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Messages - Kramer

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3DHS / Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:57:13 AM »
Kudos to BT for recognizing and linking the underlying philosophy to chivalric codes tied to racism and less obviously to anti-Mormonism.

For a guy that uses the slur Uncle Tom against black people that's a bit of a stretch but nice try.

3DHS / Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:52:25 AM »
Yeah, I'm sure that having a few women in spec ops will lead to more protests down the road.


Dave Halloween is approaching. Got an idea for a costume that you might want to wear.

Dress up as the pirate Long John Silver.

3DHS / Re: Cain to start 50 state ad campaign on Rush --
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:46:15 AM »
Despite Xo's twisting in the wind, at least we've got him to change his tune from the Republicans have no plan, to now they do

At least when he's twisting in the wind his adult diapers could be getting a bit of airing out which might cut down on the stench, which in turn might make his neighbors and fellow Walmart shoppers happier.

3DHS / Re: The American Century 21st that is
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:42:54 AM »
Obama's greatest achievement was unintended on his part but he clearly demonstrated so many failures that the list would be too long and take too much time to lay out in this post.

Needless to say the USA is moving to the right and ushering in our new Conservative leader in 2012 will bring many of articles predictions to light.

Yes we will reduce taxes and prosperity will once again reign in this great nation. Yes we will become much more energy independent. Gee, with all the monies wasted in the Middle East would could have already become energy independent and not need the Middle East any longer, let alone obvious strategic reasons to be there.

3DHS / Re: Cain to start 50 state ad campaign on Rush --
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:26:40 AM »
First, the 1040 form is not all that complex.

Second, every Republican plan reduces taxes on the wealthy, which means that either the deficit grows or the poor get taxed more. The government is not going to shrink, except perhaps for the military.

Clearly you aren't wealthy, neither am I, at least by my definition, but I am intelligent enough to know that poor people can't stimulate the economy like a wealthy person; let alone the fact that Obama has decided that the upper Middle Class are wealthy and he's hell-bent on completely destroying the Middle Class altogether. Plus, people like you and Obama like to treat people different from each other pitting group against group, race against race, and play class warfare games.

You and Obama are pathetic immature angry children with a chip on your shoulders and likely suffered some severe issues as children that have manifested into a full blown case of mental illness in your adult lives. Clearly you people are bitter & angry at the world. I dare say that your station in life is exactly were you put yourself and not the fault of a rich guy or anyone else.

3DHS / Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:15:38 AM »
Your position is based on some sort of Chivalry.

You know i read somewhere where anti-mormonism as well as jim crow laws were based primarily on the chivalrous intent of southern men.

Not that your position and that tidbit are related. But your position remi9nded me of reading that.

Be that as it may our country should vigorously defend it's women and children and if it were absolutely necessary that our women go to battle then so be it. I celebrate that we don't have to as Israel is required. And I do not see it as discrimination; on the contrary, our nation should have a higher regard for our women. What has changed since WWII? And since women birth children they should be there to raise them. I see a huge disconnect building in society with our children growing up without proper rearing. Our country is paying a heavy price for our children not being raised in proper families. Likely many of the defects that are protesting in our cities these days have been raised in dysfunctional homes.

3DHS / Re: New Cain spot
« on: October 26, 2011, 11:05:39 AM »
Yeah, Herman Cain has sold real pizzas. Or managed people who sold real pizzas. Not as good as Papa Johns or Little Ceasar's, maybe not even as good as Domino's.

But that means he can run a country. All he needs to do is get Congress to pass a cockamamie tax gimmick based on a successful video game.

He's keep uppity Negroes from spitting on peoples' boots, too.

Big effing deal.

What set of qualifications did you use back in 2008 when basing your vote for Obama?
I dare say two: 1. his negroness 2. his radical liberalism

I think Herman Cain is a much better choice over Obama.

Why would anyone want to reelect Obama when clearly he's no more experienced than he was 3 years ago in that clearly he never learns from his mistakes, i.e. he seems to want more and more Stimulus but can't learn that it's not working. Do you know the definition of insanity? Your name would be in the definition.

3DHS / Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« on: October 26, 2011, 02:08:24 AM »
Have the women of Israel held their own during combat?

