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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #30 on: May 09, 2013, 07:36:14 AM »

The Enterprise was in the Med, it had passed thru the Suez 2 days earlier.

Show me that is was available.


Why wouldn't the carrier and its escorts be available? They were fully armed and provisioned, having just finished a deployment to the Gulf.


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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #31 on: May 09, 2013, 08:01:04 AM »
BT, they might have been. I don't know what they were up to? I don't know if they had fighters available to be scrambled or if they were on a preselected mission. I don't know. Then you wonder what would they use? 250lbs.? They couldn't drop anything bigger in a neighborhood like that.  Even 250 pounders are pretty big. I suppose they could have fired their 20mm. We'll have to ask plane about what else they have, I'm out of date.



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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #32 on: May 09, 2013, 11:29:05 AM »
IIRC, we had one of our american heros, who perished needlessly, using a laser designator, lasing the mortars, that would have allowed pin point accuracy of Laser Guided munitions, which all carrier strike aircraft can carry. Not to mention that the special forces in Tripoli, were no more that 2 hours from the battle, given the speed of the Blackhawk helicopters, that our special forces generally use for entry into an area, when its not from sea.  So yea, they could have had an impact on the battle, could have slowed the attack, maybe even have stopped it with, possibly even saved the lives of everyone........HAD THEN BEEN ALLOWED.  There was a definate window, yet all our assests were told to stand down or never given orders to begin with

The frak up occured pre, got bigger during, with the fit hitting the shan immediately after
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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #33 on: May 09, 2013, 03:05:15 PM »
Here's my prediction.

The testimony will be just as damning as we've all been expecting

The MSM, outside of Fox perhaps, will merely report that there were hearings, and that the testimony "has the potential" to cause some political headaches for Obama and some concern for a Hilary presidential run

The MSM Pundits will then circle the wagons and repeat how "long ago" this was, how it matters not any more, since Obama won re-election, and that we need to all just "move on" so Obama can "do the work of the American people"

In the real world, when you cover up four murders after the fact, you likely go to jail. In government, you retire with dignity and run for president with full media support.

Up until yesterday, that was the Benghazi scenario following the death of four Americans including our ambassador to Libya.

The Obama administration has lied, stonewalled, bullied, and intimidated – the true marks of an open and transparent administration. And, with a few notable exceptions, the American media haven’t just let them get away it. Heck, they’ve helped.

Hill testimony of State Department whistleblowers might change that, but it’s doubtful given the one-sided reporting so far.

The Obama administration has lied, stonewalled, bullied, and intimidated – the true marks of an open and transparent administration.

NBC said there was an “obvious political undercurrent” to the hearings and accused the GOP of going after the “most popular Democrat,” Hillary Clinton.

The New York Times public editor criticized her own paper’s Benghazi coverage and The Washington Post’s Twitter account inexplicably mocked those Tweeting about the case as “Chick-fil-A lovers.” AP even called it a “GOP” hearing, to make sure readers saw it as partisan.

A Politico story about CBS showed the truly insidious nature of media bias on this story and how the network held back Emmy award-winning reporter Sharyl Attkisson. “CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told Politico,” wrote Dylan Byers. So much so that Attkisson is “in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract.” As a result, she hadn’t even reported on the Libya attack for five months.

It hasn’t just been CBS that has been trying to corral this story. New York Times coverage might still damage the administration even though that paper has tried to prevent it. MSNBC's sometime conservative, former Florida Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, even Tweeted about Thursday’s Times story, saying it “should cause great concerns in the White House.”

That piece, “Diplomat Says Questions Over Benghazi Led to Demotion,” detailed State Department retaliation against one witness, saying “the prospects for the 2016 presidential election” could be impacted.

Of course, the article minimized that impact. “Mr. Hicks offered an unbecoming view of political supervision and intimidation inside the Obama administration,” wrote three Times staffers.

Unbecoming? Quite the understatement. Hey, sorry we ruined your career. That’s so unbecoming.

Public Editor Margaret Sullivan took her own paper to task, but also blamed Fox News for having “fomented” criticism of the Times. “In fact, what’s been written in The Times has been solid. But my sense is that, starting last fall, The Times has had a tendency to both play down the subject, which has significant news value, and to pursue it most aggressively as a story about political divisiveness rather than one about national security mistakes and the lack of government transparency,” she concluded.

