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Guest 01:38:17 PM Viewing the topic question about pot.
Guest 01:38:11 PM Viewing the topic Native Americ an Portraits from a century ago.
Guest 01:37:25 PM Viewing the topic Happy Valentines Day From the NRA.
Guest 01:36:06 PM Viewing the topic $100 laptop for the third world..
Guest 01:34:08 PM Viewing the board index of DebateGate.
Guest 01:33:36 PM Viewing the topic Agreement reached on interrogations.
Guest 01:31:46 PM Viewing the topic Of course Obama signs/extends the Patriot Act!.
Guest 01:29:02 PM Viewing the topic Say hello the the new boss ( same as the old boss).
Guest 01:25:01 PM Viewing the topic Iran's Response - .