterminate the original inhabitants.  My grandparents came the "legal" way although I'm sure that the "legal" way included plenty of bribes and "fixes" across the way.  In the early part of the 20th century, immigration from Europe to North America was usually done by travel agents who were basically "fixers" who, paid enough, would "fix" your passage in.  Forms to be filled out?  Here, gimme, I'll fill it out for you.  Don't tell me anything, I'll fill it out for you.  NO, I DON'T WANNA KNOW how many years you went to school, the date you were born, what problems you've had with the law - - I'll fill it out for you, get it?  This is how they came in, and they paid the fixer because they knew that once they got in, nobody could get them out.  If they couldn't afford a fixer, they would have snuck in anyway, illegals to be sure, but better an illegal in Canada than a Jew wherever the fuck they came from.  And no, once they got here, they didn't rob, steal, rape, murder, spread disease, defile the land - - they went to work, hard work, they got married, raised families, educated their kids, contributed to the economy, paid their taxes (maybe, WTF would I know, as much as anyone else, I guess) and generally helped make this country a much better place - - contrary to all the dire predictions of the racist anti-immigrant bigots who wanted to shut them out.  And this goes for all immigrants - - Italian, Chinese, Japanese, whatever.

So don't patronize ME with your "how ignorant can you be?" patronizing bullshit crap.  I know immigrants, I know how the U.S. GOT the land that they're trying to keep the Mexicans out of, I know WHO they stole it from, and I know what to think of their anti-immigrant racist BS.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 02:30:02 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2010, 02:37:48 PM »
Tee apparently has an issue with the rule of law.  It's to be coveted by every nation, especially from a global standpoint, and even more so if America supposedly is not adhering to such law(s), then they are condemned, like no other.  But our nation's laws?, our sovereignty?, they matter not, if people want to come here.  Screw our laws, disrespect our nation, that's the ticket
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2010, 03:15:58 PM »
<<Geez, how ignorant can you be not to see any of these facts?>>

I see them better than you'll ever see them.  All four of my grandparents were immigrants who couldn't speak a word of fucking English when they got here.  They came from the arm-pits of Europe, shit countries where they had to thank God after every Easter that they weren't among those torn apart by mobs of Christians pouring out of their churches inflamed by their ignorant anti-Semitic priests and looking to revenge the death of their so-called "God" on the descendants of his "killers."  They had no rights to a decent education or job, and were kept down by prejudice and racism every fucking day of their lives.

Do you really think that they would have let any fucking so-called "law" keep them out of a better country with a better future for their descendants (ME!!!) simply because a bunch of genocidal racist bastards killed off the original inhabitants, stole the land and passed their own exclusionary laws keeping out anyone who got there after them?  Fuck dat.  They had as much right to exclude the late-comers as they had to exterminate the original inhabitants.  My grandparents came the "legal" way although I'm sure that the "legal" way included plenty of bribes and "fixes" across the way.  In the early part of the 20th century, immigration from Europe to North America was usually done by travel agents who were basically "fixers" who, paid enough, would "fix" your passage in.  Forms to be filled out?  Here, gimme, I'll fill it out for you.  Don't tell me anything, I'll fill it out for you.  NO, I DON'T WANNA KNOW how many years you went to school, the date you were born, what problems you've had with the law - - I'll fill it out for you, get it?  This is how they came in, and they paid the fixer because they knew that once they got in, nobody could get them out.  If they couldn't afford a fixer, they would have snuck in anyway, illegals to be sure, but better an illegal in Canada than a Jew wherever the fuck they came from.  And no, once they got here, they didn't rob, steal, rape, murder, spread disease, defile the land - - they went to work, hard work, they got married, raised families, educated their kids, contributed to the economy, paid their taxes (maybe, WTF would I know, as much as anyone else, I guess) and generally helped make this country a much better place - - contrary to all the dire predictions of the racist anti-immigrant bigots who wanted to shut them out.  And this goes for all immigrants - - Italian, Chinese, Japanese, whatever.

So don't patronize ME with your "how ignorant can you be?" patronizing bullshit crap.  I know immigrants, I know how the U.S. GOT the land that they're trying to keep the Mexicans out of, I know WHO they stole it from, and I know what to think of their anti-immigrant racist BS.

This country loves immigrants and so do I.


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2010, 04:40:34 PM »
You're going to find VERY few folks who are anti-immigrant. 
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2010, 10:44:17 PM »
   When I was a kid , the labor force for the peach harvest was found at the local high school.

    After the Immagrants have been here long enough to raise children will those children also be worthless?

Michael Tee

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Re: Justice Served - One Less Dependent of the state - adios amigo
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2010, 12:00:45 AM »
<<When I was a kid , the labor force for the peach harvest was found at the local high school.>>

Well, come and see the peach harvest here in the Niagara Peninsula.  You'll see truckloads of Jamaican temporary workers doing the job that no local highschoolers want to do.

    <<After the Immagrants have been here long enough to raise children will those children also be worthless?>>

Who knows?  Maybe they'll have enough respect for the labour of their parents that they'll continue on in their footsteps.  Don't count on it though.  My parents had no desire to work in a garment industry sweatshop.