Author Topic: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.  (Read 11884 times)

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Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« on: June 18, 2015, 02:04:54 PM »

Was he a racist, or did he just have it in for Methodists?

Were the worshipers being uppity?  Did they challenge his Second Amendment Rights?

When was the last time this happened in Japan? Australia? Germany? Spain? France?
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 02:35:46 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: Gun Nut dowes his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2015, 02:10:54 PM »
Must have been one of those bad gun nuts, you were referring to earlier.  Too bad one of the good gun nuts wasn't present, that might have been able to stop the bad gun nut from killing
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Re: Gun Nut dowes his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2015, 02:29:45 PM »
Now....let's see how fast Obama & Lynch downshift into full gun control mode.  Never let a tragedy go to waste, right?
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2015, 02:36:39 PM »
You were unfortunately absent, as ever.
You are not a good gun nut, but you are a useless one.

OF COURSE is is Obama's fault!
SHAME on the Obama that dwells between your ears for being against mass murder.
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2015, 02:52:28 PM »
Why Recognizing The Charleston Church Shooting As An Act Of Racially Motivated Terrorism Is Only The First Step
Posted: 06/18/2015 7:31 am EDT Updated: 1 hour ago


I took a moment of silence last night.

A long moment... as I struggled to sort through my emotions while I painfully watched breaking news broadcast reports that gunshots seared through Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina around 9 p.m Wednesday. Nine people, who congregated for a prayer meeting, were killed.

The shots were fired by an unidentified white man in his early 20s who entered the church, worshipped with the members and later opened fire. The massacre will be investigated as a hate crime, Charleston Police Chief Greg Mullen said. However, by definition, it was a domestic act of terrorism and the gunman, a terrorist.

The shooting, heinous in every regard, immediately prompted panic and pandemonium as police arrived to the scene and attempted to locate and arrest the shooter. Police, so far, have been unsuccessful; the gunman is still at large.

As the victims become publicly identified -- so far only one, state Sen. Clementa Pinckney, has been named as among the nine dead -- we must acknowledge that this atrocious act occurred inside one of the nation's oldest and most prominent black churches, making it hard to argue against the logical assumptions that all of the victims are black. More importantly, despite any confirmation of the gunman's motives, it would be remiss to not consider this wicked act of violence as one of racial hate and terrorism. It appears steeped in the repulsive reality of race in America and the injustice it has forged against black lives everywhere.

“It’s obvious that it’s race,” one local resident told an MSNBC reporter of the murderer’s motives. “You got a white guy coming into an African American church. That’s a choice, he chose to go into that church and harm those people.”

The agony pulsing through Charleston today is the same piercing pain felt each time a black life is lost to the acts of bigots and brutality. It is the familiar pain felt each time a black life is violently dehumanized, devalued and disposed of -- often without repercussion.

It's not breaking news that being black in America can be difficult and frightening, to say the least. Now, more than ever, we cannot ignore or mask the reality that we live in a country where one’s complexion is a direct threat to their safety and livelihood.

Last week, I watched in horror as a white police officer yelled and used excessive force against young, black kids at a pool party in McKinney, Texas. A 15-year-old black girl was pinned to the ground and cried out for her mother as the officer dug his knee into her back. Moments before, he wielded his gun at two young black boys as they tried to come to her aid.

Much less importantly, in the last few days, I have seen former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal's white face, terribly tanned and masked as “black,” plastered across TV screens, her name dominating my Twitter timeline and her life dissected through discussions I've both overheard and participated in. Today, and every day going forward, I no longer care to see, hear or say her name ever again.

Dolezal is a distraction and her story is far too confusing, contradictory and complicated to be used as a catalyst to reexamine or redefine race and, more specifically, what it means to be black. She doesn’t deserve that privilege -- and we shouldn’t allow it.

Instead, if we are motivated to truthfully examine the role of race and racial violence, let us look to the events in McKinney, which dominated the news cycle just days before and made us witness, yet again, the harsh treatment of white officers against black lives.

Let us look to the Dominican Republic, where hundreds of thousands of Haitians fear being deported in a move rooted in racism.

Let us look to our criminal justice system and the long-term and fatal effects it has had on countless individuals like Kalief Browder.

Let us look to the death of Walter Scott, an unarmed black man who was shot by a white police officer in April, just miles away from Wednesday’s church shooting.

Let us look to the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963 when four young black girls were the victims of another hate crime targeted at another predominantly black church.

Let us look to the purpose and mission of the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Lastly, let us look to all the other black men and women who have been brutalized and killed under similar, distressing circumstances as acts of racial violence.

To understand race, author Ta-Nehisi Coates steers us in the right direction. In his latest piece in The Atlantic, Coates urges us to reexamine “America’s greatest and most essential crimes -- the centuries of plunder which birthed the hierarchy which we now euphemistically call ‘race.’”

He wrote:

    Kalief Browder died, like Renisha McBride died, like Tamir Rice died, because they were born and boxed into the lowest cavity of that hierarchy. If not for those deaths, if not for the taking of young boys off the streets of New York, and the pinning of young girls on the lawns of McKinney, Texas, the debate over Rachel Dolezal’s masquerade would wither and blow away, because it would have no real import nor meaning.