I think so but I prefer American women not be placed directly into front line war because I don't like to see women blown up, shot, captured, and tortured, and it's bad enough that it happens to our young boys. My opinion isn't based on whether or not they can do the job.

3DHS / Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« on: October 26, 2011, 01:17:01 AM »
Are women soldiers in other countries armies ceremonial or do they take part in front line action. What about rebel armies in South America? Female fighters there?

Women have been in police forces for a while. How have they done facing armed resistance?

What has always made America America is we are unlike all the rest and I don't want to become a 3rd world country. Excluding Israel because we know why women have been drafted into the military there.

3DHS / Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:51:30 AM »
Why is it a dumb idea? If you have the proper tool use it.

Model wars after WWII, if they had women in this role during WWII then I take it back, otherwise it's just more liberalism, which equals symbolism, which equals bad outcome.

3DHS / Re: New Cain spot
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:49:13 AM »
Yeah, insults are all you have. Not even clever ones.

You are not just rude, but a bore as well.

Grow up, you foul twit.

Next time you tell me something you like about Cain, Newt or the Republican field or even a Republican ad and then I will be worried.

3DHS / Re: Two words comes to mind - dumb idea
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:47:46 AM »
It is pretty clear that Afghanistan is unwinnable.

Looks like the guy (Obama) that your reputation is heavily invested in is a fool just like you.

3DHS / Re: New Cain spot
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:40:51 AM »
The ad proves that you can get a White guy to endorse a Black guy and smoke a cigarette if you pay him money. The ad says nothing other than Smoking Man likes Cain.

I see Smoking Man has aged a bit and grown a mustache since he was on the X Files.

It looks like they made the ad, then put it on the Web to see how well it works before actually paying real money to put it on the tube.

You are too narrow-minded to be a judge of the ad. Your opinions don't count nor matter because you are a blow-hard liberal.

3DHS / Re: Courage or Cowardice
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:38:41 AM »
<<In NY chances are the Man is a union member that voted for Obama and has more in common with the scum protesters than any Wall Street tycoon.>>

Really?  So which of the major Wall Street firms are the ones that are headed by union members?

From where I sit, looked to me like the four women who got Maced in the face were a pretty courageous bunch of ladies just to be there and expose their unarmed persons to that kind of shit, and the fascist pig who sprayed his Mace in their faces was the coward in the scene.

As usual, you got it bass-ackward.

Who is the Man?

"The Man" is a slang phrase that may refer to the government or to some other authority in a position of power. In addition to this derogatory connotation, it may also serve as a term of respect and praise.

The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe oppression. The phrase "stick it to the Man" or "The man, stick it to him" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist", either openly or via sabotage.[1]

Mikey Lemme give you a hint who these protester really are.

Check this out.
Obama Civilian Security

3DHS / Re: Former Soviet Citizen in Dust Up with the Useful Idiots of OWS
« on: October 26, 2011, 12:29:08 AM »
<<Did you ever stop and consider this:

<<The corrupt Communists just became corrupt Capitalists.

<<So even if things changed here likely the corrupt Capitalists would become corrupt Communists.>>

If I understand you correctly, you're saying that there was no change of management, just that the old bosses gave themselves new names.

So if there was no real change at the top, how come the change (according to you, in name only) was followed by skyrocketing crime rates, unemployment, homelessness and juvenile delinquency and a plummeting life expectancy declining faster than anywhere else in the world?

Also if your theory is correct, would it not indicate that corrupt leaders prefer to operate under capitalist conditions rather than communist conditions, since they can rip off and exploit people easier under capitalism than they can under communism?

Much of it had to do with the fact that the USSR was decimated and basically starting from scratch (1989) because the empire became bankrupt. So the people 'commies' running the show (prior to 1989) basically divided everything up (after pretending to drop the communism theme) that was of any value and the poor people at the bottom during communism remained at the bottom after the fall and are pretty much still at the bottom (today) and the country is pretty much the same shit-hole it's been since the early 20th Century. The bottom line is Russians suck, Russia sucks, and compared to the USA they really suck, and will always suck but now they are sorta but not really free to suck because in reality not much has changed in Russia the past 100 years no matter what form of government they call themselves.

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