Author Topic: #Cuckservative  (Read 1785 times)

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Religious Dick

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« on: July 26, 2015, 01:42:31 AM »
The Daily Caller has picked up a new term, ?cuckservative,? which ironically describes that publication. One of their writers found it on Radix, although it has been known around the alt-right for a while and was likely first used by someone from, or maybe, or this Twitter account. Sorry if I?m wrong but no one is really certain since it?s a meme. The point is, we all use it and we get a kick out of it and now the people we set out to ridicule know about it and are upset and spreading the word. Delicious. I myself have written on the issue of conservatives cucking as well, a few weeks back during the Charleston flagfest. Here?s what The Daily Cucker had to say:

So what does this have to do with conservatism or politics? By supporting immigration reform, criminal justice reform, etc., a white conservative is therefore surrendering his honor and masculinity (and it won?t be long before his women folk are compromised, as well!). A cuckservative is, therefore, a race traitor.

The suggestion is that whites should only support policies that help whites. The goal is to stir up fear among whites ? and to encourage more tribalism and polarization.

I bring this up because I suppose it?s possible that some conservatives might embrace this term without fully understanding the racial and sexual implications. To some, it might be seen as an innocent jab ? like calling someone a ?squish? or a ?RINO.? But as Erickson correctly observes, ?Remember, if you hear the term ?cuckservative,? it is a slur against Christian voters coined by white-supremacists.?

Do you know what encourages tribalism and polarization?

- Everyone else doing it. Every non-white country on earth doing it. Israel, China, Japan, India, South Africa, etc.
- And speaking of Israel, conservatives (and some liberals) cuck extremely hard for that little country. It?s like a socially acceptable and surrogate form of nationalism. Israel can be a Jewish state with a Jewish majority but the United States belongs to everyone right? Even non-citizens. We should just be an entrepot for third world migrant labor right?
- The mass importation of non-white people into the United States since 1965. and the subsequent decline of the Anglo-American White population from almost 90% of the population to 62%.
- The forecast that by the 2040s Whites will lose majority status and become a plurality, the largest minority. As we are constantly reminded, minorities are oppressed. We should avoid becoming one, like Whites were in colonial Haiti and Rhodesia.
- The rise of black and Hispanic identity politics, and to a much lesser extent Asian and LGBT
- The intensity of the white guilt narrative, whether in the form of white privilege or the old-fashioned blaming Whites for everything.
- Politicians kowtowing to political correctness and media and social media enforcing it upon thought heretics.
- The rise of men like Donald Trump who are willing to hold shamelessly pro-American policies without apologizing to the left to make their ideas more appealing to non-Republican voters like blacks, Latinos and feminists.

Here?s some more food for thought:

- ?White supremacist? is a slur used against pro-White advocacy and any White person who uses it is inherently a cuck.
- Republicans who try to appeal to demographics they cannot win without adopting Democrat policies?black and Hispanics?are selling out their White majority base for twenty units of fiat money; They are C U C K S.
- Republicans who support Immigration Reform? and more cultural enrichment?rather than defending the border and repealing Hart-Celler?are cucks. That?s literally making the United States non-white and the people who voted for you are White.
- Republicans who aggressively serve multinational corporate donors or the Israeli lobby, neither of which have the best interests of Anglo-America in mind, are cucks.
- Finally, if you?re just a liberal who?s ten years behind, cuck.

TRS?s Mike Enoch left a pretty clear definition on Daily Caller itself for their audience to ponder.

Look, you guys have lost, even on the issues important to you as Christians because of your cuckholdry on the race issue. You?re not doing anything to preserve the white majority, but you?re not winning on your issues either. Gay marriage is a done deal. Abortion is here to stay, particularly as more broken nonwhite families enter the social services system and are encouraged by bureaucrats to abort. You lost, you lost, you lost.

With a white majority these issues were winnable, because whites vote conservative in the majority. But by being cowards on the issue of immigration and bending over for the left?s quite open plan of demographic replacement of whites in order to secure a permanent nonwhite left wing majority you lost. In 8 years it may be demographically impossible for the GOP to win a national election ever again. Even your precious Christian issues are done. Even your cucking for Israel is under threat. Do you think a nonwhite majority in the US is going to be keen to support your favorite ethnostate? They side with the Palestinians!

You lost everything, and all because you were afraid a group of communists, atheists and homosexuals would call you racist.

I couldn?t agree more. Gas the cucks, waifu war now.
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Re: #Cuckservative
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2015, 05:14:33 AM »
I will be thinking about this one all day.


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Re: #Cuckservative
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2015, 07:52:06 AM »
Seems like a really poor term for a really poor cause.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: #Cuckservative
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2015, 11:21:36 PM »
  At least half of this stuff is true, but which side am I on?

    I want my children to be proud of their family and heritage , and I have married someone that has a different heritage.

     Or did I?  The mixture of Indians and White people in the South is nothing new, neither she nor I are purely bread already.

     There are problems with being a proud white southerner, but there is a good side , and is the alternative self loathing?

       Perhaps the alternative is identification with the larger group and just be a good American, if only the other Americans wanted that enough to allow it.


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Re: #Cuckservative
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2015, 01:08:08 PM »
I recall I once worked in Virginia with a woman who called herself "Branchie" because she was descended from the FFV  (First Familiies of Virginia), and was given her mother's surname Branch as a first name.

She once said that the admired the Queen of England because "She had ancestors that went all the way back".

And I asked her, "And you don't?" 

"No, she said, my family only goes back to the House of Burgesses".  She actually said this in all seriousness.

I was told that I am a descendent of  Wiliam de Zwijger, William  the Silent of the Netherlands, who survived one assassination by pistol in 1582, and then killed with a pistol in 1584. He had a variety of illegitimate children, and I am the descendent of one of them through a granddaughter named Anneke Jans. But the story is called "American folklore by many.  There really was an Anneke Jans, but her relation with William was dubious.

So the one true thing is that all of us are descended from human beings who had names and lived lives that were probably more difficult than QEII, also vaguely related to the House of Orange. The fact that we do not know their names or have portraits of them in the Great Hall of our castles does not make them any less human or their lives any less worthy.

And whether my descendents are outnumbered by Hispanics or Blacks or Esquimos does not make them any less real.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."