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Messages - kimba1

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 535
3DHS / Im giving up Bud lite Beer
« on: April 15, 2023, 03:57:43 PM »
Im telling everbody this. but the fact i gave up drinking decades ago the impact is less than desired. I`m think all this woke stuff is going too far. it`s so insane that now star trek fans can`t handle watching the original series.  The sign of the apocalypse for me is that teenage boys losing interest dating girls. they`re still interested but fear getting in trouble.

3DHS / Re: our birthrate is down
« on: April 15, 2023, 02:03:41 PM »
cost of living is too high to have kids.  in many  countries the choice is rent or children. that`s going on in america in several places. in the social front it`s sexist to have a family.  i taking a serious risk saying that.

3DHS / our birthrate is down
« on: March 24, 2023, 10:01:08 AM »
this is primarily caused by socioeconomic reasons. but for some reason  we`re not very upset about this. I`m talking globally .

3DHS / Re: China Has 10 Years Left
« on: February 15, 2023, 07:57:01 AM »
I`ll focus on chip production. A man three times got the Chinese government to fund a chip production company and all failed before any product was made. The government is not even the problem It`s the standards that's the problem. They`re not set up to make anything at that level . i suspect Russia can`t also.
You need very very expensive pure water to make a microchip. No way Russia would even follow that strict rule. This level of technology require non-profitable practices. That`s why The U.S. started outsourcing. We just didn`t want to spend that kind of money to be the best anymore.  Taiwan was formerly occupied by the Japanese and obviously modify that level of discipline . Japan does make Chips but has massive political road blocks . I suspect this will change soon.

3DHS / Re: i finally caught covid
« on: December 24, 2022, 10:38:08 AM »
Thanks.  My friends are finally recovering. Im now wearing the mask more often but not just because of covid. Its really good  for my dust allergies and bad oders from the general public.

3DHS / Re: i finally caught covid
« on: December 21, 2022, 02:35:28 AM »
Yep. But i didnt get the latest booster. I caught on black friday shopping. My friend was seriously out of it. Turns out he's gave it to us. I only got a bad cough . But its kinda a mix blessing. I stay home for ten days and slept most of the time. I think i was already exhausted from working and needed the rest. I barely was wake most of the time. My head is clearer than its ever been in years. Ive always been tired . I still dont know what being fully awake feels like. I actually remember stuff better.

3DHS / i finally caught covid
« on: December 01, 2022, 12:11:28 PM »

3DHS / Re: Washington NutJobs prep for Nuke War over worthless Ukraine!
« on: October 14, 2022, 10:03:48 AM »
It seems more like catch22 anything we do will cause a problem. so we really got no reason not to help . The irony is Russia is public now and the world has an idea how unmighty it is. It`s image is tarnished to the world

3DHS / Re: The Ukraine is gaining strength @
« on: September 15, 2022, 12:43:26 AM »
As a American Civil servant I witness how money is spent.  It simply doesn't work like that. We can cut all money going overseas and very little or none will make to the places you states. I'll focus on schools. Massive amounts are already spent but very little reaches parts where we think it should go to.  My town spents over a billion a year on the homeless.  It's not making much of a dent.  Money isn't the real problem.  It's funds allocation . We really don`t need to worry about overseas spending. 

3DHS / The Ukraine is gaining strength @
« on: September 14, 2022, 09:50:33 AM »
Actually I predicted this would happen.  I work with a Ukrainian and my overall impression is Russians look down on Ukrainian as peasants.  I looked what the word peasants in relation to Russians . It's quite bad. They have no value.  Meaning in battle the Russians will very likely underestimate the Ukrainians. They will refuse to believe the enemy has any ability except get drunk and dance. So far I seem to be right.

This topic is so tense. My sister's had a fight break out about it. One person tried to use historical fact to convinced me taiwan is chinese. My answer to all these claims is what advantages does taiwan gain from china taking over. The answer is a negative number. Taiwan has nothing to lose from fighting back. Its alot like the russia /ukrain situation. If you notice russia never stated any advantages for the ukrain being taken over.

3DHS / I think what's going on with china is a ploy to gain support
« on: August 03, 2022, 05:30:18 PM »
No matter how bad an idea for China to takeover Taiwan.  People  strangely are very supportive of this idea. Nobody cares it can destroy the world.  It's not a deterrent. 

3DHS / The math is against the progressives
« on: July 18, 2022, 12:24:26 AM »
When you break it down its doesnt look good for progressive.
Pro-choice means no matter what means less childern for that party. All those gender/whatever also means less children. They're the only ones talking about over population so they discourage having children in general.m. I have more but this should be enough to prove my point. The proof is they couldnt get enough voters to maintain roe v wade

3DHS / Re: LIFE!
« on: July 05, 2022, 09:35:44 AM »
If you look at this issue as a outside observer . It's incredibly one-sided.  A woman has the complete right to decide or not to have a child.  But if she decides to keep the child the man can't decide to not support the child. This can be one of many factors why women are losing support

3DHS / Re: I was ask am I a loyal chinese?
« on: July 02, 2022, 02:20:32 AM »
The proof taiwan is separate from that is that the technology works in that little island. At the moment they're #1 in the world. China has a long way to go.

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