The time is now. Let us all take a moment to reflect on the horrific violence that occurred at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.

What's more, I challenge you to extend that moment to examine the role of race as it relates to this tragedy -- and take worry in knowing the shooter still roams free and is still capable of acting out on his hatred and committing more crimes. If black people are not safe in places of sanctuary, then we are not safe anywhere.

“This is as bad as it can get,” one black Charleston resident told a reporter Wednesday night. “If we can’t find refuge in church, where can we go? Where can we be safe?”
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2015, 03:06:01 PM »
You were unfortunately absent, as ever.
You are not a good gun nut, but you are a useless one.

Now we have a 3rd category??  Boy, do these leftist definitions never cease??

we have bad gun nut, who shoots people in the back or in a church
we have good gun nuts who apparently just moan, but perfectly responsible and legal
now we have useless gun nuts......which are......what exactly?

SHAME on the Obama that dwells between your ears for being against mass murder.

Dr Deflection, strikes again     ::)
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2015, 04:11:05 PM »
The USELESS gun nut is the most common of all: he is the fool who preaches that good people with guns are a blessing, because he shoots the BAD gun nuts, protecting everyone from said Bad Gun Nuts. He is useless because he is almost never there to do it.

And you fit that category perfectly.

In the words of the Founding Fathers, "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility".

Or was that from the Amazing Spider-Man?
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2015, 04:11:30 PM »
Did they challenge his Second Amendment Rights?

Too bad only the bad guy had a gun.

When was the last time this happened in Japan? Australia? Germany? Spain? France?

The 2011 Norway attack: The Utoya Massacre
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2015, 04:13:39 PM »
When was the last time this happened in Japan? Australia? Germany? Spain? France?

When was the last time this happened in Switzerland where everybody has a gun?
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2015, 04:17:11 PM »

Ten times as many Americans have been killed with guns since then.

And on Norwegians.

And by the way, one Norwegian Gun Nut does not prove that American Gun Nuts do not exist.
Nearly all of the Norwegians that might become Gun Nuts do not do so because they are prevented from owning a gun.

Everybody does not have a gun in Switzerland. That is a bloody lie. If we had the gun laws they have in Switzerland in this country, hundreds of American would be alive today.
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2015, 04:37:36 PM »
Everybody does not have a gun in Switzerland. That is a bloody lie.

Mr. Literal strikes again!
Ok so not 100% of Switzerland carries a gun....toddlers aren't carrying 38's  ::)
Thanks for the clarification Einstein.
Fact: Switzerland trails behind only the U.S, Yemen and Serbia in the number of guns per capita.

In Switzerland nobody bats an eye at the sight of a civilian riding a bus, .
bike or motorcycle to the shooting range, with a rifle slung across the shoulder.

Guns don't kill people as Switzerland proves!
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2015, 04:47:51 PM »
The USELESS gun nut is the most common of all: he is the fool who preaches that good people with guns are a blessing, because he shoots the BAD gun nuts, protecting everyone from said Bad Gun Nuts. He is useless because he is almost never there to do it.

Better than being there and not being able to do anything to defend anyone.  Looks like useless is actually a good thing as well

And you fit that category perfectly.

Good, glad we got that useless bit of loony leftist definitions, out of the way.  You really think us good gun nuts are hoping to be in such a situation??  Seriously??  NO ONE EVER CLAIMED THAT GOOD GUN NUTS CAN PROTECT EVERYONE.  NOT EVEN MOST.  NOT EVEN MANY.  THAT WOULD BE YET ANOTHER DEFLECTION EFFORT.  The presence of "good gun nuts" is to have the potential of if being in such a situation, the presence, may, JUST MAY, prevent innocent loss of least until those racist cops show up and start killing black people
« Last Edit: June 18, 2015, 07:28:14 PM by sirs »
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2015, 09:57:24 PM »
The Swiss do not, as Americans do, assume that everyone has the right to run around armed. . One must prove they are  trained in the use of guns and responsible  before that are allowed to own a gun. And the Swiss do not normally ride the bus with rifles slung over their shoulder, either, except in the imagination of American Gun Nuts, who are  most if the Useless Gun Nut variety, that never stop a crime, or the Less than Useless faction, that advocates for open carry and the right to strut about armed in church, at the university, in bars and at public events.
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2015, 11:06:23 PM »
The level of ignorance as it relates to defensive use of firearms in the U.S. is indeed staggering.  But its worse than that.  It's willful ignorance.  The ideology is so ingrained, that all manner of facts, as it relates to the exponentially more lives saved in this country with the use of a firearm, than those taken is summarily discarded.  The hatred of guns and in particular, those who are responsible in their use, literally is willing to sacrifice 10x more lives, so long as 1 life might be saved, if guns were banned.  That's how completely upside down the left gets, when the topic of guns comes up
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Re: Gun Nut does his thing: Nine worshipers killed.
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2015, 11:37:37 PM »
    This is a very sad and upsetting incident.

     I think it does prove something about gun free situations.

     But I don't feel like parsing it very fine right now.

      This guy was interested in causing great harm, his desires make him more rare than one in a million, but the repercussions will be felt widely.

        It will take a long time to know just how widely and harshly this will cause harm.