<<And I guess it will be even longer for you leftwing moonbats. Obviously, it takes longer for bats to become human than apes.>>
Well, let's look into that.
It wasn't any leftwing moonbat that got you mired in the Iraqi quagmire.
It wasn't any leftwing moonbat that turned a half-trillion-dollar surplus into a half-trill deficit.
It wasn't any leftwing moonbat that leaves the US spending more per capita than any other nation in the world on health care and getting less in return than most other industrialized nations
And it isn't leftwing moonbats who want to reserve the right to spy on their own citizens and torture their prisoners.
So I'm not exactly sure what you have in mind when you are talking about "becoming human," but I think the average leftwing moonbat would probably say, "Thanks but no thanks, we're kinda set on evolving in a different direction, a kinda "not-U" direction. Oooops, sorry, I think I might be boring Amianthus again. Poor guy needs more adulatory dialogue.