Author Topic: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again  (Read 14693 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2010, 11:54:33 AM »
<<General Boykin makes the news for speaking in a way that  officers very seldom do.>>

Well then, I guess that's how the commanders who Weinstein claims talked about the firearms of Jesus Christ made the news too, for speaking in a way that officers very seldom do.

Maybe Boykin was one of the commanders Weinstein was referring to.


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2010, 11:58:30 AM »
>>Sounds to me like Trijicon is in violation of it's supply contract.<<

That's sounds about right. From a business standpoint, a pretty dumb thing to do if you ask me.


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2010, 01:58:12 PM »
<<General Boykin makes the news for speaking in a way that  officers very seldom do.>>

Well then, I guess that's how the commanders who Weinstein claims talked about the firearms of Jesus Christ made the news too, for speaking in a way that officers very seldom do.

Maybe Boykin was one of the commanders Weinstein was referring to.

 Weinstein is whineing about officers makeing a joke, or exerciseing their free speech?

Either way they are within there rights arn't they?

Michael Tee

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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2010, 03:06:26 PM »
<<Either way they are within there rights arn't they?>>

Sure they're within their rights, who ever denied it?

It's amazing how you can twist in and out of issues when you choose to avoid something. 

Your original accusation was the inference that Weinstein was probably lying when he claimed officers had spoken of the firearms of Jesus, "because that was not how officers talked."  Then when I showed you a perfectly good example of an officer who DID talk like that, suddenly the issue became not whether Weinstein lied, nor whether officers talked like that - - no, suddenly the "issue" became whether or not they had a RIGHT to talk like that - - something that had never before been put in issuel


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2010, 10:07:38 PM »
<<Either way they are within there rights arn't they?>>

Sure they're within their rights, who ever denied it?

It's amazing how you can twist in and out of issues when you choose to avoid something. 

Your original accusation was the inference that Weinstein was probably lying when he claimed officers had spoken of the firearms of Jesus, "because that was not how officers talked."  Then when I showed you a perfectly good example of an officer who DID talk like that, suddenly the issue became not whether Weinstein lied, nor whether officers talked like that - - no, suddenly the "issue" became whether or not they had a RIGHT to talk like that - - something that had never before been put in issuel

I think Weinstein is disengenuous, he says he is worried that this is a bad message for the Islamic world to hear , but he is makeing sure that they hear it.  General Boykin boldly made the papers with the way he talked , this is an atypical behavior fotr American officers elese why is he featured in the news for speaking in a common way?

I think a riflescope company has the right to decorate their scopes any way they please, and if the customer doesn't like it they can buy other riflescopes.

Hideing scriptures like Easter eggs isn't really common  , but how much effort is it worth to prevent?

Michael Tee

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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2010, 10:32:26 PM »
<<I think Weinstein is disengenuous, he says he is worried that this is a bad message for the Islamic world to hear , but he is makeing sure that they hear it.  >>

You've got to be kidding.  If it weren't for Weinstein, the Islamic world would never hear of this?   Why, does al Qaeda subscribe to Weinstein's blog?  Do the Taliban sign up for his tweets?  What world or what planet do you live on anyway?  It's a helluva lot more likely that one or more so-called "terrorists" will get his hands on one of those rifles, examine the scope and either figure it out for himself, or, more likely, hand it over to someone who can, than that they will ever get the news from Weinstein.

<<I think a riflescope company has the right to decorate their scopes any way they please, and if the customer doesn't like it they can buy other riflescopes.>>

Absolutely, I agree with you, but the scopes aren't theirs anymore once they're sold to the U.S. government and at that point they become Government Issue property for use by all Federal Employees  if it's in their job description.  Unless you can show me where the Federal Government runs an all-Christian, Bible-believing army, you should be able to explain how tools of the trade, furnished in the workplace to Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, agnostic and Christian Federal employees, all come emblazoned with the symbol of Christian faith and yet don't violate the First Amendment prohibition against the establishment of a religion.

Furthermore, I'd be very surprised if the procurement contract specified Christian slogans to be etched onto the scopes, or if the prototypes or samples included any of that crap.  The Feds would not only be within their rights, IMHO they have a positive duty to cancel the contract or insist that the manufacturer replace all defaced scopes with clean ones at its own expense.

