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Messages - kimba1

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I hope this is true
I`ve seen many claims like this ,but none pan out
remember cold fusion?
it`s kinda funny
we`ve made many technological leaps ,but power we`ve always sort of trickled
sometimes go backwards
people are starting to shun power usage ,for practical reasons
in many places the ultilities equal mortgage payments.

3DHS / Re: Down with Creationism!
« on: February 23, 2007, 01:24:32 PM »
I pretty much suck at math but for some reason i like doing math.
I enjoy the structure.
it`s only wrong when I forget how to do it.
It kinda bugs me people use calculators for the easy stuff.
I rather do math in my head than play video games.
actually I don`t even like video games.
someday i like to try card counting
that looks like fun

3DHS / Re: Down with Creationism!
« on: February 22, 2007, 09:42:48 PM »
if christ is the one true path.
how can people be doomed to hell for not beinmg christians if they never hear of christ.
missionaries are stranger who come to your house and say everything you know is a lie and you have to follow everything they say.
I have friends in vietnam.
they`re not too crazy about christians.
pretty much all religions that follow the one true path criteria is not very well thought through.
quite insulting

3DHS / Re: Modest swimsuit
« on: February 22, 2007, 03:07:11 PM »
I think we got tired of only being able to swim a few feet at a time .
those outfits are good for wading but for serious swimming not that great.
note everything today is streamlined,to cut down drag
the bikini is just a fashion thing.
less looks good on some people,so it catches on.
but notice we don`t go nuts if a naked walks by
we`ll stare or tell her to put some clothes on.
it`ll be very unlikely she`ll be harmed.
in islamic countries would this woman be as safe?

3DHS / Re: hey bt
« on: February 21, 2007, 09:30:57 PM »
I did make up a brain exercise
not sure it helps on anything , but it does hurt doing it.
mentally count to a hundred and at the same time try visualizing the alphabet
I got as far as m then i had sit down in a quite area and not do that again.
nobody so far has finished it.
you can reverse and think the alphabet and visualize counting.
the results are the same.
I`m not sure you gain or lose IQ point doing this.
none of my friends did it more than once.
and nobody so far finished it

3DHS / Re: hey bt
« on: February 21, 2007, 07:28:00 PM »
it looks like in wiki that it has many uses
but still a very troublesome plant
millions spent on it yearly.

3DHS / hey bt
« on: February 21, 2007, 06:39:58 PM »
I just looked up kudzu on wiki
I didn`t know it`s edible.
Have you tried it?

3DHS / Re: Modest swimsuit
« on: February 21, 2007, 03:28:50 PM »
that`s the flaw i see in this custom of covering up
seeing a naked german who looks like rosanne barr to us westerner is we no like to see
but to a guy who don`t see nudity period and equate nudity only to sex.
I just don`t  see a moral superiority in islam.

3DHS / Re: Should teachers be allowed to wear anti-war t-shirts?
« on: February 20, 2007, 09:44:36 PM »
I`m not sure they make it to 70

despite what people think pro-athlete are not healthy people
very few have intact bodies.
look at joe montana
during the last 3 years of his career he rarely played a full game
mohamed ali ain`t exactly fully functional

3DHS / Re: Should teachers be allowed to wear anti-war t-shirts?
« on: February 20, 2007, 08:22:19 PM »

Their are more doctors than pro athletes.
more lawyers than pro athletes.
education overall is a better bet than sports in a secure future
but for the talented youth who can score a athletic scholarship.
they NEED to know how to negotiate it to a full free ride at school
meaning make sure he/her is covered for school whether he/she plays or not.
blown knees are way too common.
it`s getting common today to get an athletic scholarship not dependent on performance.
but never think for once it`s a given
college sports is way more corrupt than pro sports
I got friends in texas ,the game is more important than the player`s health.

3DHS / Re: Should teachers be allowed to wear anti-war t-shirts?
« on: February 20, 2007, 07:37:13 PM »
funny thing
kto 12 level we`re not that good
but at the college level we`re in a whole different level.
the U.S. does have a very huge amount of colleges compared to the rest of the planet
pretty much every country that can has students studying here.
even the countries slated to have better education than us has students here.
remember we`re one of the few countries that has open higher education
most people in the world would not consider going to college .
here in the U.S. education in thought of differently.
we tend think of it as a way to develop or learn new skills
our only road block is americans as a rule has never been a particularly academic people.
ex. the word nerd or geek has yet been used in a positive term
anyone who studies hard in school rarely gets the dates
we even got a TV show that points that out
beauty and the geek
they had to dangle big bucks for these girls to notice these guys.

3DHS / Re: Modest swimsuit
« on: February 20, 2007, 03:33:58 PM »
I might be bigotted for saying this.
but wouldn`t that outfit still seem abit revealing
also that article makes it seem that swimming is harder in our world than in a islamic community.
due to a lack of seperate facilities.
I`m not sure it`s all that accomidating in the islamic world.
I have a sunni friend who tells me women just don`t swim in general in pakistan.
that outfit would be abit warmer than a standard wet suit.
but it would make a great training suit for competitative swimmers.
it looks like it has serious drag.
I wear a full outfit and swim in a pool to increase my stamina.
you need serious endurance to swim in clothes

3DHS / Re: Should teachers be allowed to wear anti-war t-shirts?
« on: February 20, 2007, 03:09:19 PM »
I apologize
I forgot to say,being a teacher is a truely honerable job that rightly be admired.
but they are so abused by every angle
don`t forget they don`t have a real life.
quite a few give they`re home number to be reached 24/7
so their is ALOT of non-paid hours teachers are required to work.
I`m not even sure teacher don`t work in the summer time.

3DHS / Re: Should teachers be allowed to wear anti-war t-shirts?
« on: February 20, 2007, 02:02:15 PM »
on the shirt issue
usually this should not even be a subject of discission
teacher in general follow a certain conduct that doesn`t allow this.
but nowadays this are VERY different
being a teacher today SUCKS
It truely SUCKS.
public or private it doesn`t matter
it is the crappiest job in the world
the teacher is now more responsible of the student than ever before.
the requirement to be a teacher is so huge.
only as a strong calling are their people willing to be teachers
Schools now are in a a bind getting teachers now .
and a even more confusing thing is their is no reward system for having good teacher

3DHS / delayed flights
« on: February 16, 2007, 04:01:35 PM »

I thought planes had builtin escape slids?
so de-planing isn`t the problem
also why can`t they just get a bunch of cars to slowly drive people over the icey grounds(snowchains)
is their a flaw to my answer?
also why the hell make them think it`s a good idea to fly that plane with a stopped up toilet for the next few hours
I think if the planes smell it`s time to give passenger the obtion to take get off the plane
the toilet and smell stuff was mention on tv last night
most cases of air-rage is stupid
but this ain`t exactly the case
this would encourage it

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