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Messages - sirs

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3DHS / Re: Major Dem Donor Exposed as Sexual Predator
« on: October 07, 2017, 12:55:23 PM »
.... and then imagine the apoplectic outrage from the likes of Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton, NOW, and nearly universal condemnation from every female celeb in Hollywood, if this person were..... a Trump supporter

3DHS / Re: Reagan Amnesty take II?
« on: September 28, 2017, 01:46:06 PM »
why focus only on the wall ?

A ) because a wall is a tangible object, that has a direct effect at impeding illegal border crossings (Just ask Israel......and anyone that built a fence around their homes).  Nor can it be revoked by an executive order.  It stands, until its physically torn down

B ) It's been demonstrated time and time again, that the Democrats (and many Republicans as well) have no will to want to enforce our border & immigration laws.  Republicans fed by business lobbiests want the cheap labor, Democrats want the future votes.  They'll talk "comprehensive immigration reform", which apparently is code for tangible amnesty but only token speak of actual enforcment of immigration law

So, if they want "comprehensive immigration reform", it MUST start with a wall, because the "promise" of one later, holds no credible water, what-so-ever, given past history.  And if Trump renigs on perhaps the biggest campaign pledge, that got him elected, he'll be a 1 term President.  Simple as that

3DHS / Re: Reagan Amnesty take II?
« on: September 27, 2017, 03:59:49 PM »
Works for long as the WALL COMES 1ST.  Border enforcement must come 1st.  Not concurrently.  No clean DACA bill 1st with a "promise" to do something about the wall later.  "Comprehensive" immigration reform MUST start with tangible, substantive. border enforcement, 1st

Been down that road far too many a time to believe that the Democrats would honor some "promise". somewhere down the road

3DHS / Re: wow being called a snowflake really upsets them.
« on: September 27, 2017, 02:33:18 PM »
Republicans, Conservatives, Trump, and his supporters are called all manner of names, by folks like xo.  Is that a waste of xo's time?

3DHS / Re: Is Trump the new Abbie Hoffman?
« on: September 27, 2017, 02:31:49 PM »
Unfortunately for the Times, Trump is neither a political activist nor a social activitist.  He's merely blunt & politically incorrect.  Sorry to spoil such a good Trump-bashing opinion piece, that the NY Times has stockpiled in

3DHS / Re: Reagan Amnesty take II?
« on: September 17, 2017, 03:21:14 AM »
What we do know is
A)  its NOT the wall or funding for it
B)  can be completely reversed with an ensuing Democrat President

What we also know is
A)  will reward illegal crossing into our country, spearheading another mass wave, just like with Reagan
B)  will provide Democrats a massive influx of Government-needy voters

And you're ok with that?

3DHS / Re: Reagan Amnesty take II?
« on: September 15, 2017, 06:02:32 PM »
But C.....with all due respect, I'm not one of those "many times" folks.  I always thought he could win the election, given who he was running against.  The reason he won the nomination is he made illegal immigration front and center to his campaign.  That issue alone sent him right up to the top of the GOP polling

It's not the only thing that people supported, in supporting Trump, but it s a HUGE reason he won.  And again, with all due respect, you're dodging the question/issue here.  I respect that you're a die-hard supporter of his, but what kind of a "deal" is this, where the democrats get everything they want, and Trump & the GOP get .... what exactly?.... "enhanced security measures"??  What the hell is that??   ???  And what stops the next Democrat President from reversing any of those measures??

He's trading his greatest leverage for......?.....a promise the Democrats will consider funding his wall, some other way??, at some other time??  And he's going to buy that once he relinquishes his best arm of leverage?  And in the process, millions of new illegal immigrants will swarm the border, while those already here, get a free pass......along with the parents who were illegally here to begin with

And you're ok with that??

3DHS / Re: Reagan Amnesty take II?
« on: September 14, 2017, 01:39:43 PM »
uh oh, Cu4...... Trump appears to be throwing any shot at re-election out the window, if what is being him included, is to be believed      >:(

3DHS / Reagan Amnesty take II?
« on: September 13, 2017, 04:02:13 PM »
So....our Presidential deal maker, holding multiple bargaining cards, leading with DACA......apparently Democrat Legislators are close to closing a deal with the Trump Administration that will make DACA constitutional, via the legislative process........but where's the return??  I'm hearing there's no borderwall mandate

Last go around, the "deal" was Amnesty for a few million illiegal immigrants for the promise of improved border enforcement.  Anmesty went thru, but Democrats balked at seperate border enforcement legislation.  And the result of that "deal", was amnesty with no border enforcement

Is Trump taking us down the same road?

3DHS / Re: "Tolerance"
« on: August 30, 2017, 01:15:05 PM »
Is it any wonder, that those preaching the need for tolerance are the least tolerant folk.

Let's take stock in the recent chain of hyper-intolerant groups.  Perhaps even give them a 1 - 10 score (most tolerant = 1, and least tolerant =10)

- College Campuses


- Antifa

3DHS / Re: people are starting to have doubts now
« on: August 07, 2017, 05:54:27 PM »
The problem we have in politics today, Kimba, especially in DC, is everything is now ideologically driven.  When folks like Schumer, head of the Senate Dems, make it publically clear their intention of fillibustering any Judicial nominee that isn't at the minimum an ideological moderate, where is the GOP to go?  For the history of this country, the President got to chose his appointtees.  If they had a failure of conduct, then they weren't supported.  But never was their a litmus test on ideolgy, that the Democrats introduced with Judge Bork.  And its steamrolled from there

Yes, the GOP has started to play that game now, but it seems always to be the Dems upping the ideology as the means to an end.  There is no willingness to compromise.  That's what Obama brought to the forefront.....his way, or the highway.  He didn't bother to try and find middle ground the way Bill Clinton did.  And the Democrats have embraced that tactic now.

3DHS / Re: Oh Dear God let this come true! - Please Please Please!
« on: July 28, 2017, 10:28:49 AM »
The thing is Kimba.....if CA were to succeed, it would pretty much guarantee a long succession of Republican Presidents, as they take their boat load of electoral votes with them, that the Democrats bank on, every Presidential election cycle

3DHS / Re: Oh Dear God let this come true! - Please Please Please!
« on: July 27, 2017, 04:28:00 AM »
While the rest of the blue states, like New York, scream NOOOOOOOO, you idiots!


3DHS / Re: GOP.....snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
« on: July 15, 2017, 02:31:59 PM »
Planned Parenthood  (sorry)

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