Geeze, saw my name in the title bar and couldn't wait to rush in and see what new compliments and praise sirs was going to lavish upon me.
<<Yea, yet, you and like minds, minus ANY credible facts, keep implying/accusing some sinister "circling of the wagons" by the GOP in mass, some sinister defense of Foley's acts. So, one last time, WHERE and HOW so??>>
a "circling of the wagons," as I understand the phrase, means a group circles together around one of its wounded or disabled members to protect it from outside attack. I think the original phrase came from Indian attacks on wagon trains, but I stand to be corrected.
In this case, Foley is the disabled wagon, and the other wagons (Republicans) flocking to his defence or circling him protectively are, as Lanya has already pointed out:
1. Tony Snow (minimizing the seriousness of the offence by characterizing it as "a few naughty e-mails;"
2. Drudge, blaming it on the victims (typical Republican ploy;)
3. Reynolds, blaming the parents' lack of prosecutorial zeal for the half-assed "investigation" which left Foley free to continue his predations
An implosion (collapse under pressure from the outside in) is different concept from a circling of the wagons, and implies people outside the central core of the party attacking the insiders, and I guess examples of this would be the Washington Times and Bay Buchanan going after Hastert.
It's a pretty repulsive situation, and as the list of Republican pervs which I referred to in my last post shows, it seems to be pretty much endemic to the one Party, probably explaining in part why these sanctimonious hypocrites flocked to the Monica Lewinsky story, which involved nothing more eye-catching than consensual sex between adult hererosexuals.