Author Topic: Why do we debate like fools?  (Read 6228 times)

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Stray Pooch

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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2010, 02:28:47 AM »
Lots of good posts here, forgive me if I do not have the energy to give each the specific response it deserves.

To clarify something that may have been inferred by some, this is not an "I'm leaving 'cuz you all don't play nice" post.  It was also not an attempt to be playground monitor, though both of those inferences would be justified.

I also didn't intend to single out the current urinary olymplics between MT and BSB.  It just happened to be the latest example, and it's a pretty good one.  There were two or three threads out there with pointless drivel betwen the two of them and others joining in the fray.  I couldn't believe the insanity, and I think it is a shame.  Both MT and BSB have demonstrated numerous times that they have intelligence, insight and moral courage.  It is so discouraging to see those attributes abdicated for the sake of posturing.  And the level of debate is lowered when this kind of feud erupts because others drop to that level and then we have people slinging insults instead of offering substantive responses to points.  BSB and MT are by no means the only combatants in this kind of war. 

Those who suggest that more frequent visits on my part might be part of the solution make a good point, but I am getting older and my diabetes is getting worse.  The mental energy it takes to contribute rational thoughts, support those thoughts when challenged with credible sources, respond to well-reasoned counterpoints and dodge the mudslinging (or get sucked into it myself) costs more than it did almost a decade ago when I first joined PIC.  Some of you may recall that you couldn"t shut me up back then.  And I'm sure all of you know I can give as well as I can get when it comes to flame wars.  I cannot, however, sustain that level of intensity for long - and that is less a function of age than of temperment.

Most of the critiques offered here of my own post (or posting style) are valid - both the good ones and bad (though the good ones are MORE valid - lol).  My post is not about being personally insulted (none of the mud was aimed at me) but about a sense of despair in looking at the degeneration of intelligent debate into mud-wrestling.  It's kind of like that sick feeling I get when I really consider the gulf disaster.  It isn't directly effecting me personally, but it's sickening and frustrating to watch. 

My point in this post was to vent that frustration.  I was listening to ZAMM (I'm doing the audio book thing this time) and reflecting on it and checked in to this site on a whim.  I contrasted the uplifting and mentally stimulating exercise of that book, and the other pursuits I'm doing now (another of which is carrying on lively debates on FB) and I lament the state of the debate on this site.  Right now, I am debating with my Bishop, his non-member daughter and several friends who are on both sides of the aisle about the gulf spill.  I just recently engaged with my eldest son (who has grown surprisingly liberal these days - lol) about the immigration laws in Arizona.  All of the tension and passion is there - but none of the personal attacks.  This lends, btw, some credence to that other thread about anonymity emboldening aggression in debate on the internet.  Most of us know each other personally and very closely on FB.  That tends to moderate our responses.

But we are not really anonymous here on 3DHS, are we?  We may not know each other's real names or have RL relationships, but we have all mostly communicated with each other for several years now on a fairly regular basis.  That familiarity may have bred contempt, but I would hope we are all old and wise enough to let it also breed some kind of pseudo-filial respect. 

Anyway, I know I am not a moderator, and I lack the energy or commitment to try to control so many dynamic personalities.  BT and thr others who referee these skimishes are better people than I am.  But I do think that pointing out the issue does have some valid value in contributing to a solution.

Oh, for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention . . .


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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2010, 03:01:47 AM »
"But I do think that pointing out the issue does have some valid value in contributing to a solution."

Won't change a thing pooch, but if it made you feel important for a minute or two that's good.

Oh, and I noticed that after freeing MT and myself from the worst of the worst list you went on to mention us at least two more times. As I said Pooch, update your camouflage, I can see you coming from a mile away.

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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2010, 03:41:54 AM »
I speak of civil, social man under law, and no other.
-Sir Edmund Burke

Stray Pooch

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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2010, 03:44:41 AM »
"But I do think that pointing out the issue does have some valid value in contributing to a solution."

Won't change a thing pooch, but if it made you feel important for a minute or two that's good.

Oh, and I noticed that after freeing MT and myself from the worst of the worst list you went on to mention us at least two more times. As I said Pooch, update your camouflage, I can see you coming from a mile away.

That's because I'm not camoflaged.  If you are under the impression that I'm attacking you and MT just for the purpose of attacking you, rather than making a more general point, you are incorrect.  I never intended to put you on any list, I simply mentioned the thread which provoked the post - and that happened to be yours.  For balance, if you like, I might mention the "On Reflection" thread which Plane started based on a statement you made.  The entire thread - and your posts in particular - are in a completely different place.  It is very thought-provoking and far more in line with ZAMM (through no coincidence, one would think).  Those sorts of posts are less likely to receive an immediate response - maybe even any response - because they can't be considered without time and further perspective and can't be answered in any coldly analytical way.  (That's why ZAMM was one of the hardest books I ever read.  I'd read a paragraph and then think about it for three days.)  But I'd rather read a thread like that any day for exactly that reason.

Oddly, your camoflage post made me miss reading Field Manuals.  It must be getting pretty late!
Oh, for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention . . .

Stray Pooch

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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2010, 03:48:24 AM »
The Movement, Live with Chivalry, Chivas

Wow.  Celebrating civility, togetherness and alcohol.  Perfect for the saloon!
Oh, for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention . . .


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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2010, 09:41:37 AM »
Those who suggest that more frequent visits on my part might be part of the solution make a good point,
but I am getting older and my diabetes is getting worse.  The mental energy it takes to contribute rational
thoughts, support those thoughts when challenged with credible sources, respond to well-reasoned counterpoints
and dodge the mudslinging (or get sucked into it myself) costs more than it did almost a decade ago when I first
joined PIC.  Some of you may recall that you couldn"t shut me up back then.  I cannot, however, sustain that level
of intensity for long - and that is less a function of age than of temperment.