Quite apart from the Constitutional issue, there is the simple fact that with or without Weinstein's assistance, the targets of those scopes are inevitably going to find out for themselves what the infidel invaders have written on the scopes that are used to target and kill Muslims, and if you think that won't give them a big propaganda PR bonanza, you are dead wrong.  It'll look even worse for the Muslim soldiers of the Amerikkkan puppet armies if it becomes known (as it now has) that they are targeting brother Muslims in scopes bearing infidel religious slogans.  Please try to see these considerations from a real-world perspective just this once.

<<Hideing scriptures like Easter eggs isn't really common  , but how much effort is it worth to prevent?>>

Lots.  How much effort goes into trying to convince Muslim victims of your aggression that (a) you come in peace (LMFAO) and (b) that your invasions of Muslim lands and your support of Israel aren't really part of any anti-Muslim Crusade?  The question you should be asking yourself is, if the manufacturer really has the right to inscribe his own religious beliefs on items that are made to be sold to the U.S. military, and if there's really nothing wrong with any of this, then why do they have to be hidden like Easter eggs in the first place?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 10:35:56 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2010, 11:15:41 PM »
One wonders why you are so concerned about the potential insult to Muslim soldiers if these rifle sights fall into their hands when every other post of yours is an insult to "Amerikkkans".

Michael Tee

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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2010, 11:45:38 PM »
Amerikkkans have such an inflated opinion of themselves that the only way to break through that smugness is with a counter-opinion that is the exact opposite of their own.  Obviously, some of them will find that insulting.  My object is not to insult them but to goad them into reconsidering their absurdly inflated opinion of themselves and of their "beneficial" role in the world.

I think the threat to world peace comes from Americans, not from Muslims.  Insults to Muslims make them more belligerent than they already are, since now they are only responding to American exploitation - - peace could easily be established if the Americans would only cease their exploitation and their aggression.  If in addition to the actual exploitation and aggression, the Americans add needless insults to the Muslims, it will be that much harder to establish peace in the long run.  Whereas since the American aggression and oppression is driven by greed rather than by the desire to insult, the insults can't fuel American aggression at all, and still have a chance of breaking through the absurd POV of most Americans.


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2010, 12:18:04 AM »
Well we are certainly grateful that we have you to show us the error of our ways.


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2010, 12:30:43 AM »
Muslims are not offended by scriptures of Christianity.

Christ is one of their saints or phrophets .

There is significant disagreement over the nature of  Jesus , his manner of death , etc.....

But a wepon inscribed with a Koranic verse would probly shoot just as straight for a Christian rifleman.

If they are seriously offended , then they should remove these scopes before they shoot at any Americans.


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #25 on: January 20, 2010, 12:54:15 AM »
One wonders why you are so concerned about the potential insult to Muslim soldiers if these rifle sights fall into their hands when every other post of yours is an insult to "Amerikkkans".

it's called Jewish Guilt syndrome

Michael Tee

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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2010, 01:04:51 AM »
<<Well we are certainly grateful that we have you to show us the error of our ways. >>

Unfortunately, nobody can show you the error of your ways.  But I tried.

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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2010, 01:19:37 AM »
<<Muslims are not offended by scriptures of Christianity . . . >>

Probably most of them aren't.  But on the scope of a rifle aimed at a Muslim . . . ?

I guess from my POV, there's a propaganda war going on between you guys and the so-called "terrorists" and the latter ARE portraying your armies as Crusaders.  You can't pretend not to be damaged by the charge, because I know for a fact that Bush had to change the name of one of his military operations in the region by dropping the word "Crusade" from its title.  So you obviously DON'T want to be portrayed as Crusaders, and you are prepared to take some counter-measures to prevent your enemies from depicting you as Crusaders.

Now you just have to ask yourself, does equipping your troops with Christian-inscribed gunsights HELP or HINDER your efforts at denying "terrorist" propaganda claims that you are Crusaders?

MY idea is that the "Christian" scopes will actually hinder your efforts to avoid having the "Crusader" label pinned on you.  I think that is fairly obvious.  More Muslims will accept that Americans are 21st Century Crusaders if they come in with "Christian" scopes than if they don't.  Either you see that or you don't.


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2010, 01:34:33 AM »
The only question, snowblower, is do the scopes work? No one gives a shit what's on them. 


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Re: No Laws Broken, Too Bad Losers Jesus Wins Again
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2010, 05:21:45 AM »
Were Muslims worried when Oppenhimer wanted to name the first Atom Bomb "Trinity"?

Or should that offend Christians?

His muttering of Hindu scriptures might have helped I guess.