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Messages - R.R.

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3DHS / Re: Last debate
« on: October 23, 2012, 10:03:56 PM »
Speaking of Col. West, check out this brutal ad he did about his Democrat opponent.


Just devastating.

West leads his race by 10 points.

3DHS / Re: Last debate
« on: October 23, 2012, 10:01:22 PM »
That would be in your imagination.
 I have never said such a thing.

You sure did. You called Clarence Thomas a house n***er. It was disgusting. You have also uttered anti-semitic comments. 

Isn't it sad that all the supporters of Obama have now is to call their opponents racists? That's because Obama has been a miserable failure the past 4 years.

3DHS / Re: Last debate
« on: October 23, 2012, 02:08:41 PM »
Again. Romney wants to borrow money from China to piss away on weapons for wars that should never be mongered.

You mean like adding more boats to our Navy which the Navy has requested and Virginia depends upon for jobs? You've got a lot of stones complaining about spending considering your guy has rung up $16 trillion in debt. What a disgrace.

He flailed about pitifully in the debate, stuttering and making no sense at all.

Again, what debate were you watching? Romney was smooth and didn't stutter at all.  The general consensus among journalists was that Romney looked like the incumbent president and Obama did not. You just seem to be focused on Obama's skin color. As long as he is black, you think, it doesn't matter how unpresidential he acts at the debate or how poorly he does in office. This is reverse discrimination on your part.

3DHS / Re: Last debate
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:07:17 PM »
You are just used to seeing White guys being president, but that is hardly my problem.

Yes, it is your problem, because this has nothing to do with skin color.

3DHS / Re: Last debate
« on: October 23, 2012, 12:02:27 PM »
Romney just stuttered and sputtered around. he has no foreign policy

I'm not sure which debate you were watching, the one on Saturday Night Live perhaps? The general consensus is that Romney looked like a President and Obama did not.

3DHS / Re: Could Hillary have been trying to torpedo Obama's re-election?
« on: October 22, 2012, 03:36:13 AM »
The 2008 primaries began with constant ratbag rightwing slurs on Hillary. Practically a day did not pass when fatass Limbaugh did not insult Hillary.

Actually, that's not true either. "Operation Chaos." Google it. What does that make you now? 0 for a million? I've never seen anybody more wrong, more often. And you have no shame either. You just keep on posting.

Obama insulted Hillary. He called her "likable enough" during the primaries, he referred to her as a pig with lipstick, and he threw her under the bus on Benghazi.

3DHS / Re: Could Hillary have been trying to torpedo Obama's re-election?
« on: October 22, 2012, 03:29:21 AM »
Kerry did request Clinton's help and stated publicly that he didn't help him that much.

Romney and Clinton get along quite well, actually. Romney spoke recently at the Clinton Initiative and gave a rousing speech. Clinton praised him before the speech saying that Romney pushed for Clinton's Americorp while he was Governor.

Have you noticed that Clinton has been saying some things lately that haven't really been terribly helpful for Obama, like saying that he didn't fix the economy and that he seemed like he was going to cry at the debate? He also called Romney "Moderate Mitt" which had Chicago feeling uneasy.  He also said all the Bush tax cuts should be extended which undercut Obama. This is Slick Willy afterall. Maybe he is trying to get payback for 08 when Obama called him a racist.  He is still simmering about that. There have been many articles written explaining that Obama and Clinton do not like each other.

3DHS / Re: Could Hillary have been trying to torpedo Obama's re-election?
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:03:31 AM »
No, unfortunately, your two sentence answer was insufficient. There is more to it than that. Clinton barley lifted a finger to help John Kerry against Bush, and the left sees Bush as far more evil than Governor Romney. What does Clinton have to gain? Clinton and Obama do not get along and do not like each other.

3DHS / Re: Could Hillary have been trying to torpedo Obama's re-election?
« on: October 21, 2012, 10:55:12 AM »
What is Bill Clinton's motivation for tirelessly campaigning for Obama? Everybody knows they don't like each other very much. Obama said Clinton was racist in 2008. Clinton told Ted Kennedy that this guy (Obama) would have been carrying thier bags a couple years ago. Obama threw Hillary under the bus on Benghazi. So what is in it for Clinton? I've actually lost a lot of respect for him for selling out.

3DHS / Re: Vice President Condie Rice?
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:25:02 AM »
I would be curious as to who XO or BSB would recommend Romney pick. Who would be his best, realistic choice?

3DHS / Re: Vice President Condie Rice?
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:23:22 AM »
I'd go hispanic, female and from the southwest.

I've seen Gov. Susana Martinez of New Mexico mentioned as a possible pick. I'm not sure of her background and experience though. Gov. Fortuno of Puerto Rico would be interesting. I know he helped Romney a lot in the primary there.

3DHS / Vice President Condie Rice?
« on: April 19, 2012, 12:48:45 AM »
I would love it.

Gov. Romney picked a woman to serve as his Lt. Governor.

She'd be perfect. No?


Romney 45 Obama 39


That hasn't been polled yet but I would give it Romney/Christie 52 Obama/Biden 45

3DHS / Re: Endorsement
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:42:39 PM »
Christie and Rubio have BOTH declared that they are not going to be VP candidates.

As you can see from the quote I provided from Christie he has not ruled himself out as a vp candidate.

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