I can certainly relate to all that Pooch. Things that seemed important 10-15 years ago, don't seem
nearly as pressing today. Sometimes there are just more important things to do and also sometimes we all
need time away from this place. Some leave never to be heard from again, some return to get back in the
ring, and some like you stop in to say "hello". I hate to hear about your diabetes...thats what killed my Dad.
I hear exercise is the key to staving off the devastation of diabetes. Of course we all know the benefits
of exercise....I need to do more myself. Here's wishing you good health and hoping you will find the time
to stop in more often.....even a post every week or two from Poochie will be part of the solution!

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2010, 10:43:17 AM »
I don't have any idea what ZAMM is, pooch, but conditioned existence, or "emptiness", is a 2500 year old Buddhist teaching. 

My point is this. While your point about the posts in here quickly turning into mindless drivel is of course well taken, the remedy would involve a lot more people manning up then just me and MT. There are some serious trash talkers in here and its been allowed to go on for years. Any analysis of the problem, and attempt to correct it, has to go a lot deeper, and involve a lot more then me and snowblower. Unfortunately your approach to the problem isn't going to produce that kind of result. It was a very shallow, and lacking, critique.


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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2010, 11:10:00 AM »
ZAMM is the usual abbreviation for the title of  Robert J. Pirsig's book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. It is a great book, I highly recommend it.

I taught a course in Philosophy 101 at Dade Correctional in the 1980's. I used a standard summary of philosophers and ZAMM as textbooks. of the 25 students (I think that was the number) 20 loved ZAMM, 5 hated it. Four of them were pretty slow readers, and it's a long book.

You might consider reading it. Pirsig was a child prodigy, a genius that got into MIT when he was 14 or so. Then he dropped out and went to India, was stationed in Korea, and ended up teaching freshman comp at Bozeman State in Montana. While in a PhD program at the U of Chicago, he had a major nervous breakdown and went into a catatonic state and I think had electroshock therapy. He emerged a completely different man and dedicated himself to writing tech manuals. He was divorced after treatment, and then when his son was about 13 or so, he set out from Minneapolis to cross the country on a motorcycle, I think a BSA, with his son. As they travel across the country, he writes about his philosophical investigations. It is a sort of combined physical and intellectual road trip.

Pirsig investigates the links between technical perfection and art. His obsession is What is "the good" in action and thought and how can we identify it?"

Here are some quotes:

Google ZAMM and you will find many Pirsig fans and comments on the book.

Note the comments about the name "Phaedrus" on the CD. He made a mistake as to who Phaedrus was in the dialogues of Plato. His son was killed by hoodlums. He narrates the CD and does a good job of it.

You can find the book in any library and new and used on Amazon.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 11:21:47 AM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2010, 11:11:44 AM »
I don't have any idea what ZAMM is, pooch,

"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"

It's a good book, written by Robert M. Pirsig.
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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2010, 11:14:41 AM »
and unlike XO he will admit a mistake and also be critical of a Democrat
This coming from the "Christian" who has been drumming for war with Iran and predicting it for over two years.

Have we ever heard CU4 claim that he was wrong about a Debkafiles prediction of war?

I was wrong to have voted for Hubert Humphrey in 1968.
 I should have written in Gene McCarthy's name instead.
Happy now?
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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2010, 11:18:17 AM »
Pirsig was a child prodigy, a genius that got into MIT when he was 14 or so.

University of Minnesota.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)


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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2010, 11:21:14 AM »
Ah, so ZAMM = "Zen and the Art....." I thought it was some kind of new age horseshit.


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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2010, 11:25:03 AM »
It's a good book, written by Robert M. Pirsig.
Although ZAMM was my first Zen book, these 3 are my favorites.

I am a different person because of these 3 books...especially the first 2.

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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2010, 11:30:06 AM »
It has nothing to do with the New Age. Pirsig was born in 1928. So he is 82 or so. NOT New Age.

I would not say that it is horseshit, either.

Okay I was wrong: His name is Robert M. Pirsig, not Robert J. Pirsig.

And he attended the U of Minnesota rather than MIT. I don't know where I got the MIT bit. I am thinking that he does not specifically mention the university in ZAMM.

Here is a link to his bio. He is not a man to categorize in any fashion, he is an original.

So look, CU4, I have admitted I was wrong THREE times!
This must be a frabjous day for you.
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Re: Why do we debate like fools?
« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2010, 11:50:03 AM »
This coming from the "Christian" who has been drumming
for war with Iran and predicting it for over two years.

Absolutely I stand behind that "a Christian" can support going to war with slave owners,
Hitler, Islamo-Nazis and other great evils. I make no apologies for a position/opinion that
thinks the "moral high ground" is defeating an enemy before the enemy gets so strong
that waiting to confront the enemy will cause more death and misery.

BTW...You are wrongly ASSuming again.
I have never made a claim to be a Christian....although I have
a strong affinity for Christianity and Judeo-Christian values/culture.
Some people may call me a Christian and others would not.
That's their problem of needing to pigeonhole me...not mine.
I don't really care...what or how they see me....
Because it has no bearing as to what reality is.

Have we ever heard CU4 claim that he was wrong
about a Debkafiles prediction of war?

People that predicted "man would never land on the moon" were right for a long time too.
I nor Debka usually make specific date predictions on the start of a war.
If we ever did...then yes we were wrong.
Israel has been at war twice recently with Iranian's a chess game.
Has Israel and Iran had an all-out war yet?
No...not yet....but it's coming....the sooner the better.
Anyone claiming that the situation will have a "fairytale ending" is living in fantasyland.

"I should have written in Gene McCarthy's name instead. Happy now?"

Happy that you are only further proving my point? Uh yes I am.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 12:07:54 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987