The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank treated the testimony as if witnesses were lying. His column called the sworn comments a “yarn” and referred to our No. 2 diplomat in Libya as a “virtuoso storyteller.” Milbank pushed the standard lefty response you can expect to see at least till November, 2016: “Hicks didn’t lay a glove on the former secretary of state Wednesday.”

It wasn’t just the traditional media spinning for Team Obama. Lefty outlets did their darnedest to downplay the death of four Americans, including the only U.S. ambassador killed since 1979.

On MSNBC, NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd undercut the scandal on the May 8 “Morning Joe.” Todd called the decision to not send more special ops forces to Benghazi “very rational.” Host Rachel Maddow blasted the GOP on her May 8 show for an organized conspiracy to make Obama resign, calling it “the most ambitious thing they have done.”

Comedian Jon Stewart devoted 8 and a half minutes attacking the GOP for the hearings, even bringing up Nixon cover-ups and saying the party has “a history of hysteria.” Increasingly, his role isn’t to make jokes. It’s as Obama’s Youth Ambassador/Spinmeister.

The liberal propaganda site Huffington Post incredibly didn’t even mention the hearings on the front page, just an attack on Fox’s coverage. Buried on the Politics page was the approved Democratic spin: “Benghazi Hearing Reveals Incompetence, But No Cover-Up.” Instead, it found room for stories on food addiction, “the female word for blowjob,” and “The Incredible Name Kevin Spacey Picked For His Rescue Dog.”

Other liberal sites went even further, ignoring the hearing and the testimony entirely. The Nation, Alternet and Democracy Now had no visible coverage. That’s a far cry from how the left reacted to even something as mundane as the NRA convention, where no terrorists killed four Americans.

It doesn’t really matter how they spin it, the news continues to get out. But if all major news outlets do is cover for the administration, they may well succeed in protecting their 2016 candidate.

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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2013, 03:32:56 PM »
There are....questions about Benghazi that remain unanswered.
What was going on in the annex that to this day has not been disclosed.
I believe the answers ......are more embarrassing.

The Benghazi Affair: Uncovering the Mystery of the Benghazi CIA Annex

By Ronda Hauben

Global Research, January 28, 2013

Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State, finally appeared before the US Senate and House Foreign Relations Committees on Wednesday, January 23, after a long delay. She was asked many questions by the Congress about what had happened in Benghazi on September 11 and how this could happen. The problem with the responses she gave to these questions was that she focused on the narrative presented in the State Department Report that had been released a month earlier, and which is deeply flawed.

In order to understand the nature of what happened on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, and how the State Department under Hillary Clinton has been an important part of the cover up of what this second September 11 is actually a part of, it is important to understand the problem with the State Department Report being used to carry out the US government cover up of what I call the Benghazi Affair.

On December 18, the US State Department released its report on the September 11, 2012 attacks on two US facilities in Benghazi, Libya. These attacks had resulted in the deaths of the US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, and three other Americans working for the US government in Libya. The US government had claimed that its report would shed light on what had become a contentious Congressional and media debate over the cause and details of the attack on these two US government compounds in Benghazi.

Soon, however, it became clear that the State Department Report issued by the Accountability Review Board (hereafter ARB Report), offered the public little information to add to what had already been made available by the State Department or the media. Instead, the public version of the ARB Report, referred to as the ?unclassified? version, actually functions as part of the cover-up of what happened on September 11, 2012 in Benghazi. Most of this public document carefully refrains from any discussion of the role or activities of the CIA and what bearing this had on the events of September 11-12 2012 in Benghazi. But the role of the CIA in Benghazi and its bearing on what happened there on September 11 is the crucial question that any legitimate investigation into the situation must explore.

The trick of the Accountability Review Board (ARB) was that it issued two different versions of its Report. One version was an ?unclassified? report that was available to the press, the public and the US Congress to discuss in public.(1) The other version was a ?classified? report that was to be hidden from public or press scrutiny and was only to be available to Congress in a closed Congressional process. The unclassified version of the ARB Report could not mention the CIA activities. It could only discuss the role of the State Department in what happened.

The problem with such a restriction is that one of the US government sites in Benghazi that was attacked was a CIA facility referred to as the ?Annex? (hereafter CIA annex compound). The other site was allegedly a State Department administered facility referred to as the ?Special Mission Benghazi Compound? (hereafter special mission compound). This second compound, according to the WSJ, was actually created to provide diplomatic cover for the CIA facility.(2)

While some US Congressional Committees have been conducting investigations into what happened in Benghazi, they have agreed to discuss only the activities of the State Department in their open, public sessions, and to reserve any consideration or questions about the activities of the CIA for closed sessions of their committees, away from public view.(3)

Not only is the US Congress restricted from discussing the role of the CIA in Benghazi in open session, some of the mainstream US media have agreed to a request by the US government to withhold details about the CIA operations in Benghazi. The New York Times (NYT) is one such publication. (4) In an article briefly referring to the CIA annex compound, which the NYT says ?encompassed four buildings inside a low-walled compound?.? The NYT acknowledges that, ?From among these buildings, the C.I.A. personnel carried out their secret missions.? But then the article explains that, ?The New York Times agreed to withhold locations and details of these operations at the request of Obama administration officials?.?

To declare an investigation into or discussion of the activities regarding the role of the CIA and its Annex compound as a forbidden subject during an open committee meeting of Congress, is to prevent the US Congress from fulfilling its oversight obligations over the US Executive branch of government. For the US government to require the US media to restrict coverage is to shroud the needed public discussion and investigation in darkness.

The effort to cover up the role of the CIA in the events resulting in the attack on the two US government facilities in Benghazi, however, demonstrates that something important is at stake and worth investigating.

Despite the US government effort to impose such restrictions, there are media accounts and some Congressional documents that provide a glimpse into the details of hidden CIA activity that the attacks on the US facilities in Benghazi help to reveal.

To understand the nature of this hidden activity, requires a willingness not only to critique the official explanations, but also to examine the events that can help to uncover the actual forces at work in Benghazi and the role they played in CIA activities in Libya.

One Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article is particularly helpful. The article, is titled ?CIA Takes Heat for Role in Libya.? It provides a rare window into details of the murky world of the CIA operation in Benghazi and how it came about.(5)

The article notes that former CIA Director David Petraeus did not greet the bodies of the four Americans killed in Benghazi when they were returned to the US, even though two of those killed are acknowledged to have worked for the CIA. ?Officials close to Mr. Petraeus,? the WSJ explains, ?say he stayed away in an effort to conceal the agency?s role in collecting intelligence and providing security in Benghazi.?

Of the 30 or more American officials evacuated from Benghazi, only seven worked for the State Department. According to the WSJ, ?Nearly all the rest worked for the CIA, under diplomatic cover, which was a principle purpose? of the special mission compound.

Soon after the struggle against the government of Libya began in February 2011, the CIA set up a compound in Benghazi for its spy operations. Eventually, the CIA gave its compound a State Department office name, the Annex, to disguise its purpose, the WSJ reveals. According to the US government, the role of the CIA in Benghazi was ?focused on countering proliferation and terrorist threats?.A main concern was the spread of weapons?.?

?At the annex,? the WSJ explains, ?many of the analysts and officers had what is referred to in intelligence circles as ?light cover? carrying U.S. diplomatic passports.?

Providing a cover for the secret operation of the CIA, however, created problems for State Department officials who felt the CIA was not ?forthcoming with information,? even in the midst of the attack on the US facilities. As the WSJ notes, on September 11, 2012, ?At 5:41 p.m. Eastern time, Mrs. Clinton called Mr. Petraeus. She wanted to make sure the two agencies were on the same page.?

Even after the attack was over and the analysts and officers had been evacuated, the accounts in the WSJ and McClatchy Newspapers, describe how quickly the CIA acted to clean out documents and equipment from the Annex. By contrast, the US government left the premises of the special mission compound unguarded and open to looters for weeks after the attack.

?The significance of the annex was a well-kept secret in Benghazi,? the WSJ reporters conclude. A McClatchy article documents how a well guarded secret was even the location of the CIA Annex compound. (6)

The implication is that the attackers at the special mission compound intended to flush out the covert location and presence of the CIA Annex compound so as to end its ability to continue its secret activities.(7)

An opinion piece, ?The Fog of Benghazi?, appeared in the WSJ on November 3. It discusses what was at stake for the US government as a result of the September 11 attack in Benghazi(8): ?America has since closed the Libya diplomatic outpost and pulled a critical intelligence unit out of a hotbed of Islamism, conceding a defeat. U.S. standing in the region and the ability to fight terrorist groups were undermined, with worrying repercussions for a turbulent Middle East and America?s security. This is why it?s so important to learn what happened in Benghazi.?

The effort to learn what happened in the Benghazi Affair, is similarly the subject of a 10 page letter dated October 19 sent by two US Congressmen to President Obama. (9) One of the Congressmen, Darrell Issa, is Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The other, Jason Chaffetz, is Chairman of the House Subcommittee on National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations.

Their letter raises ten questions for President Obama, the answers to which they explain are needed for the US Congressional investigation to determine the significance of the Benghazi affair. Also in their letter they include an attachment of 160 pages of data and photos which document the lawless environment in Libya, and particularly in Benghazi in the months before the Benghazi attack. This data was obtained by the US Congress from the State Department. (10) Though the data is labeled as sensitive, it is not classified material.

This data documents in a way that is now public, the perilous environment existing in Libya, providing a graphic description of the armed militias who carry out bombings, murders and kidnappings of government officials and others who try to challenge the lawlessness.

The data demonstrates the details of what the ARB Report acknowledges as ?a general backdrop of political violence, assassinations, targeting former regime officials, lawlessness, and an overarching absence of central government authority in eastern Libya.? (11)

The Internet has made possible the publication of a number of investigative accounts of various aspects of the Benghazi Affair. Several of these propose that the CIA and even Chris Stevens were part of a gun running operation, gathering up weapons from Libya and facilitating their shipment to the insurgents fighting against the government in Syria. Some of the articles also propose that the CIA operation in Benghazi helped to send mercenaries from other countries to fight against the government of Syria. (12)

Fox News and a number of associated websites have featured articles which offer such accounts. Often, however, the articles rely on anonymous sources to support their claims.

Rarely are media offering accounts that portray this reality able to present direct evidence to support the narratives they develop.

An important exception is an article that appeared in the Times of London on September 14, 2012. This was three days after Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed.

The article documents that a ship, the Al Entisar (also written as Intisaar or The Victory in English), sailing under a Libyan flag with a 400 ton cargo, which included SAM-7 surface-to-air anti-aircraft missiles and rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and some humanitarian supplies, is said to have arrived September 6 at the Turkish Port of Iskenderun.(13)

The captain of the ship, Omar Mousaeeb, a Libyan from Benghazi, was accompanied by 26 Libyans who were on board to help smuggle the shipment from the Turkish Port across the border into Syria. The plan was then to distribute the weapons to insurgents in Syria who were allied with the Muslim Brotherhood.

This account by the Times of London provides specific details about the mechanisms and problems of this Libyan weapons pipeline to the insurgency in Syria. The article describes the conflict between the Muslim Brotherhood and other groups of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) over who would get the weapons from the Al Entisar shipment.

?The scale of the shipment and how it should be disbursed, has sparked a row between the FSA and the Muslim Brotherhood, who took control of the shipment when it arrived in Turkey,? writes Sheera Frenkel, the author of the Times of London article.

Though the ship arrived at the port in Turkey on September 6, not all of the cargo had been transported into Syria by September 14, the article notes, though this is over a week after the ship arrived at the port in Turkey. While ?more than 80 percent of the ship?s cargo,? the Times of London explains, ?had been moved into Syria, Mr. Mousaeeb and a group of Libyans who had arrived with the ship said they were preparing to travel with the final load into Syria to ensure it was being distributed.? Actually their concern appeared to be to whom it was distributed, not how.

The Times of London refers to two Syrian activists with the FSA who complained that infighting within the insurgent ranks had delayed the arrival of the weapons in Syria, ?There was widespread talk of Syrian groups who allied themselves with the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood movement being given a larger share of the ship?s cargo.? One activist quoted objects that, ?The Muslim Brotherhood, through its ties with Turkey, was seizing control of this ship and its cargo.?

While the Times of London does not directly link Chris Stevens or the CIA annex compound to the Al Entisar arms shipment to Turkey, the article does provide an important context for how the conflict over which insurgent group would get weapons from the shipment created a source of significant tension at the very time the attack on the two US compounds in Benghazi took place.

Given the question, ?Why Chris Stevens would have traveled to Benghazi to be in this perilous environment on September 11,? an answer which points to some urgent matter which needed his attention, would help to provide the rationale for him to ignore the security considerations against his making such a trip.

Keeping in mind the importance of this shipment of weapons from Benghazi to Turkey, the need to work out the details of the weapons distribution process could very well have provided the motive for Stevens to plan a visit in Benghazi during such a perilous period as the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attack on the US.

By September 11, infighting among the Muslim Brotherhood and other insurgent groups, over who would be given the weapons from the Al Entisar shipment, suggests the likelihood that Turkey?s Consul General in Benghazi and the US Ambassador needed to discuss the conflict over the weapons and the problem of how they should be moved into Syria and distributed among the insurgent groups.

In line with this reasoning, it is not surprising that Chris Stevens had a meeting with Turkey?s Consul General to Benghazi, Ali Sait Akin on September 11 at the Benghazi special mission compound.

The description of the infighting over the Al Entisar shipment to a port in Turkey of weapons for the Syrian insurgency, raises the possibility that the Turkish Consul General to Benghazi and Stevens discussed the conflict over the weapons. As of September 11, there were weapons that had yet to be distributed and smuggled into Syria from the Al Entisar shipment.

On September 10, when Stevens arrived in Benghazi, the shipment of arms had only recently been received at the Turkish port of Iskenderun, and the conflict among the insurgent groups who were to receive the weapons was not yet resolved.

According to documents that Congress received from the State Department, soon after Stevens arrived in Benghazi on September 10, he visited the CIA annex compound for a briefing.

On September 11 he stayed at the special mission compound but had meetings scheduled with someone from the Arabian Gulf Oil Co. (AGOCO), and later in the afternoon with someone from the Al Marfa Shipping and Maritime Services Co. (The names of the individuals were blacked out.) Then he had dinner and discussion with Ali Sait Akin, Turkey?s Consul General to Benghazi.(14)

While there has been no specific information made available by the State Department about the content of the meetings Stevens had on September 10 and 11, Turkey?s role in the shipping of weapons and foreign fighters into Syria to assist the fight against the Syrian government is the subject of numerous articles. The Times of London article describes previous difficulty experienced in trying to ship a cargo of weapons to where they could be safely unloaded and moved to insurgents in Syria. Given this previous experience it is not surprising that it was necessary to have the Turkish government intervene to settle problems that arose with the Al Entisar weapons shipment. It had taken several weeks ?to arrange the paperwork for the Turkish port authorities to release the cargo.?(15) The Times of London quoted Suleiman Haari, who worked with Captain Mousaeeb. Haari explained that ?Everyone wanted a piece of the ship. Certain groups wanted to get involved and claim the cargo for themselves. It took a long time to work through the logistics.?

This could account for the surprise visit by the then head of the CIA, David Petraeus on September 2 to Ankara. (16) Petraeus arrived in Ankara for what appeared to be talks with the President of Turkey and other Turkish government officials. Were Petraeus?s meetings with Turkish government officials needed to help make the arrangements for the Libyan ship to dock at the port in Turkey and unload the weapons that were to be smuggled across the border into Syria? This is a question Petraeus could answer if he were to testify at a US Congressional hearing again.

In light of the WSJ claim that the special mission compound had been set up to provide diplomatic cover for the CIA operation run out of the Annex, the question is raised as to whether the special mission compound was actually a State Department facility or a CIA facility acting under cover as a State Department operation.

According to the unclassified version of the ARB Report, Chris Stevens had arrived in Benghazi on April 5, 2011, ?via a Greek cargo ship at the rebel-held city of Benghazi to re-establish a U.S. presence in Libya.? He had been appointed the US government?s ?Special Envoy to the Libyan Transitional National Council? (TNC), acting as an official contact between the insurgents fighting to overthrow the government of Libya and the US government that was aiding them to bring about regime change in Libya. (17) Such an activity is contrary to international law and provisions of the UN charter (Article 2 Sections 1, 4, 7) which prohibit interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states. (18)

Stevens? mission, the Report states, ?was to serve as the liaison with the TNC? for a post-Qaddafi government in Libya. The US embassy had been closed in February 2011, and was only reopened on September 22, 2011 with Gene Cretz as the Ambassador.

The ARB Report notes, however, that the CIA had set up the CIA compound in Benghazi in February 2011 soon after the insurgency arose against the Libyan government. This is a confirmation that the US government had put intelligence operatives on the ground in Benghazi just as the insurgency against the Libyan government was getting underway. This is also at least one month before Chris Stevens arrived in Benghazi.

The ARB Report also reveals that Chris Stevens stayed at the CIA Annex from the beginning of June, 2011 until June 21, 2011. Not until June 21 did ?he and his security contingent move into what would become the Special Mission Benghazi compound?.? According to the ARB Report the special mission compound in Benghazi was set up a few months after the CIA compound. (19)

This puts in perspective why the WSJ article on November 1 says that the special mission compound was established to provide diplomatic cover for the CIA facility, subsequently referred to as ?the Annex?. Stevens remained as Special Envoy to the TNC and stayed in Benghazi until November 17, 2011. On May 26, 2012 Stevens arrived in Tripoli to replace Cretz as US Ambassador to Libya.

What was the State Department responsibility for the special mission compound? If its purpose was to provide diplomatic cover for the CIA, then what was the CIA responsibility? These are significant questions. But it is unlikely that such questions will be asked at the public Congressional oversight investigations because questions about the role of the CIA Annex in Benghazi have been declared to be a classified matter.

Though the NYT article, ?U.S. Approved Weapons for Libya Rebels Fell into Jihadis? Hands,? about the Benghazi affair doesn?t go into detail about what the CIA was doing in Benghazi, it raises a significant issue that is likely to be at the root of why there was an attack on both the special mission compound and the CIA Annex compound.(20) The NYT refers to the concern US government officials involved in the program raise about the problems created by the US government helping to provide weapons to insurgents fighting in Libya and Syria. According to the NYT, what these Islamic militants will do with these weapons worries high level US government national security officials.

While officially, the US government claims it is not providing weapons, the Times of London article about the shipment of weapons from Benghazi to Turkey, provides a striking example of how the US and Turkish governments, both overtly, and covertly, appear to be involved in collecting weapons in Libya and helping to ship them to be used against the Syrian government and people.(21)

The NYT claims that the US government has little control over where these weapons go and the harm they do when used in Libya, Syria, or other conflicts in the region. The NYT reports, ?Concerns in Washington soon rose about the groups Qatar was supporting, officials said. A debate over what to do about the weapons shipments dominated at least one meeting of the so-called Deputies Committee, the interagency panel consisting of the second-ranking officials in major agencies involved in national security. ?There was a lot of concern that Qatar weapons were going to Islamist groups,? one official recalled.? (22)

These supposed ?Qatar? weapons, however, did not originate with Qatar alone. By way of an example, the NYT quotes one US weapons dealer who wanted to sell weapons to the insurgency in Libya during the war against Libya. The NYT describes how he applied to the State Department for a license. ?He also sent an e-mail to J. Christopher Stevens, then the special representative to the Libyan rebel Alliance, ? reports the NYT. According to e-mails provided to the NYT by the arms dealer, Marc Turi, Stevens wrote back to Turi that he would ?share Mr. Turi?s proposal with colleagues in Washington.? Eventually the weapons dealer was encouraged to communicate with contacts in Qatar.(23)

Such examples help to demonstrate both that there is concern among US government officials in Washington about the US government arming militant Islamists, the very people the US government condemns as ?terrorists? in other situations. Also though the weapons pipeline may have on the surface been made to appear unconnected to the US actually supplying the arms that are being distributed by Qatar or Saudi Arabia, in the case of Marc Turi, as one example, the weapons pipeline was arranged for by a license provided by the US government to ship the weapons to Qatar.

Such examples provide the context for how the US government has covertly and overtly been helping to provide the weapons that are then used by those hostile to the US to inflict harm on the Libyan and Syrian people and even on Americans, as those killed in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. This situation, several commentators have noted, is reminiscent to the Iran Contra Affair where the US government entities covertly acted in a way that jeopardized the interests and even the physical well being of US officials and civilians. And it is likely that the actions being taken by US government officials to arm and provide other forms of support for the Libyan and Syrian insurgencies, are contrary to US laws and constitutional obligations.(24)

Such considerations reflect some of the salient concerns raised by a number of online commentators about the Benghazi Affair. One example of many that have been published online in the last few months is the article ?Benghazigate: The Cover-up continues? by Bill Shanefeld published at the American Thinker website. The article raises two important questions (25): ?(1) The pre-?event? purpose of the compound and its Annex (since these operations probably motivated the perpetrators of the ?event?); and (2) Team Obama?s failed policies in North Africa, the Middle East, and Afghanistan.?

The article also refers to some of the many contributions made by other online commentators. These various commentaries help to clarify that the Benghazi affair offers a relatively rare window into the on the ground actions of the US government?s clandestine operations. These actions are the partner to the role the US government is playing in the UN Security Council and the UN in general in its efforts to turn the UN into a partner in its CIA and NATO activities. The Benghazi Affair is an important situation and the question remains as to whether the illegal activities of the US government acting contrary to the obligations of the UN Charter in Libya and more recently Syria will come to light.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #35 on: May 09, 2013, 04:20:53 PM »
Among all this effort to layer complication, after fog of war, after complication, this whole issue could be made clear for everyone to gauge accurately...........a coordinated graphic timeline, showing WHEN events started/ended, what dept knew what/when, and what actions those departments took at those specific times, with the necessary "who" was in authority of those departments, at those specific times.  If it involved covert CIA operatives, those names could be redacted in the graphic

We already know we had Special Forces assets no more than 2 hours away, Fully fueled C-130s no more than 3 hours away, and a Carrier Strike Group in the Med, with a plethora of laser guided ordinance for their F-18's.  All we need to know is the timeline above, to fully determine the full extent of the window that existed, that just may have saved some lives
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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #36 on: May 09, 2013, 05:12:41 PM »
This was a minor incident. Dumb shits.

A minor incident?

Are you insane....
this is the first sitting U.S. ambassador to be killed in a violent attack since 1979!

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #37 on: May 09, 2013, 06:13:10 PM »
Sirs don't you get tired of living in a pretend world?



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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #38 on: May 09, 2013, 06:27:18 PM »
Actually its called reality, unless you can factually demonstrate how it isn't, (translated, not just your oh so superior say so).  You should try visiting it some time
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #39 on: May 09, 2013, 08:00:58 PM »
The facts. No one requested carrier support. It wasn't on anyone's radar. The closest air support was on the ground in Italy. All this carrier stuff that was suggested by BT and you have subsequently grabbed onto is pure crap.

Again, don't you get tired of living in a pretend world? If you don't, you should.



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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #40 on: May 09, 2013, 08:15:00 PM »
Wow...pulling out the Xo school of responding.  I never claimed carrier support was requested.  I referenced the FACT is was an avaliable asset.  And the closest air support were the C-130's, no more than 3 hours out, not Italy.  THAT's a fact.  And the Special Forces were less than 2 hours out, via Blackhawk.  THAT's a fact.  The call for assistance from the attack was nearly immediate

So, what FACTS above are pretend??  Ball in your court, let's see what you got
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #41 on: May 09, 2013, 09:41:54 PM »
Everything you wrote is pretend. What SF unit? What Group? 5th Group? 10th Group? 3rd Group? Another Group? How many were there? Five, twenty, how many? Were they an A, B, or C unit? When was the call for help sent? Who sent it? Who did they send it to? African Command? Who?

You're all bullshit Sirs.



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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #42 on: May 09, 2013, 10:18:31 PM »
The facts. No one requested carrier support. It wasn't on anyone's radar. The closest air support was on the ground in Italy. All this carrier stuff that was suggested by BT and you have subsequently grabbed onto is pure crap.

Again, don't you get tired of living in a pretend world? If you don't, you should.


Crap my ass, the Enterprise was on its way to Naples and some of the escorts split towards Portugal.


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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #43 on: May 09, 2013, 11:21:29 PM »
I don't give a fuck where it was going it has nothing to do with this event.



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Re: BenghaziGate Hearings
« Reply #44 on: May 09, 2013, 11:23:06 PM »
Everything you wrote is pretend. What SF unit? What Group? 5th Group? 10th Group? 3rd Group? Another Group? How many were there? Five, twenty, how many? Were they an A, B, or C unit? When was the call for help sent? Who sent it? Who did they send it to? African Command? Who?

Good lord, you wouldn't even make a good defense attorney.  IT HAS BEEN FACTUALLY REPORTED THAT A SPECIAL FORCES UNIT WAS STATIONED AND READY TO LIFT OFF IN TRIPOLI.  I was not aware that every story regarding Special Forces required a designation of its specific unit #.  WHAT THE HELL DIFFERENCE WOULD THAT MAKE?  THE FACT IS THEY WERE THERE.....NO PRETENDING.

IT WAS ALSO REPORTED THAT THE CALL FOR ASSISTANCE WAS GENERATED ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, from the consulate specifically under attack.  Sure, I can pull up these reports......hell, sure, I'll google them, again, and your response will be.....what then??  More Xo-like garbage of arguing points never made, followed by more insults??

You're all bullshit Sirs.


I hope you've been washing that mirror you're using as a monitor, since you have yet to refute ANY of the nonpretend facts produced, BnonameB
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle