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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #60 on: September 15, 2008, 02:12:15 AM »
I can imagine a graduate of camp X-ray becomeing politicly important in his homelands politics , would he be bragging?

That would depend on the reality he lived through and the validity of his claims. However, I disagree with the premise that his time in Gitmo served as useful executive, judicial or legislative experience.
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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #61 on: September 15, 2008, 02:44:34 AM »
Expressing some of her qualities, and aspects of life she has accomplished (or what McCain has been thru) is NOT, repeat NOT the same as claiming THOSE alone are the reasons she should be Veep (or president, in McCain's case).  They are simply giving more detail about the person.  Comprende'?

Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me. I continue to be unimpressed, and continue to think that anything presented about a candidate is fair game if there is doubt about its truthfulness.

No one has said you can't criticize anything about her.  The issue is your continued false claims of something that doesn't exist, in this case how her qualifications for being a veep is touted as her simply being a mother......earlier it was even being a perfect mother.  A little intellectual honesty, please

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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #62 on: September 15, 2008, 09:49:44 AM »
I did not say that she was qualified or unqualified because she was a mother.

What I said was that this motherhood thing was presented as part of her schtick, and therefore any bitching about how disrespectful it was to criticize her mothering skills is total nonsense.

You asking for intellectual honesty is like Jack the Ripper asking for a tidier environment.
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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #63 on: September 15, 2008, 10:14:20 AM »
What I said was that this motherhood thing was presented as part of her schtick, and therefore any bitching about how disrespectful it was to criticize her mothering skills is total nonsense.

That would be true if there were excessive claims to the quality of her motherhood.

What seems to be a double standard is that Obama is not referred to as a father of two, as if that were his primary qualification.

Yet we often see Palin. mother of five, governor of Alaska. And i don't think it is the GOP that sets the order.


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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #64 on: September 15, 2008, 10:35:11 AM »
The reason we see Palin, mother of five, is that the GOP sends out family photos. Then you guys bitch about the captions.

It makes NO DIFFERENCE to me whether she has five of fifteen kids. I am not voting for her because I disagree with every national GOP policy she has endorsed.

You seem to be unhappy with the fact that people think of mothers being the ones with the exclusive right to bear children. I suppose you would be happier if Barack Obama had been pregnant a couple of times.

The fact is that women do more of the child rearing in our society, just like in all the others. It is NORMAL to think of a woman with five children as a woman with five children. Five children is a lot.

 If Barack Obama had five children, then they would refer to him as a man with five children. Five is about double the usual number.

 For 100 years the Republicans have been nominating only men. Half that time, they didn't even think women should vote. Now they nominate a woman and you are crying like Lucille Ball when Ricky refused to let her sing at the Copacabana about how UNFAIR it is not to treat her like a guy. And hoping that the Democrats do treat her like a guy so they can talk about how unchivalrous that is.

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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #65 on: September 15, 2008, 01:04:06 PM »
I did not say that she was qualified or unqualified because she was a mother.

No, you said everyone supporting her nomination largely was, which was patently WRONG.  Much like your false claims that McCain's supposed qualification was touted as being a POW.  That was WRONG as well.  Much like your claims of how no question has ever been answered to my satisfaction.  That was WRONG as well.  Much like I how supposedly believe any and every teacher who's a member of a union is incompotent.  That would be WRONG as well.  I could go on, but the theme of your posts is quite clear

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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #66 on: September 15, 2008, 02:11:28 PM »
You either can't, or don't read, and do not seem to understand what you read.
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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #67 on: September 15, 2008, 02:23:11 PM »
You're right....I'm RW, we don't do nuance.  When one of us reads something, we pretty much read it as is, vs the contorted spin the other tries to put on it after the fact, and then when called on it, claim something along the lines of oh..... You either can't, or don't read, and do not seem to understand what you read      ;)

Just for those who Xo claims doesn't read this post
Xo did claim that McCain supporters were citing his being a POW as a qualification for being President
Strike I

Xo did claim that Palin supporters were citing her as a perfect mom
Strike II

Xo did claim that sirs thinks any Teacher who's a member of a union is incompotent
Strike III....have a seat

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Re: Bristol Palin and Murphy Brown
« Reply #68 on: September 15, 2008, 02:56:30 PM »
The reason we see Palin, mother of five, is that the GOP sends out family photos. Then you guys bitch about the captions.

No we see Palin mother of five, because reporters and columnists choose to type that phrase. Simple